Thursday, June 2, 2011

No News Obama Vows Victim Scheme

No News Obama Vows Victim Scheme

Mr. Obama passes the zero sum fraud shakedown of world destruction to Mr. Netanyahu who passes to U.S. Congress. - Obama projects no news. Superimposing a hidden agenda, the final parlay a “zero sum global victim scheme.” A morally, militarily, and financially bankrupt roll of the dice before a joint session of Congress. Reciting no news convoluted mask of conflict and confusion. Spewing hatred laced with an impulsive disingenuous speech honoring, really an order at the behest of AIPAC, the self-anointed “Chosen” peoples. Alarming masses and dishonoring the entire global community by transferring more bad news and supreme losses across the world spectrum of human suffering.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Military Martial Law, Police State, Islamophobic Fears: Real or Hysteria?

Military Martial Law, Police State, Islamophobic Fears: Real or Hysteria?

Real hysteria is forced, documented and confirmed upon ‘We the People.’ The fears are intended to result in total polarization and collapse of American society.

The rule of law defined a great nations principles handed down from the legacy of past centuries.

Consequently, the daily U.S. contempt for law, civilization, society, religion, morals, family, and community is a documented self admitted historical fact. The positive dynamics of a past nation is now focused on attacking its citizenry ‘We the People.’

Military Marshal Law, Police State Reality
Following up on the murder of Osama Bin Laden, the Obama administration today announced the formation of a joint Military/Domestic Police Force (MDPF) to carry out a War on Humanity. US Constitution Marshal Law

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ultimate Fear Strategy Invigorated, WTC #7 Enigma Totally Ignored By Commander and Chief Executive

A spectacle of the nation’s internal conflict and fear that grows with each false narrative of U.S.impotent vengeance. Conversely, beginning with the WTC tragedy 09 11 2001 to the Bin Laden demise of 05 02 2011 U.S. demonstrates obvious inexplicable faults. Solidifying at each event that the U.S. blind conquest for world’s empire is an enigma within an enigma. The self-anointed reverse victim industry fear strategy based on one single select exclusive special interest group that is above all the Natural Laws of the Universe, 800 years written laws of man, and more self-important than all peoples on earth.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers’ Day Proclamation 2011 “Hope For The World”Mothers’ Day Proclamation:

Mothers’ Day Proclamation 2011 “Hope For The World”Mothers’ Day Proclamation: Julia Ward Howe, Boston, 1870

Message to all veterans, and citizaens across the world spectrum suffering under U.S. aggressions. Simple inherent human self dignity expressed in a “Mothers Day Messsge”.

Mother’s Day was originally started after the Civil War, as a protest to the carnage of that war, by women who had lost their sons. Here is the original Mother’s Day Proclamation from 1870, followed by a bit of history (or should I say “herstory”):

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight

Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight

Dead end gang leader and head spokesman Mr. Bernanke strikes again robbing labor, pilfering old lady's purses, and controlling futures, contracts and prices in broad daylight. Hiding behind a Princeton University veneer of accomplishment reciting a choreographed cryptic speech parroting 20th Century inert calculus solving insurmountable 21st Century problems. A global organized crime syndicate hoax, that this current leader of a supreme dead end gang, manufactured over the span of a century. Every scheduled effort to conceal this global banking hoax exponentially increases its final collapse.

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Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail' Mythology' "Bin Laden Knocked Down The Towers"

Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail' Mythology' "Bin Laden Knocked Down The Towers"

May 2, 2011 ... Rodeo Clowns purveyors of ”Bin Laden Knocked Down the Towers” the U.S. “Holy ... Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail Mythology' 'Bin Laden ...

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Dismissing Reconciliation World Peace; U.S. Continues War Against Humanity

Dismissing Reconciliation World Peace; U.S. Continues War Against Humanity
By Tommy Tucci:

An incoherent incongruous and illogical speech whereby a contradiction of International Laws is the order of the day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Refusing to Raise U.S. Debt Is Not the End of the World Doom

Refusing to Raise U.S. Debt Is Not the End of the World Doom

The world as we now know is an effort to continue with a flawed systemic century old dynamic which is counter-intuitive to capitalism, free markets, sovereignty, freedom, and self- dignity. Operated by a defunct bankrupt syndicate. "In the absence of that which you are not, that which you are… is not."

Raising the U.S. debt limits is an ignorant refusal to sustain insurmountable wars to control and confiscate free markets including the finite assault on the Universal Laws of the Universe.

A defunct cadre that ignores its cavalier approach supresses the manufactured perpetrated control of free market correction and the assault on the Universal Laws of Nature. The Laws of the Universe which correct chaos into the natural order of the Universe. Posted by ezinearticle

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Friday, April 15, 2011

U.S. #1 Axiom “There Is No Argument For Success” Veil Pierced

U.S. #1 Axiom “There Is No Argument For Success” Veil Pierced

U.S. #1 Axiom “There Is No Argument For Success” Veil Pierced America’s #1 axiom “‘There Is No Argument For Success” is pierced and it’s facade becomes invalid. Subsequently, by disguising and obscuring, racist hatreds, eternal war, infinte budget debts, and Israel. The U.S. sirens a crumbling facade of empire. A 21st Century America ”whom neither the blatant corruption of their rulers nor the attacks of enemies could shake their apathy.”

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy

Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy Self inflicted morose and despised crumbling US empire ratchets up domestic and global calamity in a race with the 24 hour clock to the dark abyss and bottom of collapse. Party line belligerent bureaucratic apparatus parrots neo con domestic and global failures. Instantaneously delivers Democracy 24/7/365 to the world. A despised global empire that refuses to let a single 24 hour day pass without generating great calamity and chaos throughout the world. An extreme psychotic misery that empire equates to immortality and greatness. A ticking time bomb more

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Connecting "Too Big To Fail Cartels" "U.S. Debt Is Myth" and "Financing Wars on Humanity"

Connecting "Too Big To Fail Cartel" "U.S. Debt Is Myth" "Financing of Illegal Wars on Humanity"

The significant and strong conflict between corrupt organized U.S. cartels and the anomalies recited by high level academic, bureaucratic, banking and economic derelicts. America is heavily weighted with severe narcissistic incompetents, cavalier academic derelicts, legions, and cadres of organized criminals manufacturing a nation that can barely get through one 24 hour period without compounding crises upon crises The latest dysfunctional sanctimonious sound byte diversion comes directly from chief economic spokesman for John Thomas Financial Funds in New York City reciting "U.S. Debt Is Myth."

Subsequently, from the bowels of organized crime a "cookie cutter" financial fund perpetrating a "me too" academic propaganda. Shadowing the 'Too Big To Fail Cartel' ivy league alibi. The outrageous alibi that the U.S. government will never run out of money to pay its infinite and ever expanding $trillions of debt obligations. Furthermore, this staged show and bad acting goes on to explain, "current rating agencies are moot and inapplicable to a sovereign nation that holds the worlds reserve currency."

Disinformation, Manufactured Conventional Flawed Wisdom

Really now! A sovereign nation that holds the worlds reserve currency can continue to issue fiat worthless paper IOU's against finite value, wealth and assets. An extremely false narrative wisdom saturated with disinformation sound bytes. Resulting in gross exposure of party line endemic contradictions of historical facts and events. Factual events that substantiate self admitted indictable offenses. Negative forces and outrageous violations of law that focus on the conflict that the "U.S.A Is A Total Myth."

Clash of Ideals, Deflecting Core Principals

Validating the clash of ideals between basic core principals and U.S. myths perpetuating phony omnipotence, fundamental free market principles, fiat worthless paper IOU's, and the operation of cartels and monopoly.

Why is there no academic or university textbook definition of "cartel" correlating to the U.S. private corporation Federal Reserve trust? Answer; cartels, trusts, syndicates are illegal monopolies that contradict free market or sovereign nation principals. All reference to cartels associate illegality to a "country" as opposed to a "nation" further shadowing sovereignty.

Sovereignty Versus Cartels, Rigged Markets, Financing Wars

Corrupt academics, bureaucratic apparatus, economists, bank barons, and crony rigged market operatives represent a masked affinity to illegal trusts syndicates and cartels. Consequently, subjugates its citizenry accelerates crimes against the will of its citizenry including irreparable damage to the nation and 'We the People.'

Chief economists by circumventing historical factual events effectuate the shadowing of deceptive sound bytes. Therefore, perpetrating a particular criminal activity effectively eliminates all free market enterprise, competition, represents exclusively the illegality of trusts, cartels and syndicates. A collusive international association of independent syndicated enterprises formed to monopolize production and distribution of a product or service, control prices, future contracts, taxes, interest rates, confiscate labor, property, natural resources, hard assets, and eternal illegal militarism occupation and war.

No nation is a free market sovereign entity that relegates its citizenry to second position status. A second position to a private monolithic cartel. The U.S. fails to meet it's onus and obligations to 'We the People' a sovereign free nation of laws under the US Constitution by legislating disinformation. Phony specialists improvise at will a false representation of c.1910 legions of conventional economic organized criminal cartel deceptions.

Ah – but what if the “criminals” were to write the laws and the statutes themselves? Then, the conniving and conspiring isn't legally defined as a crime, nor the “criminals” called criminals. In fact, most are called bankers (emperors previously), and their instruments today, foundations (fleets previously)! Isn't that just peachy? Posted by Atlantic Press

Conclusion US Sovereignty, Myth, Wars, Cartels

The U.S. is a myth, a lost sovereign nation since c.1910. The U.S. cannot compete in free markets. Ignores a 21st Century world with militaristic monopoly control, operated by a private cartel above all laws, a total war against humanity and the confiscation of the worlds property, assets, labor and natural resources.

Tarak Kauff, Veteran For Peace activist and organizer, stated, "There are trillions for wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Libya, billions yearly to support Israel's occupation and oppression of Palestine, again trillions in bailouts to make those at the top of the economic food chain even more powerful, but relative pennies for our children's education, adequate health care, infrastructure, housing and other necessities of Americans. Yet big corporate banks are thriving and, like Bank of America, pay no taxes. But you do, and I do, and working people all across this country pay taxes. "Link Between War and Big Finance" Posted by Global Research

I ask, what are we paying for and into whose pockets is it going? The wealth of this country is disappearing down the tubes into the stuffed pockets of the financial/military/industrial oligarchs. Americans are being bled dry while people of the world are literally bleeding and dying from U.S.-made weapons and warfare. Do we not see the connection?" Posted by Tarak Kauff Veterans for Peace.

A lost nations sovereignty with gouls, goons, bag men, buffoons, organized crime, hatchets, and war criminals self imploding themselves with hyper ignorance and ultra stupidity. That's what were paying for and whose pockets its going to. Daylight thefts simultaneously expanding radiation toxins and poisons across the global enviornment. Showering depleted uranium DU ordnance on the human race. See confirmation video showing hatchets taking America to the abyss on a daily basis. Madeline Albright Best Selling Author.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Manhunt Over James Allan Khan Found in the Bowels of D.C. Empire Under A Rock

Manhunt Over, James Allan Khan Found in the Bowels of D.C. Empire Under A Rock

Mr. Lawson's article of suspicious and controversial activity by James Allen Kahn is now put to rest. The fictitious James Allen Kahn is an emotional ejaculation by a reverse victim anomaly to deflect from the bowels of 19th and 20th Century flawed US Empire. Repeating deceptive historical factual events by baiting controversy and false censorship. Thereby, resulting in a typical and warn out reverse 'Hate Speech' anomaly.

Baiting Controversy of Historical Factual Events

"According to Youtube, something named “James Allan Khan” with no given address or support, has claimed that Anthony Lawson has violated his “copyright” in a video on the highly controversial issues of Holocaust history. We are deeply suspicious of Google, owner of Youtube. Will “James Allan Khan” or anyone knowing of this person, if they exist and who they are, contact us." Article Posted by Veterans Today

Well Mr. Lawson, no surprise here, the fictitious name of James Allen Kahn is an old turn of the 20th Century diversion from Google $billions business model crafted by Vladmir Lenin. Taken right out of his Wall Street funded playbook of the Bolshevik revolution of Czarist Christian Russia A highly diversionary business model that repeats verbatim the Bolshevik mantra versus the laws of the Nation as outlined in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

No One "Owns" Free Speech

No entity, business, individual, religion, nation, or forum "owns" a syndicate catel or monopoly on Free Speech. Conversely, the October 1917 Bolsheviks parrot: "All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake “public opinion” for the benefit of the bourgeoisie." -Vladmir Lenin. Analogous turn of the Century inspiration and failed miserable Wall Street leadership repeated by 21st Century ideologues colluding with the zenith of controlled markets and businesses. Google attempts at disconnect by "copyright violation" hoax.

Subsequently, by dismissing Mr. Lawson's effective research and video titled " Could Germany Have Been So Stupid" Google/Lenin playbook hoax distracts from "No entity "owns" Free Speech." A miserable flawed Wall Street business model exposes and repeats anachronostic broken down violations at syndicates, cartels, and monopoly of flawed US Empire.

A body of existing legislation and laws against criminal syndicalism can also be prosecuted according to Corpus Juris Secundum 46, Insurrection and Sedition : sec. 461 c. “Sabotage and syndicalism aiming to abolish the present political and social system, including direct action or sabotage.” Thus any program of a foundation which seeks to abolish the present political or social system of the United States can be prosecuted. Of course every foundation program seeks to accomplish just that, and is indictable. Read Corpus Juris Secundum 22, Criminal Law 185 (10); Conspiracy and Monopolies.

Masking Hoaxes Under the First Amendement Rights to Free Speech

The claim of alleged violations against copyright infringement is excerised under the First Amendment by distorting suppressing and ridiculing of documented historical facts and events.

Notwithstanding, this is a repeat of the Wall Street/Bolshevik/Lenin syndicate playbook on revolution from the top down. False accusations are included by baiting and trapping individuals who dare to confront these outrageous deceptions, and diversions of recorded and documented historical events and factual evidence.

21st Century Flawed Miserable Broken Empire

There is no dispute or argument in the second decade of the 21 st Century America projects the failures and flaws of the 19th and 20th Century by an accelerated dismissal of recorded history. A once great and proud nation that cannot seem to get by from one day to the next without self imposed foreign and domestic crises.

Repeating the miserable death and destruction of 19th and 20th Century humanity by paranoid emotional ejaculations and self destruction. The continuation of illegal wars are ratcheting up the irradiation of the entire planet with radioactivity toxins and poisons. "All levels of radiation is known to cause cancer. No amount of radiation is Safe" Posted by The dysfunctional methodology is blindsiding all rational reality of the great impending consequences. They are going to need more than the fictional phony alibi a/k/a James Allan Kahn to get through the 21st Century.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Private Corporation Official Admits Impending U.S. Bankruptcy

Private Corporation Official Admits Impending U.S. Bankruptcy A complete anomaly by an individual that heads the monolithic private puppeteer organization that controls the entire wealth values assets and labor of ‘We the People.’ Announces fears of dire consequences. REALLY!!!!! what great timing

Read Full Article here World News

Friday, March 4, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: US Century of False Positive World and Domestic Policy Confirms Paradox

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: US Century of False Positive World and Domestic Policy Confirms Paradox
Conversely, a populace attacked from every position that historical facts, documented data, and self admitted excuses “Too Big To Fail’ proves was almost certainly flawed

US Century of False Positive World and Domestic Policy Confirms Paradox

US Century of False Positive World and Domestic Policy Confirms Paradox

March 2011……….Second decade 21st Century US policy remains singularly trapped in an anachronistic foreign policy, total domestic financial collapse, and civil mobilizations rising out of a dense fog paradox. Welcome to the New Palooka Villes

A paradox of U.S methodology domestic and foreign that was considered sound at the turn of the 20th Century but as history data and factual events unfold across the world the 21st Century U.S. populace are now being accused punished and made to pay for this 100 year systemic flaw. Conversely, a populace attacked from every position that historical facts, documented data, and self admitted excuses “Too Big To Fail’ proves was almost certainly flawed

Saturday, February 26, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Leading US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Leading US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"
US sycophants collude with Zionist power configuration hold hostage all objective response to shakedowns, open dialogue, and political understanding, by subjective asymmetric studies on anti-Semitic behavior of US citizenry.

Leading US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"

Leading Rabid and Fanatical US/Zionist Power Operatives Commit Self Inflicted "Collateral Damage"

The US/Zionist Power Configuration ZPC and Council on Foreign Relations CFR colluding with documented Mr. Henry Kissinger pinnacle operative exposes and commits self immolation and extreme heavy collateral damage to his 'select exclusive special interest group.' The occupying force causing American too big to failure playing with gasoline matches and causing self implosion for 65 years. Confirming to American taxpayers and siren to the world that U.S. is past tense in history an occupied country and totally collapsed counterfeit fiat con operation since c.1910! see "ZPC" Dr. James Petras Website.

Select Exclusive Special Interest Group

So, who are these "select exclusive special interests" anyway? Modern History Project answers the elusive and cryptic question on their website:"The House of Representatives passed the foreign aid bill Thursday, which includes $2.22 billion in security aid to Israel. The 2010 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill was approved by a vote of 318-106... When the $2.22 billion in Israel aid is combined with $555 million that was passed in an earlier supplemental funding bill, that makes a total of $2.775 billion in military aid for Israel, in line with the second year of the 10-year, $30 billion memorandum of understanding between the United States and the Jewish state."

What "memorandum of understanding"? This is a $30,000,000,000 shakedown of the U.S. taxpayers by the functionaries of the Jewish State and their "Christian Zionist" allies to buy more white phosphorus firebombs for the next massacre. Same drill that Iraq experiences going on 20 years thanks to US/ZPC power configuration plague on humanity.

US sycophants collude with Zionist power configuration hold hostage all objective response to shakedowns, open dialogue, and political understanding, by subjective asymmetric studies on anti-Semitic behavior of US citizenry.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Supreme US War Criminals Parlay Great Crimes Into Great Fortunes Head Arizona Civility Center

Supreme US War Criminals Parlay Great Crimes Into Great Fortunes Head Arizona Civility Center

February 2011.. ...Supreme US war criminals, former presidents of corrupt and occupied criminal government apparatus announce opening of Arizona Civility Center. Mr. George Bush Sr and Mr. William Jefferson Clinton parlay great crimes into great fortunes by heading new Civility Center in Arizona. Two supreme global war criminals who represented governed and manufactured America into the greatest militaristic threat to global peace, death, destruction, and humanities total annihilation. “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime!" The quote is a paraphrase from a line in Honoré de Balzac’s tragicomic.

The cue-tipped odd-couple continues to parrot a 21st Century tragicomic subjective discourse to generate great wealth stream fortunes simultaneously perpetrating great crimes. By officiating U.S. politic parodies, perpetuating false social civil moral law narratives, and deflecting from the bowels of lower Manhattan's great crime organization. Absolute self admitted and documented arsonists spewing gasoline with spontaneous combustive wailing Wall Street welfare finance and banking formula mythology. More......

Monday, February 21, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: UN Veto Enables US Empire To Dig Deeper Grave

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: UN Veto Enables US Empire To Dig Deeper Grave
Ivy league academic and bureaucratic stooges that cannot make change for a quarter and ignore their self dignity and humanity

UN Veto Enables US Empire To Dig Deeper Grave

US Empire to Dig Deeper Grave With UN Veto

February 21, 2011 by Veterans Today · 5 Comments

UN Veto Enables US Empire To Dig Deeper Grave
February 2011……. US stooge and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama’s singular veto against the vote of 130 countries enforces the Zionst illegal expansion of settlements on stolen land in occupied Palestine. This act of unconditional defiance, by both US administrations for 63 years, screams out loudly that America is the greatest failed state in recorded history. Ivy league academic and bureaucratic stooges that cannot make change for a quarter and ignore their self dignity and humanity race to “Israel is popular stop for possible Republican presidential candidates” Posted by LA Times

Monday, February 14, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Apoplectic Ideologues Tell Egypt Democracy "Drop Dead" Anoints Two Dictators A Staged Co-Opted Event

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Apoplectic Ideologues Tell Egypt Democracy "Drop Dead" Anoints Two Dictators A Staged Co-Opted Event
McCain Calls Middle East Pro-Democracy Movement A 'Virus'

Apoplectic Ideologues Tell Egypt Democracy "Drop Dead" Anoints Two Dictators A Staged Co-Opted Event

Apoplectic Ideologues Tell Egypt Democracy "Drop Dead" Anoints Two Dictators A Staged Co-Opted Event

February 2011.....McCain Calls Middle East Pro-Democracy Movement A 'Virus' Posted by Revolutionary Politics. A century of American failed trajectory replies to Egyptian peaceful revolution to "drop dead" against the will and to the detriment of the Egyptian peoples. Thereby dismissing basic humanitarian inherent rights to peace, freedom, democracy and the basic right for all peoples to define their own decisions and fates with no interference. "We are not so different, Egypt under Mubarak and America under what ever gang of financial criminals and foreign thugs is controlling the government today." Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today

Apoplectic American Patent Failures Multiply Exponentially

U. S. ideologues find their arrogant patent brand of Imperialism caught blindsided. Conversely, react incoherently to Egyptian peoples peaceful non-violent revolution for immediate change from an authoritarian dictatorial government farce. 'US sends warships, troops to Egypt' 07 Feb 2011. Subsequently, America confirms patent failures by lacking all creditability correlating violence, terrorism, demonization, and self anointed reverse victim paradigms with peaceful demonstrators. Remainng apopoletic as events unfold of non-violent upheavals, lack of extreme chaos, turmoill, destruction, neutral politics, absent ideology and religious dogmas.

Consequently, America answers basic inherent human dignity of peace freedom and democracy by demonstrating 19th and 20th Century broken, anachronistic, and dysfunctional military power, gunboat diplomacy, and staged CIA pretext color movements. The latest corrupt mainstream cacophony headlines blare out "Egypt Free." Simultaneously, bellicose and belligerent U.S. Marine Corp, and the aircraft carrier George Washington sent against the fearless determined and peaceful non violent Egyptian demonstrators.

Disingenuous Ideologues Diversion and Deception

Disingenuous documented and self admitted failed leadership that operates the deception as though Mr. Murabak heads the Egyptian government apparatus. Thereby, creating an ultimate diversion of exponential insult and parody by appointing the second dictator forced against the will and to the detriment of the Egyptian peoples peaceful revolution for change. "A dictator who has been in power for 30 years will be the one to implement democracy" was a farce." Posted by Raw Story

Mr. Mubarak hangs on to farcical power by repeating American war criminals false narrative distraction of Egyptian peoples peaceful demonstrations. Conversely, forcing Mr. Mubarak and his crony militaristic dictators, waiting in the wings, to incite a possible violent reaction by the millions of demonstrators. Resulting in the ultimate staging of CIA con and deception of creating extreme violence and war on the Egyptian citizenry or appointment of a proxy dictatorial apparatus. "Mubarak not stepping down, passes authority to CIA torture point-man Suleiman" 02/11/2011. Posted by

Three decades of fatigued Mr. Mubarak who appoints the supreme CIA black-site operative V.P. Mr. 'Sillyman' Suleiman. The pinnacle of apoplectic U.S. failure to turn peaceful demonstrations for change into a violent suppression of human dignity, 21st Century slavery, denying human rights, and the inherent right to self determination.

Indigenous Peoples Non-Violent Revolution

The expression of the Egyptian peoples right to peaceful revolution is not defined by black, white, religious, Arab, Jew, American, European, Asian, poor, rich, evil, good, right, or wrong,

The rising expression of the Egyptian peoples against repression is a basic inherent humanitarian right to self dignity and self determination. Centuries of laws handed down to all peoples, all nations, and all religions. Centuries of inherent basic human laws ignored by U.S. Imperialist Colonial ideologues.

The primary cause effect of why America will not permit and cannot face the historical documented facts that Imperialism has run its course. "The fact that the Egyptian protesters have made more strides away from tyranny and towards democracy in 2 and 1/2 weeks than the American military has been able to do in 9 years if Afghanistan and 7 years in Iraq proves it." Posted by Washington Blog

CIA Staged Co-Opted Event

Activist Post reports the April 6 Movement of Egypt is a staged event co-opted by a CFR proxy. "It would be strongly recommended that readers go to themselves and explore the website, in particular the 3 summits they have held and those that were in attendance. Everyone from the RAND Corporation to the Council on Foreign Relations comes to "prod." truly is a new tentacle for manipulating and undermining the sovereignty of foreign nations." Posted by Tony Carlucci Activist Post

So in effect the U.S.holds steadfast control of events of the final outcome in Egypt with deception, diversion, and distraction. A continual absolute global domination and threat to all humanty by anointing a new round of dictators and poseurs.

Inherent Humanitarian Peoples Rights Trampled and Ignored

The magnificent Magna Carta c.1215 eight-hundred years of basic human rights to law and the construction of society into peoples humanitarian rights of self determination. The inherent dignity and rights to their labors. property, and assets. The absolute confirmation that no individual, entity, government, nation, forum, or select exclusive special interest group "owns" the right to Free Speech and Self Determination. Magna Carta "Abuses by King John caused a revolt by nobles who compelled him to execute this recognition of rights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen. It established the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above the law."

Becky Akers writes in an article on slavery, "retired General Stanley McChrystal dares lecture us that we don’t yield enough of our lives to government despite its exorbitant, unending, and pervasive taxation, compulsory surrender of our children to its brainwashing, forced “service” on juries, and even mandatory titillation of federal thugs at checkpoints in airports: “Americans performing critical, selfless service to our country are less common than they must be,” he scolds in 1500 platitudinous, self-righteous words for Newsweek Magazine." Posted by Becky Akers New American Journal.

It took 150 years from the signing of the Declaration of Independence c.1776 to have particular mad-men select interests to declare slavery invalid, the rights to labor, assets, property, the right to vote, and the inherent basic human rights of free expression for all men and women regardless of race, religion, color, or nationality.

The American populace "see something say something" fear mantra. An immediate reply each day to 21st Century mad-men-women slavery should address the Illegal search and seizures against 4th Amendment, denial of free speech, and freedom of expression against 1st Amendment Right of the U.S. Constitution.

Say something about the phony "Al-CIAduh" parody. Posted by "The threat of terrorism is at "its most heightened state" HS Janet Napolitano. Slavery implemented daily by crony financial banking baron organized criminals, military satraps, DC-Potomac poltroons, and lazy intellect Hollywood colluding with mainstream media clowns.

U.S. Imperial Trajectory Collides With Reality

21st Century particular select exclusive special interest mad-men deceptions, diversions, distractions, thefts, confiscations, failures, incompetence, war against peace, and war against humanity is the American trajectory colliding with the reality of the Egyptian indigenious peoples rights of self determination.

No individual, entity, government, nation, forum, or select special interest group "owns" the right to Free Speech and Self Determination. Magna Carta c.1215 "It established the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above the law."

Therefore, U.S. Imperialism arrogance and contempt for humanity is being exposed and challenged by the basic rights of all peoples to peacefully demonstrate against suppression. Albeit a staged co-opted proxy event conducted by CIA color revolutions remains blatantly exposed by Egyptian peaceful demonstrations.

U.S. Imperial Colonialism accelerates its dismissal of International Humanitarian Laws, operates illegally above all spiritual laws, ignores 800 years of mans written laws, and the flawed insistence that only U.S. forced Imperialism "owns" the exclusive right to determine the world masses of self dignity and free expression. Illegal ownership of self dignity and free expression collaborated by "McCain Calls Middle East Pro-Democracy Movement A 'Virus.' "

To the great voices, the outstanding courage, and fearless determination of the Egyptian peoples, the world greatly appreciates and is humbled by your peaceful expressions of change exposing the greatest threat to humanity, culture, society, and global security.
















Wednesday, February 2, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Promoting Junk Faith Parables Against Paramount American Core Values Across 10 Millennium Revolts

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Promoting Junk Faith Parables Against Paramount American Core Values Across 10 Millennium Revolts
The America fast forwarded into the 21st Century no longer means attaining the fullest measure of capabilities and highest achievements.

Promoting Junk Faith Parables Against Paramount American Core Values Across 10 Millennium Revolts

Promoting Junk Faith Parables Against Paramount American Core Values Across 10 Millennium Revolts

February 2011.....U.S. State Of The Union, promoting junk faith parables impacting a global demise. Alarming American Core Values of pompous ideals and high spirits recited by Nobel Peace Prize winner, from a monitor at staccato cadence, to the ultimate documented under performer class, the Congress of the United States.

Article by Michael Edwards writes: "It is clear that the American government is behaving in a coercive way against its people, similar to the dictatorial regime in Egypt and elsewhere who are being educated by Barack Obama as to the rules of conduct. It has forgone consent of the people in its mission to loot the nation's productivity and fill the coffers of unelected bureaucrats in the United States, as well as the offshore banksters who fund all sides of wars, revolutions, and manipulated economies. With an Internet kill switch set to be placed firmly in the White House, there is very little difference in the structure of oppression between the supposed Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, and countries which are in open revolt against such a system. The only consent being given to the current course of events in the U.S. is ignorance and apathy." Posted by Activist Post

Core Values and pompous ideals of a high spirit Nation of laws, democracy, opportunity, liberty, faith, land of freedom, home of the bravest, and free speech charade repeated ad nausea. Projected threats by forced clapping light monitors operating at full 220 volts of energy usage, protected by the largest offensive ruthless military satraps and police state budgets in recorded world history.

Automaton memorizing and a reciting of faith, freedom, and democracy of core value parables does not permit a crippled bureaucratic apparatus an exclusive pretext superiority against a 10 millennium history of other faiths, peoples, freedoms, and democracy. Posted by Jonathan Schell, The Nation "Power is disintegrating. It is in the streets. And now the people have a chance to fulfill their dreams of a better life."

The recorded history of ten-thousand year Egyptian culture cuts all Internet communication as the "U.S. Readies Internet Kill Switch Bill in Congress." Posted by Technology Today

U.S. Pompous Core Values Translate To Domestic And Global Tyranny

Simultaneously, global U.S. incendiary ignition infuriates indigenous Middle eastern peoples attempting to free themselves from the negative reverse impact. 30 years of a U.S. ridiculous pretense of pompous democratic ideals that translate to tyranny, mass murder, hell on earth death, intimidation, violence, destruction, terror, and torture of more than 1.7 million Iraq and Afghanistan and Middle Eastern 10 millennium history of indigenous peoples.

"Sixty-eight-year old ElBaradei, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, said the idea that "a dictator who has been in power for 30 years will be the one to implement democracy" was a farce." Posted by Raw Story.

Nobel Peace Prize Under Performance Versus Nobel Peace Prize Great Accomplishment

Nobel Peace Prize under performance a glaring charade versus Nobel Peace Prize genuine great accomplishment. American self admitted under performance challenged and addressed by former UN Egyptian Official Mr. M. El Baradei. Mr. El Baradei challenges the imposing conflict and aggressive illegal military attack against all indigenous Middle Eastern peoples of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt against their will and inherent human rights of self determination and preference to disengage from U.S. tyranny.

"Egypt is a lesson for America, teaching us to look at ourselves, at how free we really are. We are not so different, Egypt under Mubarak and America under what ever gang of financial criminals and foreign thugs is controlling the government today." Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today

Opposition Viewpoint Irrelevant and Nonexistent

U.S. self anointed reverse victim ideologues, self admitted poor performers, and documented gross crime underachievers ignores and dismisses all opposing viewpoint as irrelevant and nonexistent.

The outrageous lack of concern, for the will of 'We the People,' operates solely on a very fine line of desperation that includes continued and perpetrated apathy, fear, propaganda, looting, contempt, and manufactured ignorance of the populace. This absolute lack of concern for opposition and nonexistent 'Free Speech' accelerates the masses of global citizenry screams and cries for justice and Free Speech. No entity, individual, nation, government, select special interest group, religion, faith, or forum "owns" Free Speech.

The U.S. answers the worlds citizenry screams and cries for justice and Free Speech responding with imperious and arrogant manufactured apathy and ignorant knee jerk reaction. "Too Big To Failures" or "observers" hiding under 19th Century gunboat diplomacy against freedom loving Egyptians, East Asians, Middle Easterners, and the American populace.

"Connecticut National Guard Detachment 2, Company I, 185th Aviation Regiment of Groton has mobilized and will deploy to the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt." Posted by

"Corrupt Politicians, Profiteers, Cooperative greedy culture, world domination by any means possible; Barbarism, false flagging, accusing others of having Weapons of Mass Destruction while allowing criminal Zionist state like Israel to keep building than lying and denying "Courageous Speech" Posted by Dr. Dalia Wafti

American Capabilities of High Achievement No Longer Exists in Government Academia Finance

The America fast forwarded into the 21st Century no longer means attaining the fullest measure of capabilities and highest achievements. What does exist is false narrative pompous faith, democracy, freedom, and free speech false narrative parables shadowing the once heralded paramount "American Core Values."

"The Federal Reserve and the US Tax Code bastardized the American Dream, created barriers to economic advancement, and supported the accumulation of wealth and power by a select few. The ruling elite have used their power and control over the media to convince the majority of Americans that the American Dream is about accumulating material possessions with debt. The American Dream no longer meant attaining the fullest measure of your capabilities, but living in the biggest McMansion, driving the nicest BMW, watching the biggest TV and wearing the latest fashions, all acquired with debt. America is dying." Posted article American Eulogy
Tyrannical Self Admitted Under Performers Living Off the Corpse of Liberty Freedom Opportunity

American paramount Core Values of ideals and high spirit transitioned into a illegitimate charade by daily documented tyrannical arrogant and dismissive academic professional and financial banking underachievers of Nobel Prize accolades and awards imposing self inflicted reverse suicides.

Accelerating collusion with a pathetic bureaucratic apparatus of documented poor performance and self admitted gross poor underachievement. A fast forward impact of imposed and inflicted parody on the U.S. citizenry year after year, now a Century old.

Resulting in illegal global wars, terror, destruction, financial Armageddon, outrageous greed, and the theft confiscations of global and American populace labor, property, and assets. "Even the Troops Are Waking Up" Video by Winter Soldier

Documented and self admitted poor performance currently celebrating 100 years of failures since 1910 with U.S. Federal Reserve war against humanity and crony Wall Street crime organization theft scams against global labor property and assets of the populace Article Federal Reserve Instrument of War..

Wall Street organized crime, the theft and confiscation scams of mathematical impossibilities. Criminal gangbanksters that can only rig the percentage results to their favor, do not create wealth. These daily documented organized crime poor performers steal and rob wealth through rigged markets, and welfare bailouts of imaginary taxpayers ability to pay into the rigged corrupt system.. "Bonus Watch 2011" Posted by Business Week

The mathematical impossibility of sustained looting robbing and stealing of the Nation's productivity and wealth creation. $ 1 trillions of domestic and global wealth at $1 millions daily, every day, since Rome was founded and continue for 2,740 years. The estimated total of looting is now at 212 $ trillions equating to the daily theft of 212 $ millions daily and continue for 2,740 years. A mathematical impossibility using the false narrative paradigm equation of imaginary taxpayers and monetizing debt.

America's broken down ideology is consuming global Armageddon in the Middle East, including 1000 aggressive military offensive bases across the worlds spectrum of U.S. forced tyrannical dominance, to the detriment and will of 'We the People' and 10 millennial history and culture of indigenous peoples The eternal illegal occupation and pretext wars for other nations natural resources, property, assets, and labors simultaneously bankrupting the nations wealth, productivity, and creative opportunity.

American ultra self anointed reverse victims, admitted poor performance underachievers, and daily documented parasites hiding under the phony stellar patina of merit and false narrative paradigms including; select exclusive special interest group, religion, superiority, awards, accolades, pompous hollow yearly financial banking bonuses, SOTU yearly address, lazy intellect Hollywood celebrations, and academic parodies.

Ultra documented stupidity daily, a not so clever conditioning of the masses, with the barrel of a gun pointed to the populace heads, rapidly firing out loads of fear, apathy, ignorance, looting, loathing, contempt, cold blooded murder, torture, intimidation, violence, crimes against peace, and crimes against all of humanity!















Thursday, January 27, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: USA "Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Incorrect!!!!

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: USA "Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Incorrect!!!!
Eleanor Roosevelt quotes "Anyone who thinks must think of the next war as they would of suicide."

USA "Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Incorrect!!!!

USA "Is The Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes A Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Statement Is Incorrect!!!

Philadelphia, PA. January 2011............... Reaching the zenith at number one slurs is lifetime media correspondent Helen Thomas who mistakenly associated the Third Rail metaphor to a select exclusive special interest group. "Helen Thomas' school scraps award over 'Zionists' remark" Article by CNN.

US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights Protects 'We the People' From The Government

First Amendment to the US Constitution protects Free Speech from underachieving government predators. Free Speech privilege means that particular persons are not targeted by self anointed predators because you or the parasitic government bureaucracy do not like and do not agree with their viewpoints. All U.S. citizenry have just as much privilege Free Speech as do a "select exclusive special interest group."

No person, entity, nation, government, person, select special interest group owns Free Speech.

Predator Government Bureaucracy Revokes Free Speech

Protection withdrawn denying all citizenry the privileges of the US Constitution by revoking Free Speech viewpoints! The government perpetrates a blatant assault and attack of reverse Hate Speech directed to targeted persons, while conversely invoking First Amendment privilege rights of Free Speech to a 'select exclusive special interest group' only.

Helen Thomas utters; “Jews should get the hell out of Palestine. They should go home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else.”-May 2010 “Congress, the White House, Hollywood and Wall Street are owned by Zionists. They put their money where their mouth is.” -December 2010 and "Israel is the Third Rail of American Politics" - December 2010.
Helen Thomas, former UPI Senior White House correspondent. Ms Thomas is attacked and tagged incorrectly quoting a mistaken "Third Rail" metaphor association by Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs for 2010

Helen Thomas Metaphor Corrected

Ms Helen Thomas misstatement stands corrected. Historic documented factual events in the last 66 years clearly indicates to the severely conditioned masses that the USA is the 'Third Rail plague to the world' of unspeakable illegal war crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes against peace, crimes against its very populace by confiscating their labor property and assets, and the evisceration of the US Constitution thereby declaring a great Nation of laws to be null and void.

The 'Third Rail' plague on humanity metaphor quoted by Helen Thomas was associated to a mistaken entity.

The U.S operates the quisling entity Israeli belligerence, illegal land confiscation, genocide against Palestine, and Israeli International violations against human rights as a pretext red caboose or red herring shadowing the USA suicidal out of control global train wreck dynamic.

The severely conditioned masses react to these historic factual events by flying into a rage of apoplectic patriotic parody defenses. Parroting and screeching apoplectic rages of pious and sanctimonious false narratives and mythological fantasies thereby; totally ignoring historical and documented factual events, shadowing war criminals, denying mass murder and genocides, impulsively ignoring the illegal crimes against 'We the People,' US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights.

Reciting ad nausea delusional mythology "the greatest Nation on earth," "a country protecting freedom and democracy," " a nation of laws," and permitting "select exclusive special interest groups" "to assault citizenry privilege Free Speech viewpoints!!" Consequently, confirming outrageous self inflicted and manufactured national suicides and global train wreck dynamic.

Eleanor Roosevelt Speaks Against 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Against Humanity

Eleanor Roosevelt is totally dismissed absolutely ignored by every bureaucratic apparatus under performer in the last Century who continues with war against humanity across the global spectrum of world domination. Underachievers who have conditioned the masses into a patriotic false narrative stupor of 'Stockholm Syndrome.'

More than 66 years ago the great iconic Eleanor Roosevelt wife of President FDR made a statement that equates the striking parallels to U.S. self inflicted suicide correlation with war conflict and eternal militarism. Eleanor Roosevelt quotes "Anyone who thinks must think of the next war as they would of suicide." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

Women of Power Condone American 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Ideologies

Conversely, women of power totally ignore are completely dismissive against Eleanor Roosevelt's uncanny prediction of self imposed suicides by self anointed and self appointed reverse victim complexes. The U.S. 'Third Rail' 20 year self inflicted suicidal war against Iraq and mass murder of defenseless women and children. "The U.S. war on Iraq unleashed a wave of violence that has left over one million Iraqis dead and four million displaced, as well as ethnic rivalries that continue to plague the nation. " Article by Women Say No to

"Lesley Stahl CBS News c.1996 on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it"? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it ." Subsequently, an instantaneous 'Third Rail' manufactured ignorance, stupidity, incompetence and reverse 'Hate Speech' recited by U.S. Department of State official ivy league under performer bureaucratic hacks. Posted by Irvine Review UC at Irvine.

Hillary Clinton hiding behind stellar merit phony accolades and delusional fantasies threatens Iran with a holocaust incinerating 70 million people, instantaneously. Hillary Clinton "Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran." Video by Keith Olberman MSNBC. Ms. Clinton's attempt to eclipse Josef Stalin cold blooded mass murder records. A goal that she has dedicated a lifetime to achieve.

This self delusional hysteria is the best documented and self admitted record that America is able to project to the world. A broken down and crippled class of under performers and underachievement that has never been witnessed to this date, in all recorded history. Elimination of the 'Third Rail' unspeakable crimes a plague against humanity by destroying the entire earth. Confirming, absolute 'Third Rail' out of control global suicide train wreck dynamic, with no abatement in sight.

Conclusion Eleanor and Helen Nonentities

Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Thomas daring viewpoints are met with complete dismissal and rendered irrelevant nonentities.

Therefore, confirming that its no surprise, it cannot be disputed or argued by any individual, entity, nation, forum, or government that the 'US is the greatest debtor nation in recorded history and a self inflicted suicidal Third Rail train wreck of total demise and collapse.' Manufactured by the dominate overrepresented underachievers and select exclusive special interest group, at the pinnacles of power, against the will to the detriment of 'We the People' and the global masses.

Consequently, America refuses to acknowledge, totally ignores all historical facts events or reality of present gross flawed global failures, instead projects 'Third Rail' bellicose belligerence accelerating: shill diversions, distractions, academic professional bureaucratic apparatus deceptions, financial banking confiscations thefts scams, and military satraps reverse narcissistic victim complexes and illegal war crimes against all humanity.

Crimes that attempt to confuse, minimize, totally disconnect, render all opposition as irrelevant and nonexistent forcing a conditioned citizenry into a dysfunctional patriotic suicide stupor of Stockholm Syndrome. A populace reduced to prisoners incarcerated and abused by their own nations under performers.

Resulting in American 'Third Rail' plague of bureaucratic apparatus harboring total self denial suicides and unparalleled arrogance and contempt for all humanity.

To the memory of iconic Eleanor Roosevelt and to the current daily bravery of Ms Helen Thomas, excellent performance is greatly appreciated at the zenith of success and totally relevant in the 21st Century. Projecting outstanding courage, determination, beautiful positive self assurance, over achievements, excellence, and eternal shiny beacon and light to humanity.

Monday, January 24, 2011

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets

21st Century Reverse Pyramid: NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets
subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially.

NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets

Times Reporter Hypes National Story Line "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted." Soft Pedals Wall Street Racketeers

January 2011......New York City April Fools Day arrives very early in January. NYT top national headlines "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted." All the news that's not reported dynamic. Early April fools conned by January NYT parody playing to sixty years of Italian American alleged crime accusations and invention of unique corrupt scams. Incendiary news not reported privilege, under the US Constitution Free Speech.

NYT Parroting Distractions Shadowing Genuine Great Crimes Against Humanity

NYT's parroting criminal deceptions, diversions, and distraction hype buzz words and story line copy. Publishing 'Italian American Mobsters' criminal indictments, for alleged racketeering, looting of union benefits funds, loansharking, murder, prostitution, and drugs.

New York Times reports "In the largest sweep in recent memory, federal and New York State authorities on Thursday rounded up scores of accused organized crime figures who were indicted on charges including murder, racketeering, construction extortions and the looting of union benefit funds." Reported by William Rashbaum

Mr. Rashbaum's subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially. "Soft Pedal Wall Street Racketeers" Posted by Veterans Today.

Daily crimes, gross under performance, and corruption in collusion with the NYT, mainstream media, and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. Third world status largly hidden from the public by NYT's constant publication deflecting outrageous discrimination of ethnic, religious, national, and indigenous dark and poor peoples. Discrimination that exacerbates focus and sirens to the world their colluding pretext crime publishing empire..

Mass Murder Looting Labor by Welfare Wall Street Gangbanksters

The New York Times, subjective Nobel prize winners continue to publish, foul odor soiled underpants news, sixty year deceptive Italian alleged crime activities. Thereby, imposing a pretext psyche, omitting and dismissing all conflict or objective viewpoints to the unenviable position of American high level ivy league failure. Gross underachievement and criminal corruption by economic political and financial death squads.

NYT media reporters, shadowing the factual historical documented record of lower Manhattan and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus racketeering, and wailing Wall Street organized crime conspiracy. Commencing c.1792 "Buttonwood Agreement" a monopoly on rigged pyramid scam rackets. Subsequently, resulting in the greatest welfare and looting thefts, mass murder, genocides, theft and confiscation of global labor property assets, natural resources drugs oil, illegal wars, prostitution, controlled markets, prices, contracts, circumventing the US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, repeal 800 years Habeas Corpus, and invasions illegal occupations of global nations natural resources, in recorded history..

C.1951 Kefauver Hearings Organized Crime

Conversely, an excerpt from article by Michael Parenti. "Let’s go back to the aftermath of the Kefauver hearings. America, O America, God’s glorious but ever besieged country, was in the grip of an organized crime network that threatened to destroy the very fabric of our society, or so we were repeatedly alerted. In fact, what the mafia bosses stole from the public was a pittance compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that Corporate America regularly plundered from workers, consumers, small investors, and taxpayers."

"This went largely unnoticed in all the hoopla. That Congress actually attempted to confront the mafiosi was proof enough that these hoodlums were men of limited power. They did not sit on the governing boards of corporations, banks, investment houses, foundations, universities, museums, and churches as do the “captains of industry and finance.” They could not buy Capitol Hill, the way the big corporations and financiers have repeatedly done.

Now that’s organized crime: the policymakers not the bookmakers, the banksters not the gangsters." Published by Open Media Boston

Modern Day Accounting Procedures Meets Organized Corruption Rigged Markets Alleged Mr. Carlo Ponzi Scam

c.1494 Luca Pacioli "The Father of Accounting." "Accounting practitioners in public accounting, industry, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as investors, lending institutions, business firms, and all other users for financial information are indebted to Luca Pacioli for his monumental role in the development of accounting." Posted by Murphy Smith.

Gangbankster over educated at Princeton University PhD Ben Shalom Bernanke could care less about basic root modern day accounting procedures of the Debit Credit ledger. Not only is arrogant imperious Mr. Bernanke operating impulsively above the law, his position of absolute power allows for fabricating phony accounting procedures, perpetrating 'magic of compound interest hoaxes,' dismissing grade school arithmetic, operating above US and International banking laws, daylight theft and con of U.S.citizenry labor property assets, outrageous criminal corruption, and great financial crimes, at his whim.

Positioning himself between Luca Pacioli "Father of Accounting" and hypothetical scams by uneducated Italian Immigrant Mr. Carlo Ponzi. NYT the parroting mouthpiece for bureaucratic apparatus dancing to an unholy alliance of an economic, political and financial death squads, against the will and to the detriment of 'We the People.' Repeating ad nausea alleged Italian American saga of lazy intellect Hollywood false narratives. "Ponzi Scam Versus Concept." Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scam. A ruse to deflect from the bowels of lower Manhattan's control of rigged rackets.

Bowels of Lower Manhattan's Rigged Rackets In Hyper Motion

Rigged racketeers hyper-tweek accounting procedures! Broad daylight robbery style by wild-west bandits! "An accounting methodology change at the central bank will allow the Fed to incur losses, even substantial losses, without eroding its capital." Reuters The Bernanke anomaly, a particular imperious ivy league trait of ignorant grade school arithmetic 2+2=4 and 2-2=0. A staged performance of a high phony theatrics drama event preceded by the unholy alliance of ultra great crime overlord death squads who revoked, repealed, and eliminated all restraints safeguards and 1929 laws limiting the scope of investment banks, insurance, and investment houses.

To list a few of the death squad members such as Rubin, Greenspan, Summers, and Paulson's oversight of the banking industry. Posted by Before Its News. The unholy alliance mounted an aggressive campaign to halt any efforts at regulations by repeal of 1929 Glass-Steagall Act. Posted by Lou Grumet. Morose self styled bandits hiding under the veneer of stellar merit who threatened 'We the People' with military marshall law, if they did not get their welfare bailout, post haste.

A blatant and extremely important subject matter not covered by "All The News Fit To Print" NYT. This unholy alliance death squad should be charged with 'The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act' RICO" lose their freedom and assets, as opposed to accelerating exponential theft schemes and scams of 'We The People' confiscating hard assets, labor, wealth, value, and property. Posted by Global Research.

"Hank Paulson, the Goldman sad Sachs "bankster/U.S. Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new U.S. debt, is still not in jail."

Gangbankster "Paulson is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives." Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts.

Early April Fools Day January War On Humanity

Assaulted by predominate overrepresented underachieving and under performing Jewish criminals using pretext "Ponzi made them do it" false narratives and reverse 'Hate Speech' totally ignoring the genius of Luca Pacioli.

Eviscerating America ignoring and dismissing the great national, ethnic, racial, gender groups, and Italian ideals, spirit, community, religion, family, and industrious labors that made America a great nation and a "Thousand Points of Light to the World."

Consequently, the false narrative venue will continue to be perpetuated that 25 million Italian-Americans including other religious ethnic indigenous dark and poor peoples are responsible for the global financial meltdown scams and total war against humanity. So, the second decade of the 21st Century begins in January with early April fools day con job by the over educated PhD dismissive arrogant ivy league crime baron organization and NYT conspiracies.

A systemic corruption that continues unabated now 60 years, soiled with rank foul odor and siren to the world, that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. "The situation facing America is a grim one. An epidemic of escalating severity threatens us all." Goodbye America Posted by Dr Lasha Darkmoon. Published essay articles Occidental Observer.







