Sunday, December 20, 2009


MAYOR OF NYC TRANSFORMS THE CITY INTO A TERRORIST STRIKE See video subliminal execrable reverse victim complex.

2006 Italia Wins World Cup watch how the NYPD on strict orders from the Mayors Office effectuate the jubilant citizenry on Mulberry Street "Little Italy" NYC into potential criminals possible anarchists, terriorists. However, the timeline is 2006 not 1912 so the New York parasitic bureacratic machine eliminates the potential alleged "anarchists" from their daily roster. Classic psychotic criminal reverse ideology disorder "Victim is Perpetrator" "Perpetrator is Victim" that permeates all American laws, finance, economy, foreign policy, and political bureaucratic criminal systemic structure in the 21st Century.

ZOMBIE MAYOR OF NYC CREATES OUTRAGEOUS DISCRIMINATION TO ALL ITALIAN AND ITALIAN AMERICANS Execrable outrageous discrimination and a disgrace by the Mayor of New York City to all the worlds citizens in every country, race, religion, and nationality. Example, its just great to be bombarded with mythologies, distraction, diversions and pathetic patriotic party line propaganda by the disproportionate American paranoia self anointed victimization class. However, watch out when a group has a genuine celebration and sheds victimization bunker mentality. Tolerance will not be permitted in the land of the free . If this outrageous discrimination was perpetrated against any other ethnic group, nationality, religion, or race the entire negative subject matter would cause complete immediate shut down of the parasitic New York City, State of New York, and Washington, D C criminal bureaucratic apparatus.

ZOMBIE BUREAUCRATIC AND CRIMINAL MEDIA APPARATUS AND OPERATIVES SHOW THE WORLD Psychopathic behavior patterns example as follows; imperialist arrogant bellicose attitudes, accountable to no man, above all laws natural and inherited legacy, above the US Constitution, and demonstrate daily they have no remorse for illegal criminal action.

ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid

Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Secretary of State Hillary Clinton c.2008................
Foreigh policy on Iran, Venezuela, Pakistan, Palestine, and Iraq "We Will Obliterate Them" with Obama peace prize wars. Conversley, Cardinal Richelieu's policy involved two primary goals: centralization of power in France and opposition to the Habsburg dynasty as Secretary of State c.1616. In a play by Edward Bulwer Lyton c.1836 Cardinal Richelieu states The pen is mightier than the sword. -Lyton 1836. US militaristic state policy divide and conquer currently with swords no pen for the Balkanization of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Climategate.

Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! - itself a nothing!
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Caesars, and to strik
The loud earth breathless! - Take away the sword -
States can be saved without it!

Hillary and William Jefferson Clinton Sword is Mightier Than Pen
Primary example of anachronistic American master slave bureaucratic apparatus. Zombies diverting hidden agenda for the ultimate grand strategy of world domination. No Slave is Greater than his Master-John 15:20 "Because I Can" -William Jefferson Clinton A genuine exploitative operative inflicted with severe counterintuitive ideology. His actions and his actions alone confirm "I can get away with anything" accountable to no man, to no law, or US Constitution with no remorse for any illegal criminal actions. Mr. Clinton circumventing and ignoring the world creating deals, with pen and paper. Mr. Clinton sends swords into Kosovo Yugoslavia c.1999.

Iran in Cross Hairs of Mighty Swords
21st Century Secretary of State representative of exploitative zombies who anointed themselves global victims threatening to turn the entire earth into an ashtray. Creating fear and apprehension conditioning to the global population. For the third time threatening Iran with nuclear attack the first regime change was CIA puppet Shah of Iran c.1953, second was US backed Iraq war with Iran. "We Will Obliterate Them" - Hillary Clinton c.2008. Ms. Clinton the ultimate imitator of Josef Stalin reverse victim waving swords minute to minute across the globe. A sad act of Cardinal Richelieu a diplomatic failure of historic consequence and a complete dichotomy of "The pen is mightier than the sword."

Invisible Masters of Government Imperial Divide and Conquer Swords the World
Results for a backward American myth diverting a master power structure with constant delirium of jingoistic banter to a puppet and slave population. No slave is greater than his master - John 15:20....This leaves the over represented masters controlling and manipulating the entire global populations with AMERICAN government’s crime, fraud, theft, murder, pedophilia, prostitution, drugs, wars, mass genocide, financial gangsterism, environmental slaughter and catastrophe, destruction of civilizations. Epic master bureaucratic apparatus referring to it's citizenry as perpetrators, useless eaters, and useful idiots forced with rigged Wall Street markets, loaded with generations of illegal tax debt pyramid scams and schemes. Exploitative bureaucratic apparatus self anointed masters colluding with mainstream media cronies. Continuing the theft of Americas economy for pennies on the dollar to transfer into government state run collective combine scams. Masters control slave labor while sending swords of terror across the spectrum of global dominance.

The World Moves Forward
Multi billion monetary deals are being contracted across the globe by every industriial country such as China, Iran, Russia, India, Pakistan with a PEN. Subsequently, American fatigued domestic and foreign policy power structures has become the greatest terrorist threat to its very own existence and will not hesitate to turn the entire global community into an ashtray. No individual or entity alive today with functioning logic can comprehend the insensitivity behind this manufactured calculated and intentional goal of total impending collapse. Bureaucratic and media apparatus continues to fall behind with swords, and bankruptcy. History clearly shows us that the "pen is mightier than the sword." Edward Bulwer Lytton, 'Richlieu (1838).'

ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid

Thursday, November 12, 2009


REVERSE PIED PIPERS AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY REVERSE ROBIN HOODS MERRY MEN 1941 to 2009 Since love and fear cannot exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved -Niccolo Machiavelli c1513 The Prince.

REVERSE PIED PIPERS HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICIALS ALERT......terrorists in USA will strike today [source washpost] one day after Obama Afghan peace prize surge.....All governments foundation to power is fear which is a basic fact of human nature. Reverse Pied Pipers metaphor for the dysfunctional criminal bureaucratic and mainstream media apparatus REVERSE PIED PIPERS [source] demonstrate severe affliction of psychotic reverse victim fear complexes. In other words playing distracting tunes reviving river rats to transfer manufactured fear [source] by the criminal bureaucrats and media communication barons to the global masses. The same criminal elite who continue to ignore all laws natural [sourcegalileo] and the legacy handed down through the ages [sourceSPQR]. Thereby diverting through distractions such as big sports news 'Tiger Growls' while banging waitresses. [source] Party crashers know OBAMA for 5 years [source] couple sneak into White House state dinner party. Latest from Italia courts conviction of Amanda Knox, 26 years for murder. [source] The mainstream media's delusion is complete keep attention on frothy frivolity while the criminals become victims and the victims are branded perpetrator terrorists. The terrorists are the American citizenry. The logical human mind cannot process the insensitivity of this calculated grand deception consequently is unable to assess true and factual information or knowledge. Resulting in the desired effect of global masses total fear conditioning.

AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY American myth diverting the perception of two faction one zombie government victimology. A government of private insider elite power structure perpetuating subliminal Pavlovian conditioning [source]to the masses. The criminal becomes the victim the victims become criminals. "Perpetrator is Victim." "Victim is Perpetrator." Self anointed victims that created 'Imperialist Economic Principals' or the metaphor Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men. The classic example of 'Imperial Economic Principal' is the transfer of counterfeit worthless Government Treasury Bonds Debt [source] for China's and the worlds Labor Property and hard Assets including throwing millions out of jobs, collapsing retirement funds, college savings accounts, forcing hard-working honest Ameericans and global citizenry into homelessness and poverty. Victimology formula for American hypocrisy supreme from c.1941 "JAPAN ATTACKS PEARL HARBOR" 68 years of distractions diversions from the disproportionate self anointed victims to c.2009 "MAJOR NIDAL MALIK HASAN [source]ATTACKS MILITARY FORT HOOD TEXAS" "Were Not Afraid" -Eric Holder US Attorney General [sourcewsj] "Clinton Signals Critical Moment in Afghanistan" [source] confirming supreme farce reverse victimization . The psychotic party line unfolds daily. Iran for the second time is in the cross hairs of fake retribution. USA claims c.1953"Iran is holding a gun to our head" victimology supreme [sourceCBSyoutube]. Refer to the rear end of bull! What a grand load of subterfuge! Who are these defective dysfunctional flawed Reverse Pied Pipers kidding. Armed with proclivity to perpetuate the party line melody of manufactured fear including distraction that the USA is sole victim in the world while seeking vengeance and aggressive belligerent threats against humanity. Diverting attention away from victimizing the planet with illegal Obama peace prize wars [source], genocide, grief, misery, death, disease, destruction of civilizations, and supreme number one and only militaristic bellicose state creating the worlds green house gas pollution. [source] . The world is the branded perpetrator of criminal violence against the USA is distraction on a grand scale. Self anointed class system of victimization budget larger than the entire world [sourceusatoday] Absolute execrable outrageous discrimination against all nations, ethnic nationalities, race, and religion, responding with vengeance of endless war. Totally devoid of all remorse with peace prize surges vengeance of endless illegal wars with illegal DU munitions [source] on global civilian populations across the spectrum of world dominance! "Greatest Exporter of Violence on the Planet is My Government" -Dr Martin Luther King Jr c.1967 [sourceantiwar]

PAVLOV'S PSYCHOPATHS A depraved power structure hiding under Reverse Pied Piper falsetto melodies that continues the delirium of absolute jingoism perpetuating myths, depraved ideologies, farcical rhetoric democracy, free speech, right to vote, free markets, capitalism [source], and bogus concern for it's citizenry. 21st Century criminal zombies who anointed themselves global victims aggressively threatening the to turn the entire world into an ashtray which it has designated criminal perpetrators. For all those amnesiacs take a look at the two civilian cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima of 64 years ago for confirmation. Pyramid power scam perfection the only country that has used thermo nuclear weapons on civilians and continues to this day with depleted uranuim in Iraq and Afghanistan along with 13th Century torture [source]. "To Big To Fail Victims Reverse Pied Pipers creators of calamity" playing the melody of reverse the rats from the river to gnaw at the global masses. Self anointed victims accountable to no law and lack of remorse for all illegal actions. All pyramid power scams mathematically and by nature cannot be sustained over time and inevitably collapse. "To Small To Save" designated criminal perpetrators because of inability and disregard of secured and unsecured obligations, "their out of work jobless." Retribution to the elite self anointed victims is bailout rewards $100 million and up for the pecking order Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men. Taxpayer slavery for generations of designated criminals To Small To Save. Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men Goldman Sachs Reverse Pied Pipers Bernard Madoff Ruth Madoff [sourceabcnews] "Ponzi Did It" "Gentiles Did It" [source] "get used to it' and "let them eat myth cake." c.2009

VICTIMOLOGY PAVLOV'S DOGS zombies 21st Century Reverse Pied Pipers diverting hidden agenda for the ultimate grand strategy of world domination by the AMERICAN government’s crime, fraud, theft, murder, pedophilia, prostitution, drugs, wars, mass genocide, financial gangsterism, environmental slaughter and catastrophe [sourceyoutube] Criminal elite leadership self anointed victims referring to it's citizenry as criminals, perpetrators, useless eaters, [source] and useful idiots to be fleeced like lambs loaded with generations of tax debt pyramid scams and schemes. The same self anointed victims busy transferring Americas economy into collective state owned property combines as retribution from self inflicted losses. Confirmation of supreme Pavlovian psychopathy reverse victim complexes. America's disproportionate zombie death squad's weapons of choice upside down reverse pyramid scams world domination and outrageous discrimination. Not a very pretty story line on "land of the free.'

AMERICAN PSYCHOPATHY EXPOSED Italian justice exposes to the world the perpetrators and not the victims. No government citizen or entity is above the law "Italia Court convicts 23 USA CIA agents in abstention. WOW! The select accountable to no US Constitution, law, no citizen with no remorse for any illegal actions exposed as guilty without a reasonable doubt. Conversely, Italia Courts exposure enables the world to see the branding by war lords "To Small To Save Perpetrators" designated criminal class by the USA [sourceyoutube] All pyramid scams mathematically cannot be sustained over time and inevitably collapse except for "To Big To Fail self anointed Victims" seeking false retributions and fake vengeance. Ultra Reverse Pied Pipers melody distraction with news of Italia courts conviction of Amanda Knox, for murder. Enter successful book author Douglas Preston [source] playing a great melody Reverse Pied Piper tune. Opportunist distractors colluding with mainstream media diverting attention from criminal USA not prosecuting the Rachel Corrie murder in Rafa by the IDF c.2003 [source] "The noblest kind of retribution is not to become like your enemy" c.170BC Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, p35

US CONSTITUTION TRANSFORMED The government handed down in c.1776 Philadelphia the US Constitution "For the People By the People Of the People" the legacy inherited from c.200BC Roman Empire to entire Western law culture and society "SPQR" "Senate and the People of Rome" has morphed and systematically been transformed. Transformed by stealth Reverse Pied Piper and Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men operatives into forced "By Criminals For Criminals Of Criminals" No slave is greater than his master - John 13:50 Classic example of Reverse Pied Piper slaves. "Because I Can" -William Jefferson Clinton [sourceCBS] get away with anything. Confirming severe psychopathic reverse victim criminal personality complexes. Mr. Clinton states he is accountable to no man, above all laws, and the US Constitution with no remorse for any illegal actions. This statement confirms historical pattern of psychotic bureaucratic and media control and manipulation of America. Outrageous example of Reverse Pied Pipers distortion melody tune to attract the reverse gnawing rats is the blatant attempt to portray the perception that Mr. Clinton as a great Cassonova. A great elder statesman 'Odd Couple Clinton/Bush Sr' in behalf of helpless and needy citizens throughout the world. Pathetic diversion of genuine arrogant pompous imperialists with perfume veneer. "They are all honorable men" c.44 BC Marc Antony.

SELF ANOINTED VICTIMS DIVERTING CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Rudimentary execrable Pavlov's reverse pyramid psychology fear methodologies. Reverse Pied Pipers and Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men enabling the over represented crime lords the criminal elitists at the top the pyramid to control all power over the worlds labor property and assets. Conversely creating aggressive war and invasions for control of natural resources, mass genocides, destroying civilizations distracting from the masses, zero sum scams to their lifetime of labor property hard assets and freedoms. Secretary of State threatens to turn the planet into an ashtray "We will obliterate them"-Hillary Clinton c.2008 [sourcemsnbc]." Ultra supreme stage #5 psychotic reverse victim complexes confirming that Ms. Clinton follows a long legacy of bureaucratic officials who consider themselves accountable to no man, to no laws, including and the US Constitution. Subsequently, indicating they have absolutely no remorse for illegal crimes perpetrated by any bureaucrat against all humanity. It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong" c.1752 - Voltaire

MANUFACTURED FEAR REVERSE PIED PIPER REVERSE ROBIN HOODS MERRY MEN SYNDROME The logical human functioning mind is not equipped to grip or deal with the gravity of severe psychopathic reverse victim fear complex disorders that are currently manipulating and controlling world communications and bureaucratic automaton ideology apparatus [source]. Consequently, by keeping the masses in a constant state of apprehension and fear distraction easily enables the To Big To Fail Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men to continue eviserating the global financial systems. While bureaucratic and media apparatus, Reverse Pied Pipers play pleasant subliminal melodies for the To Small To Save citizenry diverting attention revive and reverse direction of river rats gnawing at the global masses basic human nature of fear and reasoning. Subsequently, compounding the intensity of subliminal manufactured fear thereby justifying war for other peoples natural resources, crimes against humanity, disregard of all laws natural and handed down legacy. Resulting in the complete and total American demise failed state third world status with global masses in delusional state of national patriotism, duty, and country which will protect all their fears. All human logic that has been distorted, propagandized, and conditioned for years under subliminal duress circumstances and jingoistic banter always result in a disconnect to all factual historical information including complete knowledge, information, and all thought processes which is rendered futile and meaningless.

ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid

Friday, October 9, 2009


Singing to the banter of all we are saying is "All War All The Time" and "Let's Not Give Peas A Chance" Obama's audacity of associating with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 'Non Violence.' Obama's ignoble speech refers to his moral force of non-violence. Obama by his actions of violence throughout the world is counter intuitive to iconic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's great accomplishments. "The greatest exporter of violence on the planet is my government." The country's pathetic top leadership guardians of our US Constitution and Bill of Rights practicing great urgency to speed the US demise and conclusion to third world status continues unabated. Incriminating evidence is provided on a daily basis that the top financial and government leadership through extreme depravity subterfuge controlled scams schemes mockery Winning the Ignoble Peas Prize and by their individual self duplicitous testimony before Congress exposing their grand Great Failure agenda. "They are all honorable men" c.44 BC Marc Antony


War criminals continue genocide subterfuge and distractions such as fighting terrorists, and spreading democracy, US Senators Threaten New Sanctions Against Iran, while intentionally annihilating [creditor] countries back to the stone age. eliminating global masses holding worthless paper debt Treasury Bonds. All the while diverting attention from mass murders illegal invasions presenting sanctimonious accolades to themselves. Liberty Medal to Shoah Berg for great contributions perpetuating American myths and Ignoble Peas Medal to President Obomb'em All for war criminal policy and genocide. Debt schemes and scams began centuries ago as Treasury Debt. Schemes originated in England c.1660 under King Charles ll "The Merry King." see.....The Secret History of Government Debt (Treasury Bonds). The pitiful Great Failure continues daily with total simplistic and rudimentary controlled scams examples; manipulated government policy, faking pious accolades of impacting millions of people lives in a positive leadership roles, exporting across the global spectrum nothing beneficial to humanity, and daily theft of the worlds labor and property. These scams are the dynamic force that drive automaton government manufactured policies impacting every citizen on earth, with illegal military conquest, wars occupation for natural resources, famine, depressions, recessions, poverty, disease, misery, grief and death for world domination "Divide et Imperia" Divide and Conquer c.53BC Julius Caesar.


Not using imperial military power but declaring all worthless fiat currency and paper Treasury Debt null and void. Full faith and confidence of the US Government is not guaranteed. The disproportionate role of sham leadership Wall Street exploitative elites and turn of the century robber barons operating all manipulated pyramid scams are transferring enormous global wealth churning the pyramid of buy and sell worthless paper in exchange for the world and America's citizenry lifetime of earned labor work and property assets. Detroit homes selling for $1000. The masses of humanity control their labor and property assets. Labor creates property the dynamic Wall Street scams robs your labor and property GREAT FORTUNE. China calls time on dollar hegemony


Imperial fatigued domestic and foreign policy power structures has become the greatest terrorist threat to its own existence and will take the entire global community down with it. This leadership can continue to print all the fiat scrip and receive all the fake medals that can be minted and printed See the futile Hiroshima Nagasaki mass civilian murder to discourage the Soviet power in the Pacific. Nothing will change the fact that there are two choices the imperialists face default or unleashing military machine. No individual or entity alive today with functioning logic can comprehend the insensibility and psychopathic mindset behind this calculated and intentional goal of impending collapse. Two choices default or unleashing the extreme psychopathic military machine is left confronting America in the 21st Century. "The noblest kind of retribution is not to become like your enemy" c. 170BC Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.

website ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



The country's pathetic top leadership guardians of our US Constitution and Bill of Rights practicing great urgency to speed the US demise and conclusion to third world status continues unabated. Incriminating evidence is provided on a daily basis that the top financial and government leadership through extreme depravity subterfuge controlled scams schemes and by their individual self duplicitous testimony before Congress exposing their grand Great Failure agenda. "They are all honorable men" c.44 BC Marc Antony


Using subterfuge distractions fighting terrorists and spreading democracy, US Senators Threaten New Sanctions Against Iran, while intentionally annihilating [creditor] countries back to the stone age. Thereby, eliminating global masses holding worthless paper debt Treasury Bonds. Treasury Debt scheme originated in England c.1660 under King Charles ll "The Merry King." see.....The Secret History of Government Debt (Treasury Bonds). The pitiful Great Failure the total simplistic and rudimentary controlled and manipulated financial markets. A debt based centuries old robber baron banking and government policy scam. These scams are the dynamic force that drive automaton government manufactured policies impacting every citizen on earth, with illegal military conquest, wars and occupation for natural resources, famine, depressions, recessions, poverty, disease and death for world domination "Divide et Imperia" Divide and Conquer c.53BC Julius Caesar.


Not using imperial military power but declaring all worthless fiat currency and paper Treasury Debt null and void. Full faith and confidence of the US Government is not guaranteed. The disproportionate role of Wall Street exploitative elites and turn of the century robber barons operating all manipulated pyramid scams are transferring enormous global wealth churning the pyramid of buy and sell worthless paper in exchange for the world and America's citizenry lifetime of earned labor work and property hard assets. Detroit homes selling for $1000. The masses of humanity control their labor and property assets. Labor creates property the dynamic forced Wall Street scams robs your labor and property GREAT FORTUNE.". China calls time on dollar hegemony "All wealth is the product of labor" c.1654 John Locke .


Imperial fatigued domestic and foreign policy power structures has become the greatest terrorist threat to its very own existence and will take the entire global community down with it. see Hiroshima Nagasaki. No individual or entity alive today with functioning logic can comprehend the insensibility and psychopathic mindset behind this calculated and intentional goal of impending collapse. Two choices left confronting America in the 21st Century they are annihilating creditors or default. "The noblest kind of retribution is not to become like your enemy" c. 170BC Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.

website ak47 21stCenturyreversePyramid

Saturday, September 12, 2009




America 21st Century paradigms Imperial elitists domestic and foreign policy has become the greatest terrorist threat to its very own existence and will take the entire global community down with it. No individual or entity alive today with functioning logic can comprehend the insensibility behind this stubborn calculated and intentional goal of impending collapse.


All individuals or entities who opposes the American Imperious psychotic Great Failure instantaneously is isolated becomes suspect and polarized. Placed in a category of "Us Against Them", "Good vs Evil", "Divide and Conquer." Dissidents." Additionally persons, entities, organizations those who create challenge offer opposing viewpoints different opinions exhibit courage to organize demonstrations or exercise US Constitutional 1st Admendment "Citizens Right to Assembly", "Right To Protest Government", "Right to Free Speech"are immediately branded and demonized as conspiracy crazies, terrorist accomplices, demented anarchists, fringe nut cases, classless lunatics, love USA or leave, or the premier designated Middle Ages heretics.


The primary focus subject matter concerning Middle Ages Heretics are the genuine ideologues dictating American Imperial psychopathy as follows; torture, repeal of basic humanitarian rights, repeal of Geneva Accords, repeal 800 year law of Habeas Corpus, renditions of innocent civilians to foreign torturers, political murders and assassinations, illegal invasions occupations, massive war crimes inflicted on civilian populations, Genocide, USA agencies spying on its own civilian citizenry, and finally eviscerating its very own economic and financial systems. Two important topics omitted from this psychotic ideology Middle Ages atrocity list is the Guillotine and Burning at the Stake. Its possible that we will again see these latter two particular egregious methodologies return to America's depravity. A merger of Middle Ages technology and 21st Century American atrocities will add more lethal extreme impact to the latest mass murder arsenal of weapons such as pain laser sky weaponry and drive by massive civilian blood lust murders from Drone aircraft.


The 21st Century American Imperialism Epitaph
"Mass Murder" "Destruction of Civilizations"
"Citizenry To Small To Save" "All War All The Time"
"No Health Care Systems" "Genocide" "Loot Citizenry"

Monday, August 10, 2009


"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime"

-Honore de Balzac


The fatigued and effete core of USA leadership is struggling to keep hidden the fact that the entire financial system is based on massive manipulation and criminal fraud through Pyramid and Reverse Pyramid Schemes. Specifically, the Federal Reserve is desperately trying to hide that many trillions of the government's manufactured welfare bailouts have gone to inflating the stock market, transfering massive wealth to Wall Street parasites and banking zombies, buying up the U.S. government's own treasuries, and juicing the currency and gold markets. At the same time using subterfuge, myth, and distractions such as "These Transactions Benefit the American People" translation "Zombies Existing on the Living."


Financial analysts, Wall Street Barons, corrupt criminal elites, zombie systemic banking and financial markets, mainstream media cronies, economic historians, financial experts, academics, educators lose sight and have a psychotic disconnect to present market realities which have no precedent to any time in historical financial domestic and world markets. There is no alternative recourse to these illegal market manipulations. A glaring example is the governments takeover of the auto industry. This subterfuge, myth, and disconnect is now used as repeated distraction "RECESSION IS OVER" including "These Transactions Benefit the American People." Translation "Zombies continue to exist on the blood of unaware American Living Souls."


The 1929 Great Depression was a controlled pyramid market scam effectuated by the total extraction and removal from circulation money and credit from the financial system thereby causing a systemic financial controlled collapse. Parasites were able to correctly time the market collapse thereby purchase entire industry and property for pennies on the dollar. Zombie Federal Reserve repeats controlled collapse 2007 2008 2009 operating 21st Century upside down reverse pyramid market scam. Subsequently, creating massive unemployment extracting money credit and forced taxpayer debt slavery off the living working population. The reverse pyramid market illegal welfare bailout taxpayer scheme provides instantaneous transfer of liquidity, value, property, industries, wealth power to zombie banking Wall Street barons and cronies. The USA debt service cannot be sustained over time and the entire economy will inevitably collapse. Consequently, the calculated incompetence and fatique of government leadership will ultimately cause the demise, default, and collapse of the USA.


21st Century Imperial American Twilight Empire All pyramid schemes cannot be sustained over time and ultimately collapse. The American TWILIGHT Empire demise repeats Imperial Roman Empire decline and fall in one singular important respect that of "Roman emperors attempted to DISTRACT the populace from the increasingly dire reality of their situation by providing bread and circuses." 2009 todays financial depravity bread circuses are the entire zombie parade including Wall Street criminals, parasitic mainstream media sychopants, and the bloated banking barons existing off the blood of the living.

website: 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scheme

blog: 21st Century Reverse Pyramid blogspot

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


"Eliot Spitzer Admits Federal Reserve is a Ponzi Sheme"
Philadelphia. PA, July 28, 2009……….Federal Reserve Wall Street elites compound failure by their own admission that they cannot complete a simple requirement of transparency. The titans of compound interest and self serving greed equations could not draw a Ponzi. Like all pre-school children in the world the Wall Street financial banking barons, and opportunist cronies passed muster by quickly drawing a bubble and a pyramid however they are left breathless in a vain attempt to draw a Ponzi. Test results come back time after time “To Big To Fail.”
It should be emphasized and acknowledged the imperious arrogant capitalists elitist explosive Wall Street barons, no one else, accuse one another on a daily basis of various Ponzi Schemes. See latest headlines.........
“Ex-government official Eliot Spitzer admits Federal Reserve is a Ponzi Scheme” The admission of obvious subterfuge, distraction, outrageous stereotyping, hype copy and buzz words as primary illegal financial operations raise great alarm. Mr. Spitzer is an obvious shill bought and paid for by the Federal Reserve. Distractions and distortions of reality repeating myth will not make it fact. Mr. Carlo Ponzi imitated and copied a pyramid scheme that originated c.1660 England by King Charles ll "The Merry King".
FAILING UPWARD defined as 1. deceive disappoint, deviate, to be lacking or insufficient fall short, 2. loose power or strength 3.stop operating or working 4. to be deficient or negligent in obligation 5. unsuccessful get a grade of failure, not pass 7 to be useless. . To any persons acknowledement in recorded history no entity or individual in their last moments, in their last breath on this earth has ever uttered the word I fail.
FAILURE defined as breakdown in operation or function, not succeeding indicating a failure to measure up to required standards. more.....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009



Philadelphia. PA, July 15, 2009………. Wall Street financial banking barons, exploitative imperious arrogant elites, and opportunistic cronies by their backing of yet another illegal controlled pyramid scam law presented to the U.S. House of Representatives implicate themselves in massive world wide criminal conspiracy and fraud in the latest debt scheme Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill HR 2454.

Controlled Markets

Because emissions trading uses markets to determine how to deal with the problem of pollution, it is often touted as an example of effective free market environmentalism. While the cap is usually set by a political process of government imposing a fixed policy on carbon pollutiion. Instead we have a brand new controlled monopolistic market with individual companies forced to choose how they will reduce their emissions with purchases of futures and commodities contracts. Basically government policy dictating control giving Wall Street Barons a green light to sell worthless paper carbon tax derivatives and future commodities contract crap debt creation. This created market control further assists the bloated greed driven kleptocracy a new billion dollar revenue stream. This is the basis of the latest Pyramid and Reverse Pyramid Schemes.


At the top of this latest pyramid scam is none other than Reverse Robin Hoods Merry Men Goldman Sachs with $3.5 million lobby in behalf of this carbon bill. Subsequently, the masses, the public, and the victims continue to be duped into the belief that these exploitative elites and their Wall Street operative cronies are conducting complex financial transactions that continue to increase value magically for the benefit of investors therby saving us from green house gas calamity. The Cap and Trade Emissions law will do nothing for global warming except assist the Wall Street criminal barons and elites. Retrofitting under subtle wording the simple age old pyramid debt scam benefit’s the kleptocrat operatives at the top only. All pyramid schemes are zero sum scams that can never be sustained over time and inevitably collapse.

Reverse Pyramid

When the Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions pyramid scam collapses the pyramid scam is turned upside down 180 degrees. The government steps in with "To Big To Fail" illegal forced stimulus money which bails out the Wall Street Reverse Robin Hood operatives once again. The illegal forced taxpayer bailout money transfers instantly not over decades to the criminal gangs of Wall Street they get paid twice. Repeat of the banking, housing, insurance, mortgage, and auto industry government forced taxpayer bailout scams. The 400 year old pyramid debt scam repeats history c.1720 is not a bubble not a Ponzi scheme, or complex mathematical abstract theory.

Mediocrity Is Unattainable

The new 21st Century America has reached such new low standards of accountability, corrupt moral subterfuge, lawlessness, and incompetent leadership that a comparison to the black hole of Calcutta is but a tiny pin hole. There is no bottom to the continued assault of the USA citizens. The continued subterfuge manifests itself with extreme arrogance that is unparalleled. This imperious arrogance assists corrupt opportunists in controlled markets, demise of free market systems, illegal scams, outright daily criminal theft, outrageous stereotyping, and character assassinations, negatively impacting the future world with debt slavery, world wars, destitution, famine, poverty, death and destruction The USA demise is now in effect with every minute of unfolding factual events hidden by corrupt corporate media barons with continued subterfuge, disconnect, and distraction.

website: 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scheme

21st Century Reverse Pyramid blogspot

Friday, May 29, 2009

Response To: Authors, Educators, Academics

Metaboston: Ponzi: Boston's Innovator of Financial Fraud
Jan 12, 2009 ... # # #. Posted by: Tommy Tucci 04/23/2009 at 01:53 PM - 54k - Cached - Similar pages -

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New American Century Failing Upward Onward

Failing Upward and Onward
The ship of state continues its direction and course of repeated failure. Utilizing the great American invincible distraction - 23k - 15 hours ago -

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Recent Wall Street Scam Artists Supreme

Recent Wall Street Pyramid Scam Artists
Mar 7, 2009 ... E. F. Hutton & Co. was an American stock brokerage firm founded in 1904 by ... [edit] Check kiting scandal. In 1980, several Hutton branches - 37k - Cached - Similar pages -
Comment by Searcher, Apr 29 - "Criminal Pyramid scammers that are being hidden from public perception..... mainstream media reports distractions daily.... by Tommy Tucci 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scheme"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Financial Scams Multiply Daily

Philadelphia, April 1, 2009........ Leahman Bros, Baer Sterns, Bloom, Fraud, Madoff, Nicholson, Wall Street, Economy the connecting thread to these and all future Wall Street scams are PYRAMID SCHEMES that began under a Buttonwood Tree in Lower Manhattan more than 300 years ago.
The public a/k/a victims are witness to a new dynamic the REVERSE PYRAMID SCHEME or upside down pyramid. The REVERSE PYRAMID SCHEMES immediately transfer wealth at the moment of inception. The traditional 300 year old PYRAMID SCHEME take decades to transfer wealth of the victims. Subsequently, the masses, the public, and the victims continue to be duped into the belief that Wall Street operators are conducting complex financial transactions that continue to increase value magically for the benefit of investors. These transactions are not complex but are age old PYRAMID SCHEMES that benefit only the operators.
Consequently, as the number of financial scams increase conversly the greater number of contrived subterfuge, distractions, inaccurate information, myth, stereotyping, and disconnect from nefarious PYRAMID SCHEMES increase.
