UPDATED Lenin McCartney McChrystal Pajama Sleepover Dereliction of Duty Not A Ponzi Scheme A Deadly Embrace of Victimhood Global Crime Schemes
No not Beatle John ! Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin, Sir Paul McCartney, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal pajama sleepover victims. Dereliction of Duty Deadly Embrace Global Victimhood Industry Pyramid Crime Schemes. Vladimir Lenin confirms from the grave, while simultaneously Sir Paul McCartney and Gen. Stanley McChrystal propagate the latest facts that America is an extreme abhorrent Plague On Humanity.
The Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin speaking from the grave, the "invoking Holocaust parallels to suit some contemporary sociopolitical crisis" by Sir Paul McCartney, and the genocide General Stanley McChrystal “We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat." by Chris Floyd. The ultimate reverse victim pajama sleepover demonstrates Americans have bought swallowed allowed and paid for the Double Speak Deadly Embrace of the Reverse Victimhood Industry.
"All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake “public opinion” for the benefit of the bourgeoisie." -Vladimir Lenin. Resorting to quotations of Socialists and Trotskyites demonstrates the sad pathetic depravity and dereliction of duty victimhood crime schemes to American Freedoms of the Press and Freedoms of Speech, 1st Amendment to the US Constitution and articles Bill of Rights. Global crime schemes translation Victim becomes Perpetrator Terrorists, Criminal Perpetrator Terrorists become exclusive self anointed Victims.
Striking historical parallels of Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin's quote on benefit to the bourgeoisie, "Who should be surprised that the media group named for the biggest curse in America is decidedly pro-Israeli? Why would anyone fall over in shock that the Wall Street Journal laments the role of the killer, while demonizing those who simply seek world peace?" by Tim King
Self Anointed Victims Self Inflicted US Perpetrated Victimhood Crime Schemes
Paid Pro Israeli Reverse Congressional Victims Crime Schemes
1990 Invasion of Iraq Crime Schemes
Lower Manhattan 911 Reverse Attack Crime Schemes
Repeal of Habeas Corpus, US Constitution, Bill of Rights Crime Schemes
Illegal Invasion Occupation Destruction of Iraq Crime Schemes
Illegal Invasion Occupation Destruction Of Afghanistan Narco State Crime Schemes
2008 Financial gangBanksters, Barons, Cartels, Theft of Labor, Property, Assets Crime Schemes
British Petroleum BP Catastrophic Destruction of Global Enviornment Crime Schemes
Demonizing Repeating Third Attack of Iran Crime Schemes
Subsequently, c. May 31, 2010 Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla article by James Petras paragraph,"Israeli storm troopers invading Freedom Flotilla ship were turned into victims and the humanitarian pacifists were turned into aggressors."
c.56BC Tacitus. c. 2010 George Washington University. Proud reverse victims since 2500 AD manufactured America into the greatest industry the world has ever witnessed 'THE REVERSE VICTIMHOOD INDUSTRY. "Israel Cult of Victimhood' by Jonathon Cook. The US Victimhood industry is the precise psychological dynamic deadly embrace operated in perpetuating racist, national, religious, culture, and ethnic divide and rule methodology, to the detriment of 'We The People.' Employing and embracing dynamics of subterfuge moral-intellectual-superiority-merit illusions and reverse victimology resulting in polarization and hostility toward the people and culture of surrounding societies — Muslim, Christian and pagan. Strategies including exclusive apex diversions 'To Big To Fail' corrupt schemes of rigged financial, economic, foreign policy, and militaristic epic global crime scams. Article written by Paul Craig Roberts Mr. Roberts: What is responsible for American success? "Propaganda. If truth be known, the US is a failed state."
Corrupt gangBanksters Global Financial Rigged Victimhood Crime Schemes
Corrupt gangBanksters Global Financial Rigged Victimhood Crime Schemes
Propagating outrageous use of racial and ethnic stereotype discriminations against all global citizenry utilizing the microcosm example of one individual in 400 years that results in branding Italian immigrant Mr. Carlo Ponzi an 'iconic scam' by reverse victim Jewish intellectuals, gangBanksters, cavalier academics, and zombie financial seers and savants who should be prosecuted on RICO Statute and incarcerated for crimes against humanity.
Self anointed criminals shadowing and deflecting the morbid automaton crime schemes victimhood industry of incompetence, parasite sociopath Double Speak, and merit-less supreme criminal, lazy Hollywood intellect, cold blooded murderers, and under achievers. Overrepresented, substantially disproportionate and insignificant percentage to global populations, under achievers forcing victimhood crime schemes policy on 'We The People' includes illegal corrupt bureaucratic ideologues, perpetuation of victimology, genocides, brutal occupations for other nations natural resources, war crimes, crimes against humanity, destruction of civilizations, and environmental catastrophe. Article: "What US Scientists Are Forbidden To Tell The Public About The Gulf: Oil Volcano Pressure Too Strong For Containment" by Dr. James P. Wickstrom.
Complete Epic Shambles of Self Appointed Cavalier Exploitative Overrepresented Victimhood Opportunists
Complete Epic Shambles of Self Appointed Cavalier Exploitative Overrepresented Victimhood Opportunists
Misanthropes, accountable to no person, entity, nation, government, laws, and extreme psychotic lack of any remorse for illegal actions and victimhood industry crime schemes against humanity. Conversely, an entire conditioned American society class of true victims and global citizenry branded criminal perpetrator terrorists. Dereliction of duty crime schemes victimhood indiustry impacts on the entire global spectrum; economics, the trade deficit, government spending deficit, jobs for Americans, lack of genuine health care systems, the buying power or value of the U.S. dollar, hyper manufactured war militarism, discrimination racial hatreds, environmental catastrophe, attacks on religions, nationalities, and the continued supreme theft of labor property and assets of global citizenry are all interrelated.
Ignoble Peas Prize winner Obomb'Em All oval office speech diverting attention from BP crime schemes against humanity and environmental slaughter first sentence "Heroic US troops are fighting Al-CIAda in Afghanistan and Iraq." Absolute, manufactured disconnect diversions from victimhood industry crime schemes reality distracting attention from i.e. 'perpetrators of criminal violence become victims,' to humanity and the environment 'victims are branded terrorists perpetrators of criminal violence.' Additionally, the BP crime schemes calamity reverse victimhood enviornmental slaughter will be adminstered by Kenneth R. Feinberg, pretext lawyer and mediator who ran the fund for the Sept 11, attacks.
Cavalier Academics Corrupt Media Publishers Crony Savants and Seers
Mediocrity is unattainable in 21st Century American incompetent dereliction of duty by overrepresented victimhood industry; Congress, bureaucratic apparatus, financial gangbanksters, simultaneously repealing Habeas Corpus, US Military Code of Honor, Geneva Conventions, US Constitution, Bill of Rights, International Laws on Human Rights to the detriment and the will of 'We The People'
Mediocrity is unattainable in 21st Century American incompetent dereliction of duty by overrepresented victimhood industry; Congress, bureaucratic apparatus, financial gangbanksters, simultaneously repealing Habeas Corpus, US Military Code of Honor, Geneva Conventions, US Constitution, Bill of Rights, International Laws on Human Rights to the detriment and the will of 'We The People'
"One thing is clear from the largely emotional ejaculations from the predominantly Jewish intellectuals' attacks against the book 'The Israel Lobby' by M and W, the intellectual level of contemporary Jewish intellectuals has seriously deteriorated to the point that envy, communal spite and partisan vitriol has gotten the better of a reasoned review of data and logic. The literary efforts by Abraham Foxman of the ADL to answer M and H are reminiscent of the Stalinist diatribes featured during the Moscow show trials of the 1930's (our Jewish version of Andrei Vishinsky). What accounts for the influence of these intellectual mediocrities is neither the evil vapors emanating from their venomous writing, nor their appeal to reason – though some pretense to reasoned debate is made by Zionist progressives – if such exist – but the fact that their repetitious message circulate throughout their mass media outlets uncontested." by James Petras
Global Crime Schemes Victimhood Industry Deadly Embrace
“What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between countries. It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is an intelligence asset of the CIA, which is the threat, ”Chossudovsky acknowledged. “It is an elusive network of organizations. The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.” The US is the most dangerous threat to global security" -by Michel Chossudovsky
Consequently, "America is admitting that it is no longer a sovereign nation. "Goodbye America" by Occidential Observer. "It can’t, it won’t protect its citizens, it won’t even act in concert with the international community. America is a victimhood industry of self anointed victims police state, a colony of victimhood industry terrorist global crime schemes and evils.
Gordon Duff writes 'What Israel's Execution of An American Teen Means." by Gordon Duff. It should be no great surprise then at the overrepresented victimhood industry self anointed reverse victims crime schemes, occupation of America, by Zionist Power Control. Repeating striking parallels of victimhood industry crime schemes history. The systematic imitation c.1620 Pilgrim occupation and genocides of indigenous American natives with c.1917 Wall Street Financed Revolution of Czarist Russia and mass murder of 50 million Imperial Russian Citizenry. "None Dare Call It Bolshevik" by History Project.
No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve 'We The American People.' "Declaration of Independence from Israel" by Chris Hedges. America purchased swallowed pays for and eviserated its own economy to perpetuate the obsession with philo-affinity for an artificial state of anointed victims who it protects to the detriment of 'We The People' including the will of the entire spectrum of global citizenry.
Consequently, "America is admitting that it is no longer a sovereign nation. "Goodbye America" by Occidential Observer. "It can’t, it won’t protect its citizens, it won’t even act in concert with the international community. America is a victimhood industry of self anointed victims police state, a colony of victimhood industry terrorist global crime schemes and evils.
Gordon Duff writes 'What Israel's Execution of An American Teen Means." by Gordon Duff. It should be no great surprise then at the overrepresented victimhood industry self anointed reverse victims crime schemes, occupation of America, by Zionist Power Control. Repeating striking parallels of victimhood industry crime schemes history. The systematic imitation c.1620 Pilgrim occupation and genocides of indigenous American natives with c.1917 Wall Street Financed Revolution of Czarist Russia and mass murder of 50 million Imperial Russian Citizenry. "None Dare Call It Bolshevik" by History Project.
No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve 'We The American People.' "Declaration of Independence from Israel" by Chris Hedges. America purchased swallowed pays for and eviserated its own economy to perpetuate the obsession with philo-affinity for an artificial state of anointed victims who it protects to the detriment of 'We The People' including the will of the entire spectrum of global citizenry.
Simultaneously, this philo-affinity of hypocrisy by the dimlluminati victim ideologues who scapegoat and deem it necessary to oppress citizenry and the entire world as terrorists, justifying psychotic egregious capital crimes and abuse committed against it. US self anointed victim sociopaths by their actions of reverse diversion methodology validate the daily theft of labor, property, assets, death and destruction across the world.
Time to say goodnight declare Independence from Lenin, McCartney, McCrystal and the American Plague on Humanity. The outrageous victimhood industry crime schemes [Treason] priority to Israel is no friend of America or 'We The People.'
"A Nation Cannot Survive Treason from Within" c.103BC Cicero
www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/NewsDisplay.php?Match=Park+Avenue+Parasites www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=NoneDare04
www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_antisemitism_on_the_part_of_Joseph_Stalin www.rense.com/general54/mih.htm
Gangbankster_Eyeing_Reverse_Pyramid_Confiscation_of_Social_Security.html www.nen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus www.alternet.org/economy/146504/the_roots_of_stalin_in_the_tea_party_movement www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RwCPaZujZM
www.veteranstoday.com/2010/04/24/gordon-duff-stage-being-set-for-dirty-bomb-false-flag/ www.chris-floyd.com/articles/1-latest-news/1957-howling-wind-the-unrepented-genocide.html
www.alternet.org/story/147061/israel% www.27s_murderous_attack_on_peace_activists_provokes_international_outrage% 2C_diplomatic_crisis/
www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19447 www.veteranstoday.com/2010/06/05/gordon-duff-autopsy-shows-israel-executed-wounded-worse-than-munich-1972/
http://diaspora.commons.yale.edu/index.php? http://option=com_content&task=view&id=128&Itemid=57
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