21st Century Reverse Pyramid: USA "Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Incorrect!!!!
Eleanor Roosevelt quotes "Anyone who thinks must think of the next war as they would of suicide."
21ST CENTURY REVERSE PYRAMID BLOG A Nation That Places Citizenry Secondary to Private Bank Can Never be A Sovereign Nation A Nation That Refuses To Control Issuance of Money and Wealth Creation Is Not Representing 'We the People'
Thursday, January 27, 2011
USA "Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Incorrect!!!!

USA "Is The Third Rail" Unspeakable Crimes A Plague On Humanity, Helen Your Statement Is Incorrect!!!
Philadelphia, PA. January 2011............... Reaching the zenith at number one slurs is lifetime media correspondent Helen Thomas who mistakenly associated the Third Rail metaphor to a select exclusive special interest group. "Helen Thomas' school scraps award over 'Zionists' remark" Article by CNN.
US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights Protects 'We the People' From The Government
First Amendment to the US Constitution protects Free Speech from underachieving government predators. Free Speech privilege means that particular persons are not targeted by self anointed predators because you or the parasitic government bureaucracy do not like and do not agree with their viewpoints. All U.S. citizenry have just as much privilege Free Speech as do a "select exclusive special interest group."
No person, entity, nation, government, person, select special interest group owns Free Speech.
Predator Government Bureaucracy Revokes Free Speech
Protection withdrawn denying all citizenry the privileges of the US Constitution by revoking Free Speech viewpoints! The government perpetrates a blatant assault and attack of reverse Hate Speech directed to targeted persons, while conversely invoking First Amendment privilege rights of Free Speech to a 'select exclusive special interest group' only.
Helen Thomas utters; “Jews should get the hell out of Palestine. They should go home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else.”-May 2010 “Congress, the White House, Hollywood and Wall Street are owned by Zionists. They put their money where their mouth is.” -December 2010 and "Israel is the Third Rail of American Politics" - December 2010.
Philadelphia, PA. January 2011............... Reaching the zenith at number one slurs is lifetime media correspondent Helen Thomas who mistakenly associated the Third Rail metaphor to a select exclusive special interest group. "Helen Thomas' school scraps award over 'Zionists' remark" Article by CNN.
US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights Protects 'We the People' From The Government
First Amendment to the US Constitution protects Free Speech from underachieving government predators. Free Speech privilege means that particular persons are not targeted by self anointed predators because you or the parasitic government bureaucracy do not like and do not agree with their viewpoints. All U.S. citizenry have just as much privilege Free Speech as do a "select exclusive special interest group."
No person, entity, nation, government, person, select special interest group owns Free Speech.
Predator Government Bureaucracy Revokes Free Speech
Protection withdrawn denying all citizenry the privileges of the US Constitution by revoking Free Speech viewpoints! The government perpetrates a blatant assault and attack of reverse Hate Speech directed to targeted persons, while conversely invoking First Amendment privilege rights of Free Speech to a 'select exclusive special interest group' only.
Helen Thomas utters; “Jews should get the hell out of Palestine. They should go home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else.”-May 2010 “Congress, the White House, Hollywood and Wall Street are owned by Zionists. They put their money where their mouth is.” -December 2010 and "Israel is the Third Rail of American Politics" - December 2010.
Helen Thomas, former UPI Senior White House correspondent. Ms Thomas is attacked and tagged incorrectly quoting a mistaken "Third Rail" metaphor association by Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs for 2010
Helen Thomas Metaphor Corrected
Ms Helen Thomas misstatement stands corrected. Historic documented factual events in the last 66 years clearly indicates to the severely conditioned masses that the USA is the 'Third Rail plague to the world' of unspeakable illegal war crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes against peace, crimes against its very populace by confiscating their labor property and assets, and the evisceration of the US Constitution thereby declaring a great Nation of laws to be null and void.
The 'Third Rail' plague on humanity metaphor quoted by Helen Thomas was associated to a mistaken entity.
The U.S operates the quisling entity Israeli belligerence, illegal land confiscation, genocide against Palestine, and Israeli International violations against human rights as a pretext red caboose or red herring shadowing the USA suicidal out of control global train wreck dynamic.
The severely conditioned masses react to these historic factual events by flying into a rage of apoplectic patriotic parody defenses. Parroting and screeching apoplectic rages of pious and sanctimonious false narratives and mythological fantasies thereby; totally ignoring historical and documented factual events, shadowing war criminals, denying mass murder and genocides, impulsively ignoring the illegal crimes against 'We the People,' US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights.
Reciting ad nausea delusional mythology "the greatest Nation on earth," "a country protecting freedom and democracy," " a nation of laws," and permitting "select exclusive special interest groups" "to assault citizenry privilege Free Speech viewpoints!!" Consequently, confirming outrageous self inflicted and manufactured national suicides and global train wreck dynamic.
Eleanor Roosevelt Speaks Against 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Against Humanity
Eleanor Roosevelt is totally dismissed absolutely ignored by every bureaucratic apparatus under performer in the last Century who continues with war against humanity across the global spectrum of world domination. Underachievers who have conditioned the masses into a patriotic false narrative stupor of 'Stockholm Syndrome.'
More than 66 years ago the great iconic Eleanor Roosevelt wife of President FDR made a statement that equates the striking parallels to U.S. self inflicted suicide correlation with war conflict and eternal militarism. Eleanor Roosevelt quotes "Anyone who thinks must think of the next war as they would of suicide." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Women of Power Condone American 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Ideologies
Conversely, women of power totally ignore are completely dismissive against Eleanor Roosevelt's uncanny prediction of self imposed suicides by self anointed and self appointed reverse victim complexes. The U.S. 'Third Rail' 20 year self inflicted suicidal war against Iraq and mass murder of defenseless women and children. "The U.S. war on Iraq unleashed a wave of violence that has left over one million Iraqis dead and four million displaced, as well as ethnic rivalries that continue to plague the nation. " Article by Women Say No to War.org
"Lesley Stahl CBS News c.1996 on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it"? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it ." Subsequently, an instantaneous 'Third Rail' manufactured ignorance, stupidity, incompetence and reverse 'Hate Speech' recited by U.S. Department of State official ivy league under performer bureaucratic hacks. Posted by Irvine Review UC at Irvine.
Hillary Clinton hiding behind stellar merit phony accolades and delusional fantasies threatens Iran with a holocaust incinerating 70 million people, instantaneously. Hillary Clinton "Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran." Video by Keith Olberman MSNBC. Ms. Clinton's attempt to eclipse Josef Stalin cold blooded mass murder records. A goal that she has dedicated a lifetime to achieve.
This self delusional hysteria is the best documented and self admitted record that America is able to project to the world. A broken down and crippled class of under performers and underachievement that has never been witnessed to this date, in all recorded history. Elimination of the 'Third Rail' unspeakable crimes a plague against humanity by destroying the entire earth. Confirming, absolute 'Third Rail' out of control global suicide train wreck dynamic, with no abatement in sight.
Conclusion Eleanor and Helen Nonentities
Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Thomas daring viewpoints are met with complete dismissal and rendered irrelevant nonentities.
Therefore, confirming that its no surprise, it cannot be disputed or argued by any individual, entity, nation, forum, or government that the 'US is the greatest debtor nation in recorded history and a self inflicted suicidal Third Rail train wreck of total demise and collapse.' Manufactured by the dominate overrepresented underachievers and select exclusive special interest group, at the pinnacles of power, against the will to the detriment of 'We the People' and the global masses.
Consequently, America refuses to acknowledge, totally ignores all historical facts events or reality of present gross flawed global failures, instead projects 'Third Rail' bellicose belligerence accelerating: shill diversions, distractions, academic professional bureaucratic apparatus deceptions, financial banking confiscations thefts scams, and military satraps reverse narcissistic victim complexes and illegal war crimes against all humanity.
Crimes that attempt to confuse, minimize, totally disconnect, render all opposition as irrelevant and nonexistent forcing a conditioned citizenry into a dysfunctional patriotic suicide stupor of Stockholm Syndrome. A populace reduced to prisoners incarcerated and abused by their own nations under performers.
Resulting in American 'Third Rail' plague of bureaucratic apparatus harboring total self denial suicides and unparalleled arrogance and contempt for all humanity.
To the memory of iconic Eleanor Roosevelt and to the current daily bravery of Ms Helen Thomas, excellent performance is greatly appreciated at the zenith of success and totally relevant in the 21st Century. Projecting outstanding courage, determination, beautiful positive self assurance, over achievements, excellence, and eternal shiny beacon and light to humanity.
Helen Thomas Metaphor Corrected
Ms Helen Thomas misstatement stands corrected. Historic documented factual events in the last 66 years clearly indicates to the severely conditioned masses that the USA is the 'Third Rail plague to the world' of unspeakable illegal war crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes against peace, crimes against its very populace by confiscating their labor property and assets, and the evisceration of the US Constitution thereby declaring a great Nation of laws to be null and void.
The 'Third Rail' plague on humanity metaphor quoted by Helen Thomas was associated to a mistaken entity.
The U.S operates the quisling entity Israeli belligerence, illegal land confiscation, genocide against Palestine, and Israeli International violations against human rights as a pretext red caboose or red herring shadowing the USA suicidal out of control global train wreck dynamic.
The severely conditioned masses react to these historic factual events by flying into a rage of apoplectic patriotic parody defenses. Parroting and screeching apoplectic rages of pious and sanctimonious false narratives and mythological fantasies thereby; totally ignoring historical and documented factual events, shadowing war criminals, denying mass murder and genocides, impulsively ignoring the illegal crimes against 'We the People,' US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights.
Reciting ad nausea delusional mythology "the greatest Nation on earth," "a country protecting freedom and democracy," " a nation of laws," and permitting "select exclusive special interest groups" "to assault citizenry privilege Free Speech viewpoints!!" Consequently, confirming outrageous self inflicted and manufactured national suicides and global train wreck dynamic.
Eleanor Roosevelt Speaks Against 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Against Humanity
Eleanor Roosevelt is totally dismissed absolutely ignored by every bureaucratic apparatus under performer in the last Century who continues with war against humanity across the global spectrum of world domination. Underachievers who have conditioned the masses into a patriotic false narrative stupor of 'Stockholm Syndrome.'
More than 66 years ago the great iconic Eleanor Roosevelt wife of President FDR made a statement that equates the striking parallels to U.S. self inflicted suicide correlation with war conflict and eternal militarism. Eleanor Roosevelt quotes "Anyone who thinks must think of the next war as they would of suicide." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Women of Power Condone American 'Third Rail' Unspeakable Crimes Ideologies
Conversely, women of power totally ignore are completely dismissive against Eleanor Roosevelt's uncanny prediction of self imposed suicides by self anointed and self appointed reverse victim complexes. The U.S. 'Third Rail' 20 year self inflicted suicidal war against Iraq and mass murder of defenseless women and children. "The U.S. war on Iraq unleashed a wave of violence that has left over one million Iraqis dead and four million displaced, as well as ethnic rivalries that continue to plague the nation. " Article by Women Say No to War.org
"Lesley Stahl CBS News c.1996 on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it"? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it ." Subsequently, an instantaneous 'Third Rail' manufactured ignorance, stupidity, incompetence and reverse 'Hate Speech' recited by U.S. Department of State official ivy league under performer bureaucratic hacks. Posted by Irvine Review UC at Irvine.
Hillary Clinton hiding behind stellar merit phony accolades and delusional fantasies threatens Iran with a holocaust incinerating 70 million people, instantaneously. Hillary Clinton "Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran." Video by Keith Olberman MSNBC. Ms. Clinton's attempt to eclipse Josef Stalin cold blooded mass murder records. A goal that she has dedicated a lifetime to achieve.
This self delusional hysteria is the best documented and self admitted record that America is able to project to the world. A broken down and crippled class of under performers and underachievement that has never been witnessed to this date, in all recorded history. Elimination of the 'Third Rail' unspeakable crimes a plague against humanity by destroying the entire earth. Confirming, absolute 'Third Rail' out of control global suicide train wreck dynamic, with no abatement in sight.
Conclusion Eleanor and Helen Nonentities
Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Thomas daring viewpoints are met with complete dismissal and rendered irrelevant nonentities.
Therefore, confirming that its no surprise, it cannot be disputed or argued by any individual, entity, nation, forum, or government that the 'US is the greatest debtor nation in recorded history and a self inflicted suicidal Third Rail train wreck of total demise and collapse.' Manufactured by the dominate overrepresented underachievers and select exclusive special interest group, at the pinnacles of power, against the will to the detriment of 'We the People' and the global masses.
Consequently, America refuses to acknowledge, totally ignores all historical facts events or reality of present gross flawed global failures, instead projects 'Third Rail' bellicose belligerence accelerating: shill diversions, distractions, academic professional bureaucratic apparatus deceptions, financial banking confiscations thefts scams, and military satraps reverse narcissistic victim complexes and illegal war crimes against all humanity.
Crimes that attempt to confuse, minimize, totally disconnect, render all opposition as irrelevant and nonexistent forcing a conditioned citizenry into a dysfunctional patriotic suicide stupor of Stockholm Syndrome. A populace reduced to prisoners incarcerated and abused by their own nations under performers.
Resulting in American 'Third Rail' plague of bureaucratic apparatus harboring total self denial suicides and unparalleled arrogance and contempt for all humanity.
To the memory of iconic Eleanor Roosevelt and to the current daily bravery of Ms Helen Thomas, excellent performance is greatly appreciated at the zenith of success and totally relevant in the 21st Century. Projecting outstanding courage, determination, beautiful positive self assurance, over achievements, excellence, and eternal shiny beacon and light to humanity.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_rail_%28metaphor%29
[2] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=18516
[3] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/eleanorroo397499.html
[4] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4291982770392066533#
[5] http://www.womensaynotowar.org/article.php?id=5510
[6] http://web.archive.org/web/20030603215848/http://www.irvinereview.org/guest1.htm
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome
[8] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAO4fH6g0g0
[9] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAO4fH6g0g0
[10] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[11] http://articles.cnn.com/2010-12-04/us/helen.thomas.award_1_helen-thomas-spirit-diversity-anti-semitic-remarks?_s=PM:US
Monday, January 24, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets
subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially.
subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially.
NYT Reporter Hypes "Big Mob Sweep" Soft Pedals Wall Street Rackets

Times Reporter Hypes National Story Line "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted." Soft Pedals Wall Street Racketeers
January 2011......New York City April Fools Day arrives very early in January. NYT top national headlines "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted." All the news that's not reported dynamic. Early April fools conned by January NYT parody playing to sixty years of Italian American alleged crime accusations and invention of unique corrupt scams. Incendiary news not reported privilege, under the US Constitution Free Speech.
NYT Parroting Distractions Shadowing Genuine Great Crimes Against Humanity
NYT's parroting criminal deceptions, diversions, and distraction hype buzz words and story line copy. Publishing 'Italian American Mobsters' criminal indictments, for alleged racketeering, looting of union benefits funds, loansharking, murder, prostitution, and drugs.
New York Times reports "In the largest sweep in recent memory, federal and New York State authorities on Thursday rounded up scores of accused organized crime figures who were indicted on charges including murder, racketeering, construction extortions and the looting of union benefit funds." Reported by William Rashbaum
Mr. Rashbaum's subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially. "Soft Pedal Wall Street Racketeers" Posted by Veterans Today.
Daily crimes, gross under performance, and corruption in collusion with the NYT, mainstream media, and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. Third world status largly hidden from the public by NYT's constant publication deflecting outrageous discrimination of ethnic, religious, national, and indigenous dark and poor peoples. Discrimination that exacerbates focus and sirens to the world their colluding pretext crime publishing empire..
Mass Murder Looting Labor by Welfare Wall Street Gangbanksters
The New York Times, subjective Nobel prize winners continue to publish, foul odor soiled underpants news, sixty year deceptive Italian alleged crime activities. Thereby, imposing a pretext psyche, omitting and dismissing all conflict or objective viewpoints to the unenviable position of American high level ivy league failure. Gross underachievement and criminal corruption by economic political and financial death squads.
NYT media reporters, shadowing the factual historical documented record of lower Manhattan and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus racketeering, and wailing Wall Street organized crime conspiracy. Commencing c.1792 "Buttonwood Agreement" a monopoly on rigged pyramid scam rackets. Subsequently, resulting in the greatest welfare and looting thefts, mass murder, genocides, theft and confiscation of global labor property assets, natural resources drugs oil, illegal wars, prostitution, controlled markets, prices, contracts, circumventing the US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, repeal 800 years Habeas Corpus, and invasions illegal occupations of global nations natural resources, in recorded history..
C.1951 Kefauver Hearings Organized Crime
January 2011......New York City April Fools Day arrives very early in January. NYT top national headlines "In Big Mob Sweep, Gambino Leaders Are Indicted." All the news that's not reported dynamic. Early April fools conned by January NYT parody playing to sixty years of Italian American alleged crime accusations and invention of unique corrupt scams. Incendiary news not reported privilege, under the US Constitution Free Speech.
NYT Parroting Distractions Shadowing Genuine Great Crimes Against Humanity
NYT's parroting criminal deceptions, diversions, and distraction hype buzz words and story line copy. Publishing 'Italian American Mobsters' criminal indictments, for alleged racketeering, looting of union benefits funds, loansharking, murder, prostitution, and drugs.
New York Times reports "In the largest sweep in recent memory, federal and New York State authorities on Thursday rounded up scores of accused organized crime figures who were indicted on charges including murder, racketeering, construction extortions and the looting of union benefit funds." Reported by William Rashbaum
Mr. Rashbaum's subjective reporting attempts at diverting attention from the bowels of lower Manhattan were the documented and self admitted, not alleged, corruption and crimes against U.S. citizenry middle classes, global indigenous dark and poor peoples is accelerating exponentially. "Soft Pedal Wall Street Racketeers" Posted by Veterans Today.
Daily crimes, gross under performance, and corruption in collusion with the NYT, mainstream media, and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. Third world status largly hidden from the public by NYT's constant publication deflecting outrageous discrimination of ethnic, religious, national, and indigenous dark and poor peoples. Discrimination that exacerbates focus and sirens to the world their colluding pretext crime publishing empire..
Mass Murder Looting Labor by Welfare Wall Street Gangbanksters
The New York Times, subjective Nobel prize winners continue to publish, foul odor soiled underpants news, sixty year deceptive Italian alleged crime activities. Thereby, imposing a pretext psyche, omitting and dismissing all conflict or objective viewpoints to the unenviable position of American high level ivy league failure. Gross underachievement and criminal corruption by economic political and financial death squads.
NYT media reporters, shadowing the factual historical documented record of lower Manhattan and Washington DC bureaucratic apparatus racketeering, and wailing Wall Street organized crime conspiracy. Commencing c.1792 "Buttonwood Agreement" a monopoly on rigged pyramid scam rackets. Subsequently, resulting in the greatest welfare and looting thefts, mass murder, genocides, theft and confiscation of global labor property assets, natural resources drugs oil, illegal wars, prostitution, controlled markets, prices, contracts, circumventing the US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, repeal 800 years Habeas Corpus, and invasions illegal occupations of global nations natural resources, in recorded history..
C.1951 Kefauver Hearings Organized Crime
Conversely, an excerpt from article by Michael Parenti. "Let’s go back to the aftermath of the Kefauver hearings. America, O America, God’s glorious but ever besieged country, was in the grip of an organized crime network that threatened to destroy the very fabric of our society, or so we were repeatedly alerted. In fact, what the mafia bosses stole from the public was a pittance compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that Corporate America regularly plundered from workers, consumers, small investors, and taxpayers."
"This went largely unnoticed in all the hoopla. That Congress actually attempted to confront the mafiosi was proof enough that these hoodlums were men of limited power. They did not sit on the governing boards of corporations, banks, investment houses, foundations, universities, museums, and churches as do the “captains of industry and finance.” They could not buy Capitol Hill, the way the big corporations and financiers have repeatedly done.
Now that’s organized crime: the policymakers not the bookmakers, the banksters not the gangsters." Published by Open Media Boston
Modern Day Accounting Procedures Meets Organized Corruption Rigged Markets Alleged Mr. Carlo Ponzi Scam
c.1494 Luca Pacioli "The Father of Accounting." "Accounting practitioners in public accounting, industry, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as investors, lending institutions, business firms, and all other users for financial information are indebted to Luca Pacioli for his monumental role in the development of accounting." Posted by Murphy Smith.
Gangbankster over educated at Princeton University PhD Ben Shalom Bernanke could care less about basic root modern day accounting procedures of the Debit Credit ledger. Not only is arrogant imperious Mr. Bernanke operating impulsively above the law, his position of absolute power allows for fabricating phony accounting procedures, perpetrating 'magic of compound interest hoaxes,' dismissing grade school arithmetic, operating above US and International banking laws, daylight theft and con of U.S.citizenry labor property assets, outrageous criminal corruption, and great financial crimes, at his whim.
Positioning himself between Luca Pacioli "Father of Accounting" and hypothetical scams by uneducated Italian Immigrant Mr. Carlo Ponzi. NYT the parroting mouthpiece for bureaucratic apparatus dancing to an unholy alliance of an economic, political and financial death squads, against the will and to the detriment of 'We the People.' Repeating ad nausea alleged Italian American saga of lazy intellect Hollywood false narratives. "Ponzi Scam Versus Concept." Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scam. A ruse to deflect from the bowels of lower Manhattan's control of rigged rackets.
Bowels of Lower Manhattan's Rigged Rackets In Hyper Motion
Rigged racketeers hyper-tweek accounting procedures! Broad daylight robbery style by wild-west bandits! "An accounting methodology change at the central bank will allow the Fed to incur losses, even substantial losses, without eroding its capital." Reuters The Bernanke anomaly, a particular imperious ivy league trait of ignorant grade school arithmetic 2+2=4 and 2-2=0. A staged performance of a high phony theatrics drama event preceded by the unholy alliance of ultra great crime overlord death squads who revoked, repealed, and eliminated all restraints safeguards and 1929 laws limiting the scope of investment banks, insurance, and investment houses.
Modern Day Accounting Procedures Meets Organized Corruption Rigged Markets Alleged Mr. Carlo Ponzi Scam
c.1494 Luca Pacioli "The Father of Accounting." "Accounting practitioners in public accounting, industry, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as investors, lending institutions, business firms, and all other users for financial information are indebted to Luca Pacioli for his monumental role in the development of accounting." Posted by Murphy Smith.
Gangbankster over educated at Princeton University PhD Ben Shalom Bernanke could care less about basic root modern day accounting procedures of the Debit Credit ledger. Not only is arrogant imperious Mr. Bernanke operating impulsively above the law, his position of absolute power allows for fabricating phony accounting procedures, perpetrating 'magic of compound interest hoaxes,' dismissing grade school arithmetic, operating above US and International banking laws, daylight theft and con of U.S.citizenry labor property assets, outrageous criminal corruption, and great financial crimes, at his whim.
Positioning himself between Luca Pacioli "Father of Accounting" and hypothetical scams by uneducated Italian Immigrant Mr. Carlo Ponzi. NYT the parroting mouthpiece for bureaucratic apparatus dancing to an unholy alliance of an economic, political and financial death squads, against the will and to the detriment of 'We the People.' Repeating ad nausea alleged Italian American saga of lazy intellect Hollywood false narratives. "Ponzi Scam Versus Concept." Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid Scam. A ruse to deflect from the bowels of lower Manhattan's control of rigged rackets.
Bowels of Lower Manhattan's Rigged Rackets In Hyper Motion
Rigged racketeers hyper-tweek accounting procedures! Broad daylight robbery style by wild-west bandits! "An accounting methodology change at the central bank will allow the Fed to incur losses, even substantial losses, without eroding its capital." Reuters The Bernanke anomaly, a particular imperious ivy league trait of ignorant grade school arithmetic 2+2=4 and 2-2=0. A staged performance of a high phony theatrics drama event preceded by the unholy alliance of ultra great crime overlord death squads who revoked, repealed, and eliminated all restraints safeguards and 1929 laws limiting the scope of investment banks, insurance, and investment houses.
To list a few of the death squad members such as Rubin, Greenspan, Summers, and Paulson's oversight of the banking industry. Posted by Before Its News. The unholy alliance mounted an aggressive campaign to halt any efforts at regulations by repeal of 1929 Glass-Steagall Act. Posted by Lou Grumet. Morose self styled bandits hiding under the veneer of stellar merit who threatened 'We the People' with military marshall law, if they did not get their welfare bailout, post haste.
A blatant and extremely important subject matter not covered by "All The News Fit To Print" NYT. This unholy alliance death squad should be charged with 'The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act' RICO" lose their freedom and assets, as opposed to accelerating exponential theft schemes and scams of 'We The People' confiscating hard assets, labor, wealth, value, and property. Posted by Global Research.
"Hank Paulson, the Goldman sad Sachs "bankster/U.S. Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new U.S. debt, is still not in jail."
Gangbankster "Paulson is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives." Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts.
Early April Fools Day January War On Humanity
Assaulted by predominate overrepresented underachieving and under performing Jewish criminals using pretext "Ponzi made them do it" false narratives and reverse 'Hate Speech' totally ignoring the genius of Luca Pacioli.
Eviscerating America ignoring and dismissing the great national, ethnic, racial, gender groups, and Italian ideals, spirit, community, religion, family, and industrious labors that made America a great nation and a "Thousand Points of Light to the World."
Consequently, the false narrative venue will continue to be perpetuated that 25 million Italian-Americans including other religious ethnic indigenous dark and poor peoples are responsible for the global financial meltdown scams and total war against humanity. So, the second decade of the 21st Century begins in January with early April fools day con job by the over educated PhD dismissive arrogant ivy league crime baron organization and NYT conspiracies.
A systemic corruption that continues unabated now 60 years, soiled with rank foul odor and siren to the world, that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. "The situation facing America is a grim one. An epidemic of escalating severity threatens us all." Goodbye America Posted by Dr Lasha Darkmoon. Published essay articles Occidental Observer.
[1] http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/nyregion/07cnd-mob.html?_r=1
[2] http://www.italiausa.com/
[3] http://www.openmediaboston.org/node/1643
[4] http://acct.tamu.edu/smith/ethics/pacioli.htm
[5] http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_5604.shtml
[6] http://www.accountingtoday.com/ato_issues/2009_1/30108-1.html?zkPrintable=true
[7] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/32/296/Hank_Paulson_Goldman_Sachs_US_Treasury_Gangbankster_Eyeing_Reverse_Pyramid_Confiscation_of_Social_Security.html
A blatant and extremely important subject matter not covered by "All The News Fit To Print" NYT. This unholy alliance death squad should be charged with 'The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act' RICO" lose their freedom and assets, as opposed to accelerating exponential theft schemes and scams of 'We The People' confiscating hard assets, labor, wealth, value, and property. Posted by Global Research.
"Hank Paulson, the Goldman sad Sachs "bankster/U.S. Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new U.S. debt, is still not in jail."
Gangbankster "Paulson is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives." Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts.
Early April Fools Day January War On Humanity
Assaulted by predominate overrepresented underachieving and under performing Jewish criminals using pretext "Ponzi made them do it" false narratives and reverse 'Hate Speech' totally ignoring the genius of Luca Pacioli.
Eviscerating America ignoring and dismissing the great national, ethnic, racial, gender groups, and Italian ideals, spirit, community, religion, family, and industrious labors that made America a great nation and a "Thousand Points of Light to the World."
Consequently, the false narrative venue will continue to be perpetuated that 25 million Italian-Americans including other religious ethnic indigenous dark and poor peoples are responsible for the global financial meltdown scams and total war against humanity. So, the second decade of the 21st Century begins in January with early April fools day con job by the over educated PhD dismissive arrogant ivy league crime baron organization and NYT conspiracies.
A systemic corruption that continues unabated now 60 years, soiled with rank foul odor and siren to the world, that has resulted in America transitioned from the greatest creditor Nation to the greatest debtor Nation in recorded history. "The situation facing America is a grim one. An epidemic of escalating severity threatens us all." Goodbye America Posted by Dr Lasha Darkmoon. Published essay articles Occidental Observer.
[1] http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/nyregion/07cnd-mob.html?_r=1
[2] http://www.italiausa.com/
[3] http://www.openmediaboston.org/node/1643
[4] http://acct.tamu.edu/smith/ethics/pacioli.htm
[5] http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_5604.shtml
[6] http://www.accountingtoday.com/ato_issues/2009_1/30108-1.html?zkPrintable=true
[7] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/32/296/Hank_Paulson_Goldman_Sachs_US_Treasury_Gangbankster_Eyeing_Reverse_Pyramid_Confiscation_of_Social_Security.html
[8] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/04/goodbye-america-part-1/
[9] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/author/lashadarkmoon/
[10] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIUfj8Ulm_I
[12] http://www.loc.gov/rr/business/hottopic/stock_market.html
[13] http://acct.tamu.edu/smith/ethics/pacioli.htm
[14] http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70K6OK20110121
[15] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/23/times-reporter-hypes-story-line-%E2%80%9Cbig-criminal-mobster-sweep%E2%80%9D-soft-pedals-wall-street-rackets/
[9] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/author/lashadarkmoon/
[10] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIUfj8Ulm_I
[12] http://www.loc.gov/rr/business/hottopic/stock_market.html
[13] http://acct.tamu.edu/smith/ethics/pacioli.htm
[14] http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70K6OK20110121
[15] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/23/times-reporter-hypes-story-line-%E2%80%9Cbig-criminal-mobster-sweep%E2%80%9D-soft-pedals-wall-street-rackets/
Thursday, January 20, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: USA Populace Conditioned To Severe Violence
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: USA Populace Conditioned To Severe Violence
The conditioned masses get to fly into a rage of disconnect with all association of violence, war against peace, war against humanity, gross failures, and appalling corruption of their Nation.
The conditioned masses get to fly into a rage of disconnect with all association of violence, war against peace, war against humanity, gross failures, and appalling corruption of their Nation.
USA Populace Conditioned To Severe Violence

An Objective Indicating Severe Conditioning of Masses to Violence by Underachievers That Do Not Own Free Speech
January 2011.......An objective salient subject matter indicating a Century of severe conditioning of 'We the People' to violence, underperformance, and underachievement by corruption and a criminal systemic bureaucratic and financial dynamic.
The First Amendment to the US Constitution 'Free Speech.' Free Speech invoked to defend objective matters dealing with U.S. spirit, war, peace, finance, culture, religion and society. No government, entity, individual, select exclusive special interest groups, or forum owns the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Free Speech.
Simultaneously, Free Speech is revoked to shadow the severe conditioning applied to the masses relating to spirit, war, peace, finance, culture, religion and society by self anointed documented and self appointed proud victims since 2500AD.
Definition underachievers; somebody who or something that performs less well than might be expected, especially underperformers whose academic and professional results are poor, given his or her intelligence and aptitude, so as to create a double standard mythology of self importance and value. "As we have seen time and again, there is a glaring double standard about alluding to Jewish power in the media. Jews are free to reference it, but woe unto the non-Jew who wades into those shark-infested waters." Posted by Edmund Connelly
Shadowing Superior Species Mythology
Shmuly Boteach was ordained as a follower of Menachem Schneerson in an article by Kevin Macdonald quotes putative Schneerson claiming; “We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of . . . a totally different species. . . . The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world" Posted by Occidental Observer
Conversely, 'Free Speech' is revoked by an underachiever select exclusive special interest group of proud self anointed victim species. A mythological culture of self appointed superior species that controls the severe conditioning of the 'We the People.' Self admitted Too Big To Fail, in every category and every subject matter. Too Big to Fail examples such as economics, finance, banking, education, law, media, bureaucratic apparatus, military satraps, and lazy intellect Hollywood. See Jewish Values Network
Failing Upwards
Ultra thin veneer of failing upwards results in an overrepresented underachiever culture that rewards itself constantly thereby confirming absolute contempt for 'We the People' colluding wiith illegal US bureaucratic criminal apparatus. Operating above the US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, International Law, 800 year Law Habeas Corpus, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace. The U.S. highest court fails Habeas Corpus 800 year law. "The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear an appeal on behalf of Mohammed al-Adahi" Posted by Legitgov.org
The conditioned masses get to fly into a rage of disconnect with all association of violence, war against peace, war against humanity, gross failures, and appalling corruption of their Nation. While the overrepresented underachievers rewards exponentially increase Too Big to Failure upwards. Definition Fail; to abandon, forsake, or let somebody down by not doing what is expected or needed, bankrupt academic and professional results, to collapse, weaken, fall-short, let down, cannot deliver, operate under a pretext, and nose-dive.
The First Amendment to the US Constitution 'Free Speech.' Free Speech invoked to defend objective matters dealing with U.S. spirit, war, peace, finance, culture, religion and society. No government, entity, individual, select exclusive special interest groups, or forum owns the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Free Speech.
Simultaneously, Free Speech is revoked to shadow the severe conditioning applied to the masses relating to spirit, war, peace, finance, culture, religion and society by self anointed documented and self appointed proud victims since 2500AD.
Definition underachievers; somebody who or something that performs less well than might be expected, especially underperformers whose academic and professional results are poor, given his or her intelligence and aptitude, so as to create a double standard mythology of self importance and value. "As we have seen time and again, there is a glaring double standard about alluding to Jewish power in the media. Jews are free to reference it, but woe unto the non-Jew who wades into those shark-infested waters." Posted by Edmund Connelly
Shadowing Superior Species Mythology
Shmuly Boteach was ordained as a follower of Menachem Schneerson in an article by Kevin Macdonald quotes putative Schneerson claiming; “We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of . . . a totally different species. . . . The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world" Posted by Occidental Observer
Conversely, 'Free Speech' is revoked by an underachiever select exclusive special interest group of proud self anointed victim species. A mythological culture of self appointed superior species that controls the severe conditioning of the 'We the People.' Self admitted Too Big To Fail, in every category and every subject matter. Too Big to Fail examples such as economics, finance, banking, education, law, media, bureaucratic apparatus, military satraps, and lazy intellect Hollywood. See Jewish Values Network
Failing Upwards
Ultra thin veneer of failing upwards results in an overrepresented underachiever culture that rewards itself constantly thereby confirming absolute contempt for 'We the People' colluding wiith illegal US bureaucratic criminal apparatus. Operating above the US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, International Law, 800 year Law Habeas Corpus, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace. The U.S. highest court fails Habeas Corpus 800 year law. "The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear an appeal on behalf of Mohammed al-Adahi" Posted by Legitgov.org
The conditioned masses get to fly into a rage of disconnect with all association of violence, war against peace, war against humanity, gross failures, and appalling corruption of their Nation. While the overrepresented underachievers rewards exponentially increase Too Big to Failure upwards. Definition Fail; to abandon, forsake, or let somebody down by not doing what is expected or needed, bankrupt academic and professional results, to collapse, weaken, fall-short, let down, cannot deliver, operate under a pretext, and nose-dive.
Perpetrating pretext merit accomplishments, receiving celebrity accolades, awards, honors, and $10 figure bonus contracts. Thereby, robbing and stealing in broad daylight from the labor property wealth and assets of 'We the People' through the total and absolute control of illegal wars, rigged markets, value, wealth, taxes, interest rates, prices, contracts, inflation, and circumventing the US Constitution.
Conditioned Populace
NPR media executive Mr. Juan Williams, "I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." Posted by NPR Communications. A media executive who now contracted $2 million plus contract with Fox Communications for Islamophobic outrageous discrimination remarks by reciting Constitutional privilege Free Speech. "NPR still pretends it's financied by listners and not government controlled." Posted by Global Research.
Classic examples of rewarding a media conditioning culture of masses to violent inclinations against religions and indigenous dark poor peoples with a media perpetuating reverse victim myth and outrageous discriminations.
"This month, when a group of New York City police officers showed up for their required counter-terrorism training, they got to watch a movie." "NYPD Cops' Training Included an Anti-Muslim Horror Flick" Posted by Tom Robbins Village Voice. NYPD forced training of outrageous discrimination by Islamophobic group producing Hate Speech movies. Marketing profiting and distributing to states and federal agency anti-Muslim incendiary volence under the US Constitution Free Speech privilege.
The rehabilitation of Rick Sanchez is in full swing. "And what better way to rehabilitate oneself from saying that Jews run the media than recruiting Jews who are influential in the media?" Posted by Dr Kevin MacDonald
Equating Syllogisms to Dysfunction
Religious Chabad Lubavitcher messiah documented and confirms the correlation of syllogisms to dysfunction in every subject matter from proud self anointed victim species.
Moniker, Pas Yisreal 2500AD religious observant laws that have no relevance to 21st Century global masses and 'We the People.' Documenting a forced and conditioned syllogism or formal argument to a secret tax on food packages. No one individual, entity, government, or forum owns 'Free Speech.' So then Free Speech is revoked.
Conditioned Populace
NPR media executive Mr. Juan Williams, "I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." Posted by NPR Communications. A media executive who now contracted $2 million plus contract with Fox Communications for Islamophobic outrageous discrimination remarks by reciting Constitutional privilege Free Speech. "NPR still pretends it's financied by listners and not government controlled." Posted by Global Research.
Classic examples of rewarding a media conditioning culture of masses to violent inclinations against religions and indigenous dark poor peoples with a media perpetuating reverse victim myth and outrageous discriminations.
"This month, when a group of New York City police officers showed up for their required counter-terrorism training, they got to watch a movie." "NYPD Cops' Training Included an Anti-Muslim Horror Flick" Posted by Tom Robbins Village Voice. NYPD forced training of outrageous discrimination by Islamophobic group producing Hate Speech movies. Marketing profiting and distributing to states and federal agency anti-Muslim incendiary volence under the US Constitution Free Speech privilege.
The rehabilitation of Rick Sanchez is in full swing. "And what better way to rehabilitate oneself from saying that Jews run the media than recruiting Jews who are influential in the media?" Posted by Dr Kevin MacDonald
Equating Syllogisms to Dysfunction
Religious Chabad Lubavitcher messiah documented and confirms the correlation of syllogisms to dysfunction in every subject matter from proud self anointed victim species.
Moniker, Pas Yisreal 2500AD religious observant laws that have no relevance to 21st Century global masses and 'We the People.' Documenting a forced and conditioned syllogism or formal argument to a secret tax on food packages. No one individual, entity, government, or forum owns 'Free Speech.' So then Free Speech is revoked.
A conditioning infecting the spirit of every individual, entity, government or forum that is forced to accept hidden taxes as a privilege to some ancient religious connotation. Benefiting a dysfunctional underachieving culture that harbors the greatest contempt for 'We the People.'
Subjective analysis always indicates , there is no disputing other peoples religous preferences or observant laws. However, argument dispute and conflict occurs when preferences or observant laws are forced on others, that have no choice in these ancient observant religious matters. This forced and subjective acceptance through hidden taxation is a blatant attack on liberty, theft of labor, and Free Speech.
Conversely, imagine for a moment marketing a Christian-symbol on food product packaging, collecting hidden taxes relating to some ancient religious Christian connotation, using the privilege of First Amendment Rights to Free Speech ! Wow! Wee! HATE SPEECH! Straight to severe torture at Guantanamo Prison Camp! Habeas Corpus who cares about an 800 year legal legacy.
Religious subjective statement ; “We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of . . . a totally different species. . . . The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world" Posted by Occidental Observer
Conclusion Mythological Superiority Complexes
There exists no defensible argument or dispute to the historical fact that "no government, entity, individual, select exclusive special interest groups, or forum owns the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Free Speech."
Conversely, there can be no dispute or argument by any entity, individual, forum, or government regarding this Constitutional historical precedent.
"Washington Post reporter statement issued claims" the “US Constitution has no binding power over anything." "Washington Post shows U.S. is a rogue nation on the cusp of madness" Posted by Veterans Today. This subjective nonsense coming from a for profit institution that succeeds on the First Amendment to the US Constitution Free Speech.
Global Research article "U.S. A Failed State;" "Today the militarist neoconservatives speak of the United States as “the indispensable nation.” In other words, Americans are above all others, except, of course, Israelis."
"This hubristic attitude explains why among most Americans there is no remorse over the one million Iraqis killed and the four million Iraqis displaced by a US invasion and occupation that were based entirely on lies and deception." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Consequently, by the total control and conditioning of the masses by the self appointed select exclusive special interest group underachievers, the self anointed reverse proud victims since 2500AD. America, under their auspices of deception, distractions and underperformance, in the last 66 years has become a militaristic failed state "U.S. A Failed State." Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts .
Mythological and subjective self anointed species that manufactured and conditioned America into a menace and threat to global survival, a third world debtor Nation. A Nation from the once proud pinnacles of creditor country in recorded history.
A militaristic debtor Nation, a lumbering colossus with no other recourse than criminal self inflicted mathematical financial collapse and total demise, to the detriment and will of 'We the People.'
A documented self admitted failed legacy of arrogant criminal corruption, parroting alarming reverse Hate Speech defenses, to dismiss and ignore all validity to these particular salient subject matters.
[1] http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html
[2] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2011/01/the-rehabilitation-of-rich-sanchez-jews-to-the-rescue/
[3] http://www.oukosher.org/index.php/common/article/ou_pas_yisroel_products/
[4] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130712737
[5] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/10/rick-sanchez-on-jewish-media-power/
[6] http://www.jewishvaluesnetwork.org/
[7] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19458
[8] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/washington-post-shows-u-s-is-a-rogue-nation-on-the-cusp-of-madness/
[9] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[10] http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXRPK9YF9bQ
[12] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNe6-f4b-Y
[13] http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmuley_Boteach
Subjective analysis always indicates , there is no disputing other peoples religous preferences or observant laws. However, argument dispute and conflict occurs when preferences or observant laws are forced on others, that have no choice in these ancient observant religious matters. This forced and subjective acceptance through hidden taxation is a blatant attack on liberty, theft of labor, and Free Speech.
Conversely, imagine for a moment marketing a Christian-symbol on food product packaging, collecting hidden taxes relating to some ancient religious Christian connotation, using the privilege of First Amendment Rights to Free Speech ! Wow! Wee! HATE SPEECH! Straight to severe torture at Guantanamo Prison Camp! Habeas Corpus who cares about an 800 year legal legacy.
Religious subjective statement ; “We do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather we have a case of . . . a totally different species. . . . The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world" Posted by Occidental Observer
Conclusion Mythological Superiority Complexes
There exists no defensible argument or dispute to the historical fact that "no government, entity, individual, select exclusive special interest groups, or forum owns the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Free Speech."
Conversely, there can be no dispute or argument by any entity, individual, forum, or government regarding this Constitutional historical precedent.
"Washington Post reporter statement issued claims" the “US Constitution has no binding power over anything." "Washington Post shows U.S. is a rogue nation on the cusp of madness" Posted by Veterans Today. This subjective nonsense coming from a for profit institution that succeeds on the First Amendment to the US Constitution Free Speech.
Global Research article "U.S. A Failed State;" "Today the militarist neoconservatives speak of the United States as “the indispensable nation.” In other words, Americans are above all others, except, of course, Israelis."
"This hubristic attitude explains why among most Americans there is no remorse over the one million Iraqis killed and the four million Iraqis displaced by a US invasion and occupation that were based entirely on lies and deception." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Consequently, by the total control and conditioning of the masses by the self appointed select exclusive special interest group underachievers, the self anointed reverse proud victims since 2500AD. America, under their auspices of deception, distractions and underperformance, in the last 66 years has become a militaristic failed state "U.S. A Failed State." Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts .
Mythological and subjective self anointed species that manufactured and conditioned America into a menace and threat to global survival, a third world debtor Nation. A Nation from the once proud pinnacles of creditor country in recorded history.
A militaristic debtor Nation, a lumbering colossus with no other recourse than criminal self inflicted mathematical financial collapse and total demise, to the detriment and will of 'We the People.'
A documented self admitted failed legacy of arrogant criminal corruption, parroting alarming reverse Hate Speech defenses, to dismiss and ignore all validity to these particular salient subject matters.
[1] http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html
[2] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2011/01/the-rehabilitation-of-rich-sanchez-jews-to-the-rescue/
[3] http://www.oukosher.org/index.php/common/article/ou_pas_yisroel_products/
[4] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130712737
[5] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/10/rick-sanchez-on-jewish-media-power/
[6] http://www.jewishvaluesnetwork.org/
[7] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19458
[8] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/washington-post-shows-u-s-is-a-rogue-nation-on-the-cusp-of-madness/
[9] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[10] http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXRPK9YF9bQ
[12] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNe6-f4b-Y
[13] http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmuley_Boteach
[15] http://www.villagevoice.com/2011-01-19/columns/nypd-cops-training-included-an-anti-muslim-horror-flick/
[16] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21746
Saturday, January 15, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: The Antitheses of One Man's Dream and Lifetime of Greatest Humanitarian Accomplishments
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: The Antitheses of One Man's Dream and Lifetime of Greatest Humanitarian Accomplishments
"A Time To Break Silence." Time Magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that "King had diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."
"A Time To Break Silence." Time Magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that "King had diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."
The Antitheses of One Man's Dream and Lifetime of Greatest Humanitarian Accomplishments

The Antitheses of One Man's Dream and Lifetime of Greatest Humanitarian Accomplishments
January 2011...... The antitheses of one man's dream. The calender celebration of the greatest threat to American Imperialism has transposed itself into a joingoistic deception.
January 2011...... The antitheses of one man's dream. The calender celebration of the greatest threat to American Imperialism has transposed itself into a joingoistic deception.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr's birthday in January, never reached the mountain top. However, his name and life's accomplishments for all indigenous dark and poor peoples has become an iconic figure and date that exposes the pinnacles of greatest threat to global security, more than 44 years ago right up to and including January 2011. MLK.s famous speech in Harlem, NYC c.1967. Striking parallels that remains fully descriptive of the USA c.2011 44 years later .
Time To Break Silence
Dr Martin Luther King Jr speech in Harlem, New York "A Time To Break Silence." Time Magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that "King had diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."
The documented statements quoted by Time Magazine and the Washington Post 47 years ago confirm in 21st Century America that insidious isolation from its citizenry, outrageous discrimination, and diametric opposition to the select exclusive special interest groups exists. c.2011 "Washington Post shows U.S. is a rogue nation on the cusp of madness" Posted by Veterans Today
No entity, individual, Nation, forum, select exclusive special interest groups, CFR, "Think Tanks," Congress, military satraps, will repeat or recite the quotation or speech "The Greatest Exporter of Violence on the Planet is My Government" celebrating the birth date of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
Executive Branch Bureaucratic Deceptions
Congress singing and swaying in unison to the banter of all we are saying is "All War All The Time" and "Let's Not Give Peace A Chance" operating the "al-CIAduh" terrorist deception continue to ignore all human rights, operate torture black sights, dismiss the Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, distract from illegal war and occupation for other Nations natural resources, commit Genocides, and accelerate the confiscation of global masses of labors, property, and hard assets. "John F. Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther King Jr versus tyranny, secrecy, and oppression." source
Operating the cruel deception of celebrating Dr Martin Luther King Jr spirit by attaching jingoistic patriotic parodies and omitting his greatest accomplishments to the detriment of 'We the People' and indigenous dark and poor peoples of the world.
Cruel Underachievers
"Obomb'Em All' Wins Ignoble PEACE Prize" Posted by Newsy. Repeating the arrogant cadence and the imperial audacity of associating with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's 'Non Violence.' Obomb'Em All ignoble speech refers to his personal "moral force of non-violence."
'Obomb'Em All' by his actions of violence throughout the world is counter intuitive, lacks all humanity, and is diametrically opposed to iconic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's greatest accomplishments. A documented and admitted underachiever who represents an agenda of distracting from the true deception of shadowing the select exclusive special interest group and self anointed reverse victims, Zionist bureaucratic and media apparatus.
Corrupt media representing bureaucratic apparatus Washington Post who declared the US Constitution has no validity while simultaneously profits from the First Amendment to the US Constitution the right to "Free Speech." No government, entity, select special interest group owns "Free Speech." US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights protect We the People from the underachieving Government.
Time To Break Silence
Dr Martin Luther King Jr speech in Harlem, New York "A Time To Break Silence." Time Magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that "King had diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."
The documented statements quoted by Time Magazine and the Washington Post 47 years ago confirm in 21st Century America that insidious isolation from its citizenry, outrageous discrimination, and diametric opposition to the select exclusive special interest groups exists. c.2011 "Washington Post shows U.S. is a rogue nation on the cusp of madness" Posted by Veterans Today
No entity, individual, Nation, forum, select exclusive special interest groups, CFR, "Think Tanks," Congress, military satraps, will repeat or recite the quotation or speech "The Greatest Exporter of Violence on the Planet is My Government" celebrating the birth date of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
Executive Branch Bureaucratic Deceptions
Congress singing and swaying in unison to the banter of all we are saying is "All War All The Time" and "Let's Not Give Peace A Chance" operating the "al-CIAduh" terrorist deception continue to ignore all human rights, operate torture black sights, dismiss the Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, distract from illegal war and occupation for other Nations natural resources, commit Genocides, and accelerate the confiscation of global masses of labors, property, and hard assets. "John F. Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther King Jr versus tyranny, secrecy, and oppression." source
Operating the cruel deception of celebrating Dr Martin Luther King Jr spirit by attaching jingoistic patriotic parodies and omitting his greatest accomplishments to the detriment of 'We the People' and indigenous dark and poor peoples of the world.
Cruel Underachievers
"Obomb'Em All' Wins Ignoble PEACE Prize" Posted by Newsy. Repeating the arrogant cadence and the imperial audacity of associating with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's 'Non Violence.' Obomb'Em All ignoble speech refers to his personal "moral force of non-violence."
'Obomb'Em All' by his actions of violence throughout the world is counter intuitive, lacks all humanity, and is diametrically opposed to iconic Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's greatest accomplishments. A documented and admitted underachiever who represents an agenda of distracting from the true deception of shadowing the select exclusive special interest group and self anointed reverse victims, Zionist bureaucratic and media apparatus.
Corrupt media representing bureaucratic apparatus Washington Post who declared the US Constitution has no validity while simultaneously profits from the First Amendment to the US Constitution the right to "Free Speech." No government, entity, select special interest group owns "Free Speech." US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights protect We the People from the underachieving Government.
"Threats and assaults against the US Constitution "Free Speech" and 'We the People' result in alarming the masses to the diminished returns the self imposed manufactured collapse of an impotent bureaucratic apparatus!" Posted by Aljazeerah Editorial
Summary Greatest Threat To Global Survival
"The greatest exporter of violence on the planet is my government Dr Martin Luther King Jr. c.1967." U.S. mainstream media's attempt to disconnect from historical factual events by eliminating all reference to iconic Dr Martin Luther King Jr 'Greatest Accomplishments.'
Injecting counterfactual events, circumventing from unfolding International War Crimes, and repeating false narratives perpetrated by 'Obomb'Em All' proxy cold blooded Zionist double speak failed state. "A Plague on Humanity" Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roiberts. An absolute and total deception of Dr Martin Luther King Jr's lifetime accomplishments shadowing the accelerated war on humanity. The antitheses of one man's dream and greatest humanitarian accomplishments for indigenous dark and poor peoples . Islamophobia at what cost to US interests?" Posted by Opinion Maker.
Encompassing the Too Big to Fails, criminal underachiever Czars, corrupt mainstream media, select exclusive special interest groups, monopolistic financial banking, failed bureaucratic apparatus, and financial baron cartels interrelated with the unrelenting attack on 'We the People' labors property hard assets and the self appointed reverse victims proxy vengeance of eternal war on humanity.
[1] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/washington-post-shows-u-s-is-a-rogue-nation-on-the-cusp-of-madness/
[2] http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20Editorials/2011/January/10%20o/Islamophobic%20Hyper%20Hysterical%20Attack%20On%20US%20Constitution%20By%20Tommy%20Tucci.htm
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXRPK9YF9bQ
[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zwcQlWsPU
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cka2EiqJ_XQ&feature=player_embedded#
[6] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/12/islamophobia-at-what-cost-to-the-us-interests/
[7] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19458
[8] http://www.newsy.com/videos/obama_gets_the_nobel_prize?gclid=CIS7nq2Cs6YCFY9x5QodXUwFmw
[9] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[10] http://www.legitgov.org/
Summary Greatest Threat To Global Survival
"The greatest exporter of violence on the planet is my government Dr Martin Luther King Jr. c.1967." U.S. mainstream media's attempt to disconnect from historical factual events by eliminating all reference to iconic Dr Martin Luther King Jr 'Greatest Accomplishments.'
Injecting counterfactual events, circumventing from unfolding International War Crimes, and repeating false narratives perpetrated by 'Obomb'Em All' proxy cold blooded Zionist double speak failed state. "A Plague on Humanity" Posted by Dr Paul Craig Roiberts. An absolute and total deception of Dr Martin Luther King Jr's lifetime accomplishments shadowing the accelerated war on humanity. The antitheses of one man's dream and greatest humanitarian accomplishments for indigenous dark and poor peoples . Islamophobia at what cost to US interests?" Posted by Opinion Maker.
Encompassing the Too Big to Fails, criminal underachiever Czars, corrupt mainstream media, select exclusive special interest groups, monopolistic financial banking, failed bureaucratic apparatus, and financial baron cartels interrelated with the unrelenting attack on 'We the People' labors property hard assets and the self appointed reverse victims proxy vengeance of eternal war on humanity.
[1] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/washington-post-shows-u-s-is-a-rogue-nation-on-the-cusp-of-madness/
[2] http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20Editorials/2011/January/10%20o/Islamophobic%20Hyper%20Hysterical%20Attack%20On%20US%20Constitution%20By%20Tommy%20Tucci.htm
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXRPK9YF9bQ
[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zwcQlWsPU
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cka2EiqJ_XQ&feature=player_embedded#
[6] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/12/islamophobia-at-what-cost-to-the-us-interests/
[7] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19458
[8] http://www.newsy.com/videos/obama_gets_the_nobel_prize?gclid=CIS7nq2Cs6YCFY9x5QodXUwFmw
[9] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[10] http://www.legitgov.org/
Friday, January 14, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Wall Street Goldman Sad Sachs to Reveal Historic Profit Methodologies
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Wall Street Goldman Sad Sachs to Reveal Historic Profit Methodologies
Transparency has now become the new buzz word deception for incoherent Wailing Wall Street anomalies the Social Darwinists.
Transparency has now become the new buzz word deception for incoherent Wailing Wall Street anomalies the Social Darwinists.
Wall Street Goldman Sad Sachs to Reveal Historic Profit Methodologies

Wall Street Goldman Sad Sachs to Reveal Historic Profit Methodologies
January 2011 "Behind every great fortune there is a great crime" Honore de Balzac "In recent months, as Goldman has fended off widespread accusations that it has become the leading example of the gambling culture permeating Wall Street." Posted by Shahien Nasiripour.
January 2011 "Behind every great fortune there is a great crime" Honore de Balzac "In recent months, as Goldman has fended off widespread accusations that it has become the leading example of the gambling culture permeating Wall Street." Posted by Shahien Nasiripour.
Transparency has now become the new buzz word deception for incoherent Wailing Wall Street anomalies the Social Darwinists.
Inexplicable Profit Cartels Total War Interrelated
"Why are Wall Street's billionaires so whiny? Is it really possible to make $900,000 an hour (not a typo -- that's what the top ten hedge fund managers take in), and still feel aggrieved about the way government is treating you? After you've been bailed out by the federal government to the tune of $10 trillion (also not a typo) in loans, asset swaps, liquidity and other guarantees, can you really still feel like an oppressed minority"? Posted by Les Leopold.
Commencing c.1792 with the Buttonwood Agreement a market trading monopoly. Then transforming U.S. financial system c.1910 with the forced inception of the private banking cartel Federal Reserve thereby circumventing 'We the People.'
Inexplicable Profit Cartels Total War Interrelated
"Why are Wall Street's billionaires so whiny? Is it really possible to make $900,000 an hour (not a typo -- that's what the top ten hedge fund managers take in), and still feel aggrieved about the way government is treating you? After you've been bailed out by the federal government to the tune of $10 trillion (also not a typo) in loans, asset swaps, liquidity and other guarantees, can you really still feel like an oppressed minority"? Posted by Les Leopold.
Commencing c.1792 with the Buttonwood Agreement a market trading monopoly. Then transforming U.S. financial system c.1910 with the forced inception of the private banking cartel Federal Reserve thereby circumventing 'We the People.'
The private banking cartel c.1917 law usurps the US Constitution and circumvents "US Treasury's power to coin money and set the value and wealth of labor, property, assets, to the detriment and liberty of 'We The People.'
Simultaneously, setting the stage of historical factual events by pretext Darwin parasitic criminal cartels to eliminate all global competition and confiscate citizenry value wealth labor assets liberty and property. Wailing Wall Street's $20 million gold bullion investment in total war and the mass murder takeover of Czarist Russia by Lenin Trotsky Bolshevik Revolution. "Park Avenue Parasites". by Modern History Project .
Great Crime Great Fortunes Unholy Alliance
"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime," Honore de Balzac wrote a century and a half ago. The ascendancy of capitalism in what is now dubbed the emerging markets is the product of state crimes, incoherent Wall Street aided, abetted, or directly perpetrated by the West, principally Washington." Article by James Petras.
"Russia c.1917 was then -- and is today [1974] -- the largest untapped market in the world. Moreover, Russia, then and now, constituted the greatest potential competitive threat to American industrial and financial supremacy. (A glance at a world map is sufficient to spotlight the geographical difference between the vast land mass of Russia and the smaller United States.) Wall Street must have cold shivers when it visualizes Russia as a second super American industrial giant." " Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution." Book by Anthony Sutton
Social Darwinists Magic of Compound Interest Hoaxes
Tactics, strategies, and methodology of deceptions and hoaxes. "In its simplest form, Social Darwinism follows the mantra of "the strong survive," including human issues. This theory was used to promote the idea that the white European race was superior to others, and therefore, destined to rule over them" Posted by All About Science.
Confirming, the U.S. systemic financial banking and bureaucratic apparatus is operated by self anointed and self appointed Social Darwinist hoaxes. The supreme hoax of capitalism free spirit strong versus weak and fierce competition while illegally invading occupying Nations for natural resources assets, murdering millions, robbing, stealing, and confiscating labor property and assets from the masses of global citizenry.
Perpetrating the myth of getting rich off the 'magic of compound interest' hoax while suppressing profits, controlling prices, contracts, operating rigged financial markets, absolute rigged control over future taxes, interest rates, and inflation over citizenry labors, property and assets. Oslo conference, “Financial Crises in Capitalism”, Aug. 27, 2007 Posted by Michael Hudson
Flawed Superiority Obsession Complexes
Documented symptoms and anomalies, so deep that they admit publicly they get away with anything, and they do. Quislings treason against America on 9.11.01, including; U.S. obsession to protect select exclusive special interest Zionist Jews only. The rest of the world can "drop dead" deserves distraction, diversion, deception, illegal criminal activity by operating above the US Constitution, ignoring Articles Bill of Rights, war against humanity, unaccountable war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, war against peace, cold blooded murder of American citizens in International Waters, daylight attack on USS Liberty, robbery of other Nations natural resources, and the total confiscation of citizenry and global masses of labors, property assets, liberty, and freedom through controlled rigged recessions depressions and inflation. "Wailing Wall Street a Band of Quislings." Posted by Before Its News
Symptoms of Larger Troubles
U.S. Darwinist narcississtic arrogance and proclaimed imperialistic apparatus superiority complexes are imbedded in the psyche of America for more than 300 years. Currently is self immolating by shadowing its symptoms of larger problems through the self anointed eternal reverse victim ploy.
Simultaneously, setting the stage of historical factual events by pretext Darwin parasitic criminal cartels to eliminate all global competition and confiscate citizenry value wealth labor assets liberty and property. Wailing Wall Street's $20 million gold bullion investment in total war and the mass murder takeover of Czarist Russia by Lenin Trotsky Bolshevik Revolution. "Park Avenue Parasites". by Modern History Project .
Great Crime Great Fortunes Unholy Alliance
"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime," Honore de Balzac wrote a century and a half ago. The ascendancy of capitalism in what is now dubbed the emerging markets is the product of state crimes, incoherent Wall Street aided, abetted, or directly perpetrated by the West, principally Washington." Article by James Petras.
"Russia c.1917 was then -- and is today [1974] -- the largest untapped market in the world. Moreover, Russia, then and now, constituted the greatest potential competitive threat to American industrial and financial supremacy. (A glance at a world map is sufficient to spotlight the geographical difference between the vast land mass of Russia and the smaller United States.) Wall Street must have cold shivers when it visualizes Russia as a second super American industrial giant." " Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution." Book by Anthony Sutton
Social Darwinists Magic of Compound Interest Hoaxes
Tactics, strategies, and methodology of deceptions and hoaxes. "In its simplest form, Social Darwinism follows the mantra of "the strong survive," including human issues. This theory was used to promote the idea that the white European race was superior to others, and therefore, destined to rule over them" Posted by All About Science.
Confirming, the U.S. systemic financial banking and bureaucratic apparatus is operated by self anointed and self appointed Social Darwinist hoaxes. The supreme hoax of capitalism free spirit strong versus weak and fierce competition while illegally invading occupying Nations for natural resources assets, murdering millions, robbing, stealing, and confiscating labor property and assets from the masses of global citizenry.
Perpetrating the myth of getting rich off the 'magic of compound interest' hoax while suppressing profits, controlling prices, contracts, operating rigged financial markets, absolute rigged control over future taxes, interest rates, and inflation over citizenry labors, property and assets. Oslo conference, “Financial Crises in Capitalism”, Aug. 27, 2007 Posted by Michael Hudson
Flawed Superiority Obsession Complexes
Documented symptoms and anomalies, so deep that they admit publicly they get away with anything, and they do. Quislings treason against America on 9.11.01, including; U.S. obsession to protect select exclusive special interest Zionist Jews only. The rest of the world can "drop dead" deserves distraction, diversion, deception, illegal criminal activity by operating above the US Constitution, ignoring Articles Bill of Rights, war against humanity, unaccountable war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, war against peace, cold blooded murder of American citizens in International Waters, daylight attack on USS Liberty, robbery of other Nations natural resources, and the total confiscation of citizenry and global masses of labors, property assets, liberty, and freedom through controlled rigged recessions depressions and inflation. "Wailing Wall Street a Band of Quislings." Posted by Before Its News
Symptoms of Larger Troubles
U.S. Darwinist narcississtic arrogance and proclaimed imperialistic apparatus superiority complexes are imbedded in the psyche of America for more than 300 years. Currently is self immolating by shadowing its symptoms of larger problems through the self anointed eternal reverse victim ploy.
Reverse victim anomaly ploy 'Too Big to Fail' Wailing Wall Street lacks all historical transparency, perpetuates incoherent onus, will not at any time open, explain, admit, or reveal any illegal profit methodology schemes, crime organization illegal activities, schemes, or basic grade school mathematical scams.
The Darwinists will continue on an exponential trajectory of confiscations, thefts, daylight robbery, stealing, mass murder, illegal wars, and failure across the global spectrum of humanity. As the citizenry continues to defend this outrageouse discrimination, assault, and pious sanctimonous parody on personal liberties by flying off in false patriotic rages, the greater the crimes accelerate exponentially!
"What is murder when you can invade countries, kidnap, and torture or steal trillions. AIPAC wants Jonathan Pollard released, not because he has been in prison so long but they seem to be bothered by the absurdity of jailing spies anymore. Jail is for whistleblowers only nowadays." Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today
Consequently, the Darwinist corrupt criminal bureaucrats Wailing Wall Street quislings, crony operators, and crime organization banking cartels are not superior they lack humanity and self dignity and are documented and self admitted underachievers in every subject matter. Until their Incarceration for crimes against humanity and 'We the People' they will continue historical unaccountable "Behind every great fortune there is a great crime" Honore de Balzac criminal corruption.
Summary Perpetrated Failures
Hiding and shadowing behind the Social Darwinist mantra highly educated and sophisticated flawed anaylsis continues to ignore the gross failures and crimes against American wealth creation and wars against peace. Resulting in self imposed interrelated default of US Treasury controls and gross failures to represent the citizenry 'We the People' labor, property, and hard assets correlating with eternal war against humanity.
Subsequently, the public reaction to any exposure of American flaws, anomalies, criminal activities, and crimes against humanity is conflict. By flying into an irrational rage of patriotic parodies of how dare any subject matter question a system of light and reason to the world. An extreme conditioned lazy intellect response that benefits Darwinist hoaxes..
Nevertheless, a gross failure underachieving mantra, that the U.S. bureaucratic criminal arrogant apparatus and only they apparently have predetermined and inevitable series of positive events that happen only to them. That they are far superior to the citizenry they took a solemn oath to serve. Why are they going to expose or reveal themselves now? U.S. 'Too Big to Fail' anomaly has now replaced, at an accelerated pace, 'A Thousand Points of Light to the World.'
[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l37RhdFGVsM&feature=player_embedded
[2] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/11/under-fire-goldman-sachs-_n_807739.html
[3] http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst;jsessionid=A21777297AF8165D4F893B15A35E9471.inst2_3a?docId=5001840291
[4] http://www.allaboutscience.org/what-is-social-darwinism-faq.htm
[5] http://www.investorwords.com/6434/Buttonwood_agreement.html
[6] http://www.alternet.org/story/148217/poverty_is_through_the_roof,_and_billionaires_are_getting_pissy_about_not_enough_profits
[7] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/NewsDisplay.php?Match=Park+Avenue+Parasites
[8] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=Bolshevik11#Evidence
[9] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDG4zli1f-0
[10] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/10/gordon-duff-murder-in-arizona-moral-flexibility-and-relativism/
[11] http://michael-hudson.com/2007/08/why-the-%E2%80%9Cmiracle-of-compound-interest%E2%80%9D-leads-to-financial-crises/
Thursday, January 6, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Dow Jones Stock Averages Feel Good Third Rail Three Card Monte Scam Illusions
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Dow Jones Stock Averages Feel Good Third Rail Three Card Monte Scam Illusions
Controlled levers operated by the zenith of overrepresented select exclusive special interest groups, exposes itself with every Dow Jones illegal transaction daily.
Controlled levers operated by the zenith of overrepresented select exclusive special interest groups, exposes itself with every Dow Jones illegal transaction daily.
Dow Jones Stock Averages Feel Good Third Rail Three Card Monte Scam Illusions

Dow Jones Stock Averages Feel Good Third Rail Three Card Monte Scam Illusions
January 2011....Dow Jones daily stock averages is the feel good third rail 'now you see it and now you don't' of rigged American criminal scams. Representing an ultimate exclusive three card Monte and ultra Reverse Pyramid scam by select exclusive special interest groups. Sustaining the "Magic of Compound Interest Hoax" Article by Michael Hudson marketing and branding mythology with rigged 'market juicing' of worthless fiat value into paper stock wealth results in a daily fuzzy warm feel good all over sensations. These feel good overwhelming Pyramid debt scam creations began in England c.1660 "The Secret History of Government Debt [Treasury Bonds]" under King Charles ll "The Merry King" Posted by Coyoteprime.
The Pyramid scam fraud is repeated verbatim from c.1660 England to the bowels of lower Manhattan with the formal inception of the "Buttonwod Agreement" c.1792 birth of the New York Stock Exchange financial market.
Dow Jones Feel Good Philosophy
A sensation that accelerates every human emotion, the Dow Jone rising every day hits new stock market highs. It feels good, it is correct, the future is bright, things are going as planned, no need to look any further at soothsayers three card Monte statements "now you see it and now you don't." Dow Jones feel good philosophy is not reflecting the US economy or is it correlating wealth of any kind. It's a total hoax.
Just do it! The unaccountable underachievers absolute scam distraction diversion tactics and strategy dynamic. Dow Jones fraud philosophy hoax an ultimate and supreme criminal fraud accomplishment. Circumventing through spells exilirs and myths controlling the labors of the masses and to the detriment of 'We the People.' Distracting from the interrelated corruption and the complete shadowing of illegal wars, brutal occupation invasions of other Nations natural resources, crimes against humanity, genocides, crimes against peace, crimes against International human rights, dismissive arrogant military satraps contempt for Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, theft and confiscation of citizenry labors property assets, ignoring 800 year laws of Habeas Corpus, refusing to obey operating above US Constitution and Articles Bill of Rights.
Underachiever bureaucratic apparatus perpetuating Dow Jones increasing wealth myth it feels good 'just do it' hoaxes. Subsequently, ignoring an opague impotent U.S.legal system, revoked bureaucratic agency laws concerning market corruption, flawed Nobel prize PhD dismissive economists, monopolistic arrogant bank barons, including the Wall Street wizards of phony capitalism hoaxes. Enabling 'select exclusive special interests' to con fools by opague distraction of illegal global wars, massive deaths, destruction, confiscations of labors, property, and hard assets.
Nonetheless, this illegal 21st Century Reverse Pyramid welfare scam is conducted by private monolithic banking barons instantaneously by turning the 300 year old Pyramid scheme 180 degrees or upside down confiscating current and future value wealth labor property and hard assets. The very same pyramid scam c.1792 rigged New York Stock Exchange that literally took decades, war, depressions, taxation, control of interest rates, inflation, and bank holidays to reach zero sum result of the confiscations of citizenry wealth labor property and assets.
Mythological Powers Levers Controlling War Death
Financial markets today represent an exclusive mythological ability of the unaccountable bureaucratic apparatus illegal powers to operate levers of grand criminal frauds all interrelated to confiscating the masses labors, property, hard assets, war, death, and destruction on the planet. Logic dictates that the conflict and war that the U.S. now engages with the laws of physics, mathematics, and the inherent laws of nature will reassert themselves. Dow Jones stock averages feel good just do it dynamic continues because it feeds on itself with perpetual self destruction. "Whistle Blower Admits Knowledge of U.S. Systemic Wall Street Financial Welfare Frauds." Article by Before Its News
Consequently, the primary forces of nature and the laws of mathematics are not arguable. Therefore, since these forces and laws cannot be disputed or argued America continues to persistently ignor them. These natural laws will be met with an extreme vengeance of U.S. self anointed reverse victim superiority complexes, pious and sanctimonous parodies, and Dow Jones feel good methodologies of final self immolation and annihilation of the planet earth and every living thing. Corruption and absolute madness that has been building extreme pressure for three hundred years of a criminal hyper fraud culture, of scams and schemes. "As Americans continue to lose their homes in record numbers, the Federal Reserve is considering making it much harder for homeowners to stop foreclosures and escape predatory home loans with onerous terms." Posted by Tony Pugh. Read more: "Theft Scam Illusions" Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid
Ponzi Versus Dow Jones Brand
Best selling author "Web of Debt" Helen H. Brown statement and paragraph explaining Ponzi schemes is flawed. Circumvents and shadows the criminal elixir methodology that began c.1660 in England by King Charles ll "The Merry King" Secret History of Government Debt [Treasury Bonds]. Criminal paradigm dynamics that serve the total delusions of America 'Bright Shining Beacon and Light to the World' free market capitalism hoax.
January 2011....Dow Jones daily stock averages is the feel good third rail 'now you see it and now you don't' of rigged American criminal scams. Representing an ultimate exclusive three card Monte and ultra Reverse Pyramid scam by select exclusive special interest groups. Sustaining the "Magic of Compound Interest Hoax" Article by Michael Hudson marketing and branding mythology with rigged 'market juicing' of worthless fiat value into paper stock wealth results in a daily fuzzy warm feel good all over sensations. These feel good overwhelming Pyramid debt scam creations began in England c.1660 "The Secret History of Government Debt [Treasury Bonds]" under King Charles ll "The Merry King" Posted by Coyoteprime.
The Pyramid scam fraud is repeated verbatim from c.1660 England to the bowels of lower Manhattan with the formal inception of the "Buttonwod Agreement" c.1792 birth of the New York Stock Exchange financial market.
Dow Jones Feel Good Philosophy
A sensation that accelerates every human emotion, the Dow Jone rising every day hits new stock market highs. It feels good, it is correct, the future is bright, things are going as planned, no need to look any further at soothsayers three card Monte statements "now you see it and now you don't." Dow Jones feel good philosophy is not reflecting the US economy or is it correlating wealth of any kind. It's a total hoax.
Just do it! The unaccountable underachievers absolute scam distraction diversion tactics and strategy dynamic. Dow Jones fraud philosophy hoax an ultimate and supreme criminal fraud accomplishment. Circumventing through spells exilirs and myths controlling the labors of the masses and to the detriment of 'We the People.' Distracting from the interrelated corruption and the complete shadowing of illegal wars, brutal occupation invasions of other Nations natural resources, crimes against humanity, genocides, crimes against peace, crimes against International human rights, dismissive arrogant military satraps contempt for Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunals, Military Code of Honor, theft and confiscation of citizenry labors property assets, ignoring 800 year laws of Habeas Corpus, refusing to obey operating above US Constitution and Articles Bill of Rights.
Underachiever bureaucratic apparatus perpetuating Dow Jones increasing wealth myth it feels good 'just do it' hoaxes. Subsequently, ignoring an opague impotent U.S.legal system, revoked bureaucratic agency laws concerning market corruption, flawed Nobel prize PhD dismissive economists, monopolistic arrogant bank barons, including the Wall Street wizards of phony capitalism hoaxes. Enabling 'select exclusive special interests' to con fools by opague distraction of illegal global wars, massive deaths, destruction, confiscations of labors, property, and hard assets.
Nonetheless, this illegal 21st Century Reverse Pyramid welfare scam is conducted by private monolithic banking barons instantaneously by turning the 300 year old Pyramid scheme 180 degrees or upside down confiscating current and future value wealth labor property and hard assets. The very same pyramid scam c.1792 rigged New York Stock Exchange that literally took decades, war, depressions, taxation, control of interest rates, inflation, and bank holidays to reach zero sum result of the confiscations of citizenry wealth labor property and assets.
Mythological Powers Levers Controlling War Death
Financial markets today represent an exclusive mythological ability of the unaccountable bureaucratic apparatus illegal powers to operate levers of grand criminal frauds all interrelated to confiscating the masses labors, property, hard assets, war, death, and destruction on the planet. Logic dictates that the conflict and war that the U.S. now engages with the laws of physics, mathematics, and the inherent laws of nature will reassert themselves. Dow Jones stock averages feel good just do it dynamic continues because it feeds on itself with perpetual self destruction. "Whistle Blower Admits Knowledge of U.S. Systemic Wall Street Financial Welfare Frauds." Article by Before Its News
Consequently, the primary forces of nature and the laws of mathematics are not arguable. Therefore, since these forces and laws cannot be disputed or argued America continues to persistently ignor them. These natural laws will be met with an extreme vengeance of U.S. self anointed reverse victim superiority complexes, pious and sanctimonous parodies, and Dow Jones feel good methodologies of final self immolation and annihilation of the planet earth and every living thing. Corruption and absolute madness that has been building extreme pressure for three hundred years of a criminal hyper fraud culture, of scams and schemes. "As Americans continue to lose their homes in record numbers, the Federal Reserve is considering making it much harder for homeowners to stop foreclosures and escape predatory home loans with onerous terms." Posted by Tony Pugh. Read more: "Theft Scam Illusions" Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid
Ponzi Versus Dow Jones Brand
Best selling author "Web of Debt" Helen H. Brown statement and paragraph explaining Ponzi schemes is flawed. Circumvents and shadows the criminal elixir methodology that began c.1660 in England by King Charles ll "The Merry King" Secret History of Government Debt [Treasury Bonds]. Criminal paradigm dynamics that serve the total delusions of America 'Bright Shining Beacon and Light to the World' free market capitalism hoax.
The Buttonwood Agreement of c.1792 and King Charles ll of England c.1660 supercedes the birth of Mr. Carlo Ponzi in scam creation inventors by more than 200 years. Perpetuating unique one of a kind pyramid scheme creators versus pyramid scam Italian immigrant imitator. Ms Brown continues an avoidance of onus relating to the Dow Jones criminal realities, unnatural spells, delusions, and the shadowing of centuries of gross fraudlent underachievement criminal corruption by select exclusive special interest groups.
"This spiraling interest problem and the need to find new debtors has gone on for over 300 years -- ever since the founding of the Bank of England in 1694" Ms Brown demonstrates that the 300-year Ponzi scheme that has made our money supply identical with the national debt has reached its mathematical limit. Published Book "Web of Debt" by Helen H. Brown
Ms Brown perpetuating incorrect financial chronology by corrupt systemic standards of parroting marketing and branding the uneducated Italian immigrant name Mr Carlo Ponzi c.1920. Mr Carlo Ponzi exhumed from his eternal grave versus 17th Century English Kings, 17th Century aristocrats, 19th 20th 21st Century corrupt bureaucrats, and the pinnacle of stellar accolades, ivy league supreme monopolistic status. "Ponzi versus Concept" Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid
Parroting the pathetic pretext 'Madoff claims Ponzi scam' increases xenophobia and outrageous stereotyping of Italians and Italian Americans versus the complete omission diversion and distraction of the apex of overrepresented select exclusive special interests group Jewish bureaucratic banking and financial barons. "Conference on Anti-Semitism" Posted by Mondoweiss. An illusion of nonexistent and hypothetical unsophisticated uneducated immigrant alien influences eclipsing the overrepresented zenith operators and Nobel prize award winners of rigged and monopolistic pyramid scheme controlled outcomes on ROI. The ultimate in dysfunctional U.S. distraction diversion xenophobia and pathetic hoaxes.
Interrelated Crime Organization Conspiracy Dow Jones Myths
So from c.1660 to c.2010 a crime organization conspiracy inception of the greatest theft of wealth and natural resources in history. QE1 QE2 instantaneous grand theft, the massive insider trading, daily rigged markets controlled by the Federal Reserve and their 'select exclusive special interest' crony banks.
"This spiraling interest problem and the need to find new debtors has gone on for over 300 years -- ever since the founding of the Bank of England in 1694" Ms Brown demonstrates that the 300-year Ponzi scheme that has made our money supply identical with the national debt has reached its mathematical limit. Published Book "Web of Debt" by Helen H. Brown
Ms Brown perpetuating incorrect financial chronology by corrupt systemic standards of parroting marketing and branding the uneducated Italian immigrant name Mr Carlo Ponzi c.1920. Mr Carlo Ponzi exhumed from his eternal grave versus 17th Century English Kings, 17th Century aristocrats, 19th 20th 21st Century corrupt bureaucrats, and the pinnacle of stellar accolades, ivy league supreme monopolistic status. "Ponzi versus Concept" Posted by 21st Century Reverse Pyramid
Parroting the pathetic pretext 'Madoff claims Ponzi scam' increases xenophobia and outrageous stereotyping of Italians and Italian Americans versus the complete omission diversion and distraction of the apex of overrepresented select exclusive special interests group Jewish bureaucratic banking and financial barons. "Conference on Anti-Semitism" Posted by Mondoweiss. An illusion of nonexistent and hypothetical unsophisticated uneducated immigrant alien influences eclipsing the overrepresented zenith operators and Nobel prize award winners of rigged and monopolistic pyramid scheme controlled outcomes on ROI. The ultimate in dysfunctional U.S. distraction diversion xenophobia and pathetic hoaxes.
Interrelated Crime Organization Conspiracy Dow Jones Myths
So from c.1660 to c.2010 a crime organization conspiracy inception of the greatest theft of wealth and natural resources in history. QE1 QE2 instantaneous grand theft, the massive insider trading, daily rigged markets controlled by the Federal Reserve and their 'select exclusive special interest' crony banks.
Relentless propaganda of cheerleading on the daily theme of Dow Jones myth increasing market wealth if it really feels so good it must be good financial system. Finally, the third rail scam Dow Jones daily stock averages that catapult ever upward keeping the citizenry in a deep very deep stupor to distract from the criminal corruption in the bowels of lower Manhattan.
Mythologies all interrelated to the entire illegal and corrupt bureaucratic apparatus that confiscates citizenry wealth daily and seeks eternal war on humanity. Instead of concentrating on indigenous natives, ethnic dark peoples, Muslims, religions, and foreign Nationalities, attention should be focused on the bowels of lower Manhattan were the levers of rigged scams, war, grand theft, mass murders are controlled daily. "ADL Covering Up For Financial Elites" Posted by Robert Stark
Conclusion Reality Versus Dow Jones Myths
Notwithstanding, it cannot be disputed or argued that the U.S. operates mythological systemic and controlled rigged markets and three card Monte and zero sum centuries old Pyramid scams. Therefore, because it cannot be argued or disputed by any individual, entity, Nation, or forum the zero sum scam theft of labor property assets of 'We the People' by "Wailing Wall Street" Posted by Opinion Maker of $1 trillions of imaginary collateral. Imaginary collateral and debt liability that would have had to control the Dow Jones feel good philosophy hoax increasing the confiscation of labor assets and property at $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today.
Conversely, the Dow Jones feel good hoax dynamic representing the increased paper wealth theft and confiscations starting c.2011 and continue for 2,738 years into the future. This equation is based on $ 1 trillions of imaginary taxpayer future debt liability and imaginary collateral. U.S. debt creation liability is estimated to be around 65 $ trillions and growing exponentially. "Entitlements Theft Illusions" Posted by Veterans Today
Consequently, by eliminating all super sophisticated high speed nonosecond computer applications the Dow Jones feel good Knaves have to con fools daily, thereby enabling the ultra supreme criminals at the pinnacle of pyramids to steal 65 $ millions instantaneously on a daily basis for 2,738 years into the future. Dow Jones three card Monte scams and stellar ivy league blatant sirens to the world, screaming a corrupt unaccountable rigged pyramid scam financial and economic system based on confiscation labor and producing absolutely nothing.
Controlled levers operated by the zenith of overrepresented select exclusive special interest groups, exposes itself with every Dow Jones illegal transaction daily. In the past 40 years the United States has gone from being the largest creditor nation to becoming the largest debtor nation under the leadership of three-tenths of 1 percent of the worlds population the 'overrepresented highest achievers of excellence.' "ADL Covering Up for Financial Elites" Posted by Robert Stark.
[1] http://www.webofdebt.com/articles/modest_proposal.php
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRvjufH29vE
[3] http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/2009/06/secret-history-of-government-debt-tally.html
[4] http://www.fapturboevolutionreview.biz/the-buttonwood-agreement-forerunner-to-the-nyse
[5] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/2010/12/us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax.html
[6] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Foreclosure.html
[7] http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2008/09/28/the-big-bank-job-the-insanity-of-the-700-billion-giveaway-by-michael-hudson/
[8] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/15/tommy-tucci-us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax-reduction-theft-scam-illusions/
[9] http://mondoweiss.net/2010/08/yale-conference-on-anti-semitism-targets-palestinian-identity-self-hating-jews-and-anyone-who-criticizes-israel.html
[10] http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-los-angeles/adl-covering-up-for-crimes-of-financial-elites
[11] http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/12/01/104568/fed-wants-to-strip-a-key-protection.html#ixzz1AGsHZJej
[12] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
Conclusion Reality Versus Dow Jones Myths
Notwithstanding, it cannot be disputed or argued that the U.S. operates mythological systemic and controlled rigged markets and three card Monte and zero sum centuries old Pyramid scams. Therefore, because it cannot be argued or disputed by any individual, entity, Nation, or forum the zero sum scam theft of labor property assets of 'We the People' by "Wailing Wall Street" Posted by Opinion Maker of $1 trillions of imaginary collateral. Imaginary collateral and debt liability that would have had to control the Dow Jones feel good philosophy hoax increasing the confiscation of labor assets and property at $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today.
Conversely, the Dow Jones feel good hoax dynamic representing the increased paper wealth theft and confiscations starting c.2011 and continue for 2,738 years into the future. This equation is based on $ 1 trillions of imaginary taxpayer future debt liability and imaginary collateral. U.S. debt creation liability is estimated to be around 65 $ trillions and growing exponentially. "Entitlements Theft Illusions" Posted by Veterans Today
Consequently, by eliminating all super sophisticated high speed nonosecond computer applications the Dow Jones feel good Knaves have to con fools daily, thereby enabling the ultra supreme criminals at the pinnacle of pyramids to steal 65 $ millions instantaneously on a daily basis for 2,738 years into the future. Dow Jones three card Monte scams and stellar ivy league blatant sirens to the world, screaming a corrupt unaccountable rigged pyramid scam financial and economic system based on confiscation labor and producing absolutely nothing.
Controlled levers operated by the zenith of overrepresented select exclusive special interest groups, exposes itself with every Dow Jones illegal transaction daily. In the past 40 years the United States has gone from being the largest creditor nation to becoming the largest debtor nation under the leadership of three-tenths of 1 percent of the worlds population the 'overrepresented highest achievers of excellence.' "ADL Covering Up for Financial Elites" Posted by Robert Stark.
[1] http://www.webofdebt.com/articles/modest_proposal.php
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRvjufH29vE
[3] http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/2009/06/secret-history-of-government-debt-tally.html
[4] http://www.fapturboevolutionreview.biz/the-buttonwood-agreement-forerunner-to-the-nyse
[5] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/2010/12/us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax.html
[6] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Foreclosure.html
[7] http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2008/09/28/the-big-bank-job-the-insanity-of-the-700-billion-giveaway-by-michael-hudson/
[8] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/15/tommy-tucci-us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax-reduction-theft-scam-illusions/
[9] http://mondoweiss.net/2010/08/yale-conference-on-anti-semitism-targets-palestinian-identity-self-hating-jews-and-anyone-who-criticizes-israel.html
[10] http://www.examiner.com/nonpartisan-in-los-angeles/adl-covering-up-for-crimes-of-financial-elites
[11] http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/12/01/104568/fed-wants-to-strip-a-key-protection.html#ixzz1AGsHZJej
[12] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
Monday, January 3, 2011
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Washington Post confirms USA Is a Rogue Lawless Nation On the Cusp of Madness
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Washington Post confirms USA Is a Rogue Lawless Nation On the Cusp of Madness
Circumventing 'We the People' who lack a nation of laws are being lead by documented and self anointed admitted underachieving bureaucratic apparatus.
Circumventing 'We the People' who lack a nation of laws are being lead by documented and self anointed admitted underachieving bureaucratic apparatus.
Washington Post confirms USA Is a Rogue Lawless Nation On the Cusp of Madness

January 2011....Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything." The Washington Post a siren for the ultra underachieving bureaucratic apparatus bluff threat dynamic, confirms by reverse hate speech propaganda that the US is a rogue lawless nation on the cusp of absolute madness.
January 2011....Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything." The Washington Post a siren for the ultra underachieving bureaucratic apparatus bluff threat dynamic, confirms by reverse hate speech propaganda that the US is a rogue lawless nation on the cusp of absolute madness.
Circumventing 'We the People' who lack a nation of laws are being lead by documented and self anointed admitted underachieving bureaucratic apparatus.
US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights Protect 'We the People" From The Government
The Washington Post subject title is extremely boring redundant lacks all merit, scholarship, sophistication and achieviement. In fact all pre-schoolers have a greater level of sophistication concerning the US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights. These are two-hundred-twenty-three-year laws to protect a great nation and 'We the People' from illegal underachieving government bureaucratic apparatus. Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything."
US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights Protect 'We the People" From The Government
The Washington Post subject title is extremely boring redundant lacks all merit, scholarship, sophistication and achieviement. In fact all pre-schoolers have a greater level of sophistication concerning the US Constitution Articles Bill of Rights. These are two-hundred-twenty-three-year laws to protect a great nation and 'We the People' from illegal underachieving government bureaucratic apparatus. Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything."
The Washington Post a siren for the ultra bluff threat dynamic confirms that the US is a rogue lawless nation on the cusp of absolute madness. Perpetuating underachieving bureaucratic apparatus false narratives of eternal victims who have now declared war on American citizenry and all humanity.
“When conservatives like [Robert] Bork treat rights as islands surrounded by a sea of government powers, they precisely reverse the view of the Founders as enshrined in the Constitution, wherein government powers are limited and specified and rendered as islands surrounded by a sea of individual rights.”
- Stephen Macedo
The New Right v. the Constitution
$10 Figure Stupidity
Circulating jingoistic banter by perpetuating particular negative images and buzz words serves no purpose than to impose particular negative results. Stupidity by the very same select exclusive self anointed select special interest group and self anointed reverse victims that are permitted to circulate guaranteed rights under "Free Speech." Protection under the First Amendment to the US Constitution jingoistic banter and Islamophobic hate speech. "Stop Islamization of America both said they plan to run ads to counter the ad that touched off the controversy." Posted by Seattle Times.
“When conservatives like [Robert] Bork treat rights as islands surrounded by a sea of government powers, they precisely reverse the view of the Founders as enshrined in the Constitution, wherein government powers are limited and specified and rendered as islands surrounded by a sea of individual rights.”
- Stephen Macedo
The New Right v. the Constitution
$10 Figure Stupidity
Circulating jingoistic banter by perpetuating particular negative images and buzz words serves no purpose than to impose particular negative results. Stupidity by the very same select exclusive self anointed select special interest group and self anointed reverse victims that are permitted to circulate guaranteed rights under "Free Speech." Protection under the First Amendment to the US Constitution jingoistic banter and Islamophobic hate speech. "Stop Islamization of America both said they plan to run ads to counter the ad that touched off the controversy." Posted by Seattle Times.
Results such as divide and conquer by creating select exclusive special interest groups over the will and to the detriment of 'We the People.' The accelerated shadowing insecurity fear and reverse victim status of 'select exclusive special interest agenda' that America sirens throughout the world. "This systematic assault on free speech and destruction of a world wide resource of unmeasured value is, perhaps, one of the most serious acts of intellectual terrorism imaginable." "Veterans Today bans wikipedia from all references." Posted by Veterans Today
Select Exclusive Special Interests
Select exclusive special interest whims now shadowing through pious and sanctimonous self anointed reverse victims dynamic. The blatant example shown by the Washington Post declaring that US Constitution has no binding power over anything.
Select Exclusive Special Interests
Select exclusive special interest whims now shadowing through pious and sanctimonous self anointed reverse victims dynamic. The blatant example shown by the Washington Post declaring that US Constitution has no binding power over anything.
The constant perpetuation of superiority-high-achievement-merit parody while simultaneously in the last 40 years America has been manufactured from the greatest creditor nation to the greatest debtor nation in recorded history. A flawed failed militaristic threat to the existence of the planet earth all its inhabitants, flora, fauna, and animal life.
Subjugated Collapsed Nation
So then, as all American citizens the question remains are we a "Beacon and Shining Light to the World" or are we being divided and subjugated into a failed collapsed nation. I served my country honorably with millions of Americans to protect a great Nation and the US Constitution. This service, honor, duty, spirit, country, family, community, religion is more than our current bureaucratic apparatus and military satrap underachievers of phony accolades, bogus awards, flawed ideology, lack of merit, and Nobel prize parodies can claim.
[1] http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/12/ezra-klein-constitution-has-no-binding.html
[2] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/veterans-today-bans-wikipedia-references-from-site/comment-page-1/#comment-160182
[3] http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013744314_meeting23m.html
[4] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNe6-f4b-Y
Subjugated Collapsed Nation
So then, as all American citizens the question remains are we a "Beacon and Shining Light to the World" or are we being divided and subjugated into a failed collapsed nation. I served my country honorably with millions of Americans to protect a great Nation and the US Constitution. This service, honor, duty, spirit, country, family, community, religion is more than our current bureaucratic apparatus and military satrap underachievers of phony accolades, bogus awards, flawed ideology, lack of merit, and Nobel prize parodies can claim.
[1] http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/12/ezra-klein-constitution-has-no-binding.html
[2] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/01/03/veterans-today-bans-wikipedia-references-from-site/comment-page-1/#comment-160182
[3] http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013744314_meeting23m.html
[4] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPNe6-f4b-Y
[6] http://www.banned-books.com/truth-seeker/1994archive/121_1/ts211v.html
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