MAYOR OF NYC TRANSFORMS THE CITY INTO A TERRORIST STRIKE See video subliminal execrable reverse victim complex.
2006 Italia Wins World Cup watch how the NYPD on strict orders from the Mayors Office effectuate the jubilant citizenry on Mulberry Street "Little Italy" NYC into potential criminals possible anarchists, terriorists. However, the timeline is 2006 not 1912 so the New York parasitic bureacratic machine eliminates the potential alleged "anarchists" from their daily roster. Classic psychotic criminal reverse ideology disorder "Victim is Perpetrator" "Perpetrator is Victim" that permeates all American laws, finance, economy, foreign policy, and political bureaucratic criminal systemic structure in the 21st Century.
ZOMBIE MAYOR OF NYC CREATES OUTRAGEOUS DISCRIMINATION TO ALL ITALIAN AND ITALIAN AMERICANS Execrable outrageous discrimination and a disgrace by the Mayor of New York City to all the worlds citizens in every country, race, religion, and nationality. Example, its just great to be bombarded with mythologies, distraction, diversions and pathetic patriotic party line propaganda by the disproportionate American paranoia self anointed victimization class. However, watch out when a group has a genuine celebration and sheds victimization bunker mentality. Tolerance will not be permitted in the land of the free . If this outrageous discrimination was perpetrated against any other ethnic group, nationality, religion, or race the entire negative subject matter would cause complete immediate shut down of the parasitic New York City, State of New York, and Washington, D C criminal bureaucratic apparatus.
ZOMBIE BUREAUCRATIC AND CRIMINAL MEDIA APPARATUS AND OPERATIVES SHOW THE WORLD Psychopathic behavior patterns example as follows; imperialist arrogant bellicose attitudes, accountable to no man, above all laws natural and inherited legacy, above the US Constitution, and demonstrate daily they have no remorse for illegal criminal action.
ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid
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