Philadelphia, PA October 2010............Wailing Wall...Street the magic of compound failures. "Why are Wall Street's billionaires so whiny? Is it really possible to make $900,000 an hour (not a typo -- that's what the top ten hedge fund managers take in), and still feel aggrieved about the way government is treating you? After you've been bailed out by the federal government to the tune of $10 trillion (also not a typo) in loans, asset swaps, liquidity and other guarantees, can you really still feel like an oppressed minority"? Posted by Les Leopold [34]
Wailing Wall Street
The answer is simply [because they can] [45]. 'Wailing Wall Street' comprises one segment that is representative of 21st Century American deception. A deception perpetrated by automaton bureaucratic military satraps and financial banking quislings. What exactly is a quisling? 'Quisling is a traitor [43] working for an occupying force.' "Mask of Zion: 911" [35] "A Nation Cannot Survive Treason from Within" c.103BC Cicero [43]
Moreover, this statement is not a false assumption or a speculative perception that will easily be digested by the majority of Americans. The majority of citizenry are kept extremely distracted by visual and sound bytes perpetuated by Hollywood fiction and mainstream media patriotic propaganda marketing and artificial political fall election subject matter distractions.
Imagine the kind of “imagineering” required to fool a nation of Jews, half of them Nobel Prize winners, to hide under their beds? Posted by Gordon Duff [46] [17] [18]
Mass media has conditioned generations of citizenry to believe the past press 18th 19th and 20th Century buzz words hype copy and mythology that includes the following principles; patriotic, democracy, liberty for all, beacon of light for humanity, merit, free markets, and excellence highest achievement of 'Once Upon A Time in America.'
Philadelphia, PA October 2010............Wailing Wall...Street the magic of compound failures. "Why are Wall Street's billionaires so whiny? Is it really possible to make $900,000 an hour (not a typo -- that's what the top ten hedge fund managers take in), and still feel aggrieved about the way government is treating you? After you've been bailed out by the federal government to the tune of $10 trillion (also not a typo) in loans, asset swaps, liquidity and other guarantees, can you really still feel like an oppressed minority"? Posted by Les Leopold [34]
Wailing Wall Street
The answer is simply [because they can] [45]. 'Wailing Wall Street' comprises one segment that is representative of 21st Century American deception. A deception perpetrated by automaton bureaucratic military satraps and financial banking quislings. What exactly is a quisling? 'Quisling is a traitor [43] working for an occupying force.' "Mask of Zion: 911" [35] "A Nation Cannot Survive Treason from Within" c.103BC Cicero [43]
Moreover, this statement is not a false assumption or a speculative perception that will easily be digested by the majority of Americans. The majority of citizenry are kept extremely distracted by visual and sound bytes perpetuated by Hollywood fiction and mainstream media patriotic propaganda marketing and artificial political fall election subject matter distractions.
Imagine the kind of “imagineering” required to fool a nation of Jews, half of them Nobel Prize winners, to hide under their beds? Posted by Gordon Duff [46] [17] [18]
Mass media has conditioned generations of citizenry to believe the past press 18th 19th and 20th Century buzz words hype copy and mythology that includes the following principles; patriotic, democracy, liberty for all, beacon of light for humanity, merit, free markets, and excellence highest achievement of 'Once Upon A Time in America.'
The conflict presented in the 21st Century is the antithesis of principals or looking in the rear view mirror of past greatness. Simultaneously accelerating imperious illegal wars and empire while supressing the unparalleled accomplishments of 'We The People' who created America by the extreme spirit, values, belief, faith, labor, and community. Resulting in circumventing the will of 'We the People' while manufacturing 21st Century mythology of American beacon and light of excellence to humanity.
The accelerating trajectory of U.S. occupation criminal state [44] by corrupt Wailing Wall Street, crony media, bureaucratic 'think tanks', military satraps, ivy league academic Zionists, and banking criminals, colluding quislings manufacturing the final demise and collapse of America. "The symbiotic relationship with Israel leads the US down the blind ally of totalitarian barbarism and endless colonial wars. In contrast China deepens its links with the dynamic economies of South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Brazil and the oil riches of Russia and the raw materials of Africa" Posted by James Petras [42]
US Government Detriment to 'We The People'
'We The People' totally ignored minimized rendered irrelevant and spied on [41] to the detriment of the U.S. Constitution and Articles Bill of Rights [1] [29]. Abused financially, morally, and physically by overrepresented supreme dysfunctional criminal lazy intellect underachievers [14]. Underachieviers who are permitted to exist against the will and to the detriment of 'We the People' simply [because they can] [45]. Operating in a bubble of narcissistic self anointed reverse victim anomalies [23], whiners, wimps, and complainers paradoxically holding in contempt the masses of humanity by their absolute lack of self dignity, ignorance, greed, avarice, genocides [39], artificial pious and sanctimonious reverse 'Hate Speech' stupidity.
Criminal Systemic Policy
Humanity is not required to look over the horizon to discover the overrepresented Nobel prize award winners occupying force [17] [18] exploiting multiple 'Wailing Wall Street' scams, war profiteering, swindles, thefts, to big to Fail replaced by cadres of to big to Fails, and the confiscating of global citizenry labor, property, assets, and wealth. Shadowing criminal systemic; foreign, domestic, financial, and economic policy under the subterfuge of very complex and cryptic contracts. These capitol crimes are all interrelated. Who benefits? "The answer to this question is always: The Zionist elite." Posted by Jonathan Azaziah [35]
Summary Wailing Wall Street Quislings
Sad sack satire of an underachiever overrepresented occupying force of 21st Century America in the first decade that continues to project humanity in contempt with broken artificial arrogance, illegal wars [31], fear, confiscation of global labor property assets wealth, including continued "ZPC Destruction of Civilizations" Posted by James Petras [39].
Finally, broken down imperious arrogance of ignoring and negating the supreme legacy passed down through the ages from the 'Senate and People of Rome.' SPQR creators, builders, protectors, nurturers, of civilizations society, culture, and laws [37]. Not quisling totalitarian barbarian destroyers exploiting the will of global citizenry and 'We the People' [40].
Authors Sources
How Many Tanks Did Israel Lose in 2006 War with Lebanon?
[32] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhp3kJv1H9I
[33] http://www.serendipity.li/wot/ed_ward/use_of_abombs.htm
[34] http://www.alternet.org/story/148217/poverty_is_through_the_roof,_and_billionaires_are_getting_pissy_about_not_enough_profits
[35] http://www.maskofzion.com/2010/09/911-israels-grand-deception.html
[37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPQR
[38] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paLNHuDwzIw
[39] http://www.petras.lahaine.org/articulo.php?p=1786
[40] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAO4fH6g0g0
[41] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/09/gordon-duff-taxpayers-funding-israeli-database-of-american-citizens/
[42] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/09/james-petras-imperialism-and-imperial-barbarism/
[43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BahjX9nI5k
[44] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNjb1MGmGDc&feature=channel
[45] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvSQuqQb5c&feature=related
The accelerating trajectory of U.S. occupation criminal state [44] by corrupt Wailing Wall Street, crony media, bureaucratic 'think tanks', military satraps, ivy league academic Zionists, and banking criminals, colluding quislings manufacturing the final demise and collapse of America. "The symbiotic relationship with Israel leads the US down the blind ally of totalitarian barbarism and endless colonial wars. In contrast China deepens its links with the dynamic economies of South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Brazil and the oil riches of Russia and the raw materials of Africa" Posted by James Petras [42]
US Government Detriment to 'We The People'
'We The People' totally ignored minimized rendered irrelevant and spied on [41] to the detriment of the U.S. Constitution and Articles Bill of Rights [1] [29]. Abused financially, morally, and physically by overrepresented supreme dysfunctional criminal lazy intellect underachievers [14]. Underachieviers who are permitted to exist against the will and to the detriment of 'We the People' simply [because they can] [45]. Operating in a bubble of narcissistic self anointed reverse victim anomalies [23], whiners, wimps, and complainers paradoxically holding in contempt the masses of humanity by their absolute lack of self dignity, ignorance, greed, avarice, genocides [39], artificial pious and sanctimonious reverse 'Hate Speech' stupidity.
Criminal Systemic Policy
Humanity is not required to look over the horizon to discover the overrepresented Nobel prize award winners occupying force [17] [18] exploiting multiple 'Wailing Wall Street' scams, war profiteering, swindles, thefts, to big to Fail replaced by cadres of to big to Fails, and the confiscating of global citizenry labor, property, assets, and wealth. Shadowing criminal systemic; foreign, domestic, financial, and economic policy under the subterfuge of very complex and cryptic contracts. These capitol crimes are all interrelated. Who benefits? "The answer to this question is always: The Zionist elite." Posted by Jonathan Azaziah [35]
Summary Wailing Wall Street Quislings
Sad sack satire of an underachiever overrepresented occupying force of 21st Century America in the first decade that continues to project humanity in contempt with broken artificial arrogance, illegal wars [31], fear, confiscation of global labor property assets wealth, including continued "ZPC Destruction of Civilizations" Posted by James Petras [39].
Finally, broken down imperious arrogance of ignoring and negating the supreme legacy passed down through the ages from the 'Senate and People of Rome.' SPQR creators, builders, protectors, nurturers, of civilizations society, culture, and laws [37]. Not quisling totalitarian barbarian destroyers exploiting the will of global citizenry and 'We the People' [40].
Authors Sources
How Many Tanks Did Israel Lose in 2006 War with Lebanon?
[32] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhp3kJv1H9I
[33] http://www.serendipity.li/wot/ed_ward/use_of_abombs.htm
[34] http://www.alternet.org/story/148217/poverty_is_through_the_roof,_and_billionaires_are_getting_pissy_about_not_enough_profits
[35] http://www.maskofzion.com/2010/09/911-israels-grand-deception.html
[37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPQR
[38] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paLNHuDwzIw
[39] http://www.petras.lahaine.org/articulo.php?p=1786
[40] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAO4fH6g0g0
[41] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/09/gordon-duff-taxpayers-funding-israeli-database-of-american-citizens/
[42] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/09/james-petras-imperialism-and-imperial-barbarism/
[43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BahjX9nI5k
[44] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNjb1MGmGDc&feature=channel
[45] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvSQuqQb5c&feature=related
[46] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/09/gordon-duff-israel%E2%80%99s-war-with-itself/
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