"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime"
-Honore de Balzac
The fatigued and effete core of USA leadership is struggling to keep hidden the fact that the entire financial system is based on massive manipulation and criminal fraud through Pyramid and Reverse Pyramid Schemes. Specifically, the Federal Reserve is desperately trying to hide that many trillions of the government's manufactured welfare bailouts have gone to inflating the stock market, transfering massive wealth to Wall Street parasites and banking zombies, buying up the U.S. government's own treasuries, and juicing the currency and gold markets. At the same time using subterfuge, myth, and distractions such as "These Transactions Benefit the American People" translation "Zombies Existing on the Living."
Financial analysts, Wall Street Barons, corrupt criminal elites, zombie systemic banking and financial markets, mainstream media cronies, economic historians, financial experts, academics, educators lose sight and have a psychotic disconnect to present market realities which have no precedent to any time in historical financial domestic and world markets. There is no alternative recourse to these illegal market manipulations. A glaring example is the governments takeover of the auto industry. This subterfuge, myth, and disconnect is now used as repeated distraction "RECESSION IS OVER" including "These Transactions Benefit the American People." Translation "Zombies continue to exist on the blood of unaware American Living Souls."
The 1929 Great Depression was a controlled pyramid market scam effectuated by the total extraction and removal from circulation money and credit from the financial system thereby causing a systemic financial controlled collapse. Parasites were able to correctly time the market collapse thereby purchase entire industry and property for pennies on the dollar. Zombie Federal Reserve repeats controlled collapse 2007 2008 2009 operating 21st Century upside down reverse pyramid market scam. Subsequently, creating massive unemployment extracting money credit and forced taxpayer debt slavery off the living working population. The reverse pyramid market illegal welfare bailout taxpayer scheme provides instantaneous transfer of liquidity, value, property, industries, wealth power to zombie banking Wall Street barons and cronies. The USA debt service cannot be sustained over time and the entire economy will inevitably collapse. Consequently, the calculated incompetence and fatique of government leadership will ultimately cause the demise, default, and collapse of the USA.
21st Century Imperial American Twilight Empire All pyramid schemes cannot be sustained over time and ultimately collapse. The American TWILIGHT Empire demise repeats Imperial Roman Empire decline and fall in one singular important respect that of "Roman emperors attempted to DISTRACT the populace from the increasingly dire reality of their situation by providing bread and circuses." 2009 todays financial depravity bread circuses are the entire zombie parade including Wall Street criminals, parasitic mainstream media sychopants, and the bloated banking barons existing off the blood of the living.
website: 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scheme
blog: 21st Century Reverse Pyramid blogspot
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