Roman mythology, Janus (or Ianus; "archway") was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings. His most prominent remnant in modern culture is his namesake, the month of January, which begins the New Year. 21st Century America repeats 400 years of historic 'lone nut' New Year blunders. The first decade of the 21st Century was spent repeating Julius Caesar "Divide et Imperium" c.53BC. Demonizing Middle Eastern countries with expanding wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, for natural resources. The 'lone nut' militaristic hyper power diverting democratic government expands death, destruction, genocide, famine, poverty, and disease on manufactured enemies. Simultaneously eviscerating the American citizenry economic and financial systems impacting global theft of labor property society culture and civilization. The first decade ends with Fort Hood, Texas 'lone nut' murders.
A 'lone nut' zombie pyramid power structure continues the delirium of absolute jingoism perpetuating myths from Puritan Mayflower c.1620 reverse victims. Ignoring and replacing historic content and factual evidence with depraved ideologies, farce rhetoric democracy, free speech, right to vote, free markets, capitalism, and bogus concern for it's citizenry through theft of labor and property to the New Year decade 2010. 21st Century criminal zombies who anointed themselves global victims threatening to turn the entire earth into an ashtray accomplishing one goal. That goal is fear and apprehension conditioning to the global masses. Fear is the primary conditioning for absolute power of all depraved bureaucratic criminal apparatus. New Year decade 2010 begins with 'lone nut' Christmas airport bomber opening up another war against civilization in Yemen including installation of cancer machines in airports.
Imperial Roman law culture society and civilization is repeated in reverse "Divide et Imperium" Julius Caesar c. 53BC. Beginning with Puritans Mayflower c.1620 genocide of indigenous North Americans, branded perpetrators, right up to and including the New Year decade 2010. 'Lone nut' automaton parasitic zombies diverting hidden agenda for the ultimate grand strategy of world domination by the AMERICAN government’s crime, fraud, theft, murder, pedophilia, prostitution, drugs, wars, mass genocide, financial gangsterism, environmental slaughter and catastrophe, and destruction of civilizations. Epic criminal leadership referring to it's citizenry as perpetrators, useless eaters, and useful idiots to be fleeced with rigged Wall Street, robbed of labor and property , loaded with generations of tax debt pyramid scams and schemes. Criminal elite self anointed victims busy buying up Americas economy for pennies on the dollar to transfer into government state run collective combine scams. 2000 years of factual historic advances Imperial Rome civilizing most of the known worlds barbarians. Introducing law culture organizing society and civilization. American 'lone nut' travesty reverses 2000 New Years of inherited Roman legacy laws, culture, society, and civilization transforming its citizenry and the global masses into barbarians and the earth into an ashtray.
ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid
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