Leading Rabid and Fanatical US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"
The US/Zionist Power Configuration ZPC and Council on Foreign Relations CFR colluding with documented Mr. Henry Kissinger pinnacle operative exposes and commits self immolation and extreme heavy collateral damage to his 'select exclusive special interest group.' The occupying force causing American too big to failure playing with gasoline matches and causing self implosion for 65 years. Confirming to American taxpayers and siren to the world that U.S. is past tense in history an occupied country and totally collapsed counterfeit fiat con operation since c.1910! see "ZPC" Dr. James Petras Website.
Select Exclusive Special Interest Group
So, who are these "select exclusive special interests" anyway? Modern History Project answers the elusive and cryptic question on their website:"The House of Representatives passed the foreign aid bill Thursday, which includes $2.22 billion in security aid to Israel. The 2010 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill was approved by a vote of 318-106... When the $2.22 billion in Israel aid is combined with $555 million that was passed in an earlier supplemental funding bill, that makes a total of $2.775 billion in military aid for Israel, in line with the second year of the 10-year, $30 billion memorandum of understanding between the United States and the Jewish state."
What "memorandum of understanding"? This is a $30,000,000,000 shakedown of the U.S. taxpayers by the functionaries of the Jewish State and their "Christian Zionist" allies to buy more white phosphorus firebombs for the next massacre. Same drill that Iraq experiences going on 20 years thanks to US/ZPC power configuration plague on humanity.
US sycophants collude with Zionist power configuration hold hostage all objective response to shakedowns, open dialogue, and political understanding, by subjective asymmetric studies on anti-Semitic behavior of US citizenry.
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The US/Zionist Power Configuration ZPC and Council on Foreign Relations CFR colluding with documented Mr. Henry Kissinger pinnacle operative exposes and commits self immolation and extreme heavy collateral damage to his 'select exclusive special interest group.' The occupying force causing American too big to failure playing with gasoline matches and causing self implosion for 65 years. Confirming to American taxpayers and siren to the world that U.S. is past tense in history an occupied country and totally collapsed counterfeit fiat con operation since c.1910! see "ZPC" Dr. James Petras Website.
Select Exclusive Special Interest Group
So, who are these "select exclusive special interests" anyway? Modern History Project answers the elusive and cryptic question on their website:"The House of Representatives passed the foreign aid bill Thursday, which includes $2.22 billion in security aid to Israel. The 2010 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill was approved by a vote of 318-106... When the $2.22 billion in Israel aid is combined with $555 million that was passed in an earlier supplemental funding bill, that makes a total of $2.775 billion in military aid for Israel, in line with the second year of the 10-year, $30 billion memorandum of understanding between the United States and the Jewish state."
What "memorandum of understanding"? This is a $30,000,000,000 shakedown of the U.S. taxpayers by the functionaries of the Jewish State and their "Christian Zionist" allies to buy more white phosphorus firebombs for the next massacre. Same drill that Iraq experiences going on 20 years thanks to US/ZPC power configuration plague on humanity.
US sycophants collude with Zionist power configuration hold hostage all objective response to shakedowns, open dialogue, and political understanding, by subjective asymmetric studies on anti-Semitic behavior of US citizenry.
Read more.....
----- Original Message -----
ReplyDeleteFrom: Gpduf@aol.com
To: ak47popcorn@verizon.net ; gm@veteranstodaynetwork.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: VT SUPPORT: Tucci Account
the story is up...i did a bit of formatting on it..but, in the process, got a half dozen "server error" screens
when you are lucky...the ADL will give you an entire page of your own...
at least a dozen of us here have them so far
In a message dated 3/1/2011 2:16:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, ak47popcorn@verizon.net writes:
I have made several attempts to publish article on VT through "wordpress" today......My computer has been attacked and is disabled each time..
Note, this article has been published by Rebel News website and I noticed this site has been down. along with your page February 28, 2011 relating to my article....
See enclosed email that I received from unknown party which I replied to in the last few days...........Mr. Bruce Cohen??????????
ak47 Blog has left a new comment on your post "21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Leading US/Zionist P...":
Bruce Cohen brucedcohen2002 at yahoo.com IP
Leading US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"...
12:22 PM (12 hours ago)
Why do you hate Jews Israel?
Pretty funny are you off Medications?
Tommy Tucci
to Bruce
show details 12:00 AM (45 minutes ago)
from Tommy Tucci
to Bruce Cohen
date Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:00 AM
subject Re: Why do you hate Jews and Israel?
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 12:00 AM (45 minutes ago)
Thxs communication is appreciated..
Your response indicates a very real sensitivity issue.
re: Why do you hate Jews and Israel?
The focus of this particular subject matter "Leading US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage." is sourced by historical factual data and has nothing to do with opposition, indifference, or bigotry that you viewpoint, focus, and quote i.e. HATRED, JEWS, ISRAEL.
Nevertheless, your subjective slant to this article is completely understandable and basically disconnected at the very same time.
The article produces objective subject matter and does not promote negative buzz words or incendiary copy.
Before issuing directives questioning medications do check your personal beta blockers intake.
Posted by ak47 Blog to 21st Century Reverse Pyramid at February 27, 2011 9:52 PM