Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Military Martial Law, Police State, Islamophobic Fears: Real or Hysteria?

Military Martial Law, Police State, Islamophobic Fears: Real or Hysteria?

Real hysteria is forced, documented and confirmed upon ‘We the People.’ The fears are intended to result in total polarization and collapse of American society.

The rule of law defined a great nations principles handed down from the legacy of past centuries.

Consequently, the daily U.S. contempt for law, civilization, society, religion, morals, family, and community is a documented self admitted historical fact. The positive dynamics of a past nation is now focused on attacking its citizenry ‘We the People.’

Military Marshal Law, Police State Reality
Following up on the murder of Osama Bin Laden, the Obama administration today announced the formation of a joint Military/Domestic Police Force (MDPF) to carry out a War on Humanity. US Constitution Marshal Law

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ultimate Fear Strategy Invigorated, WTC #7 Enigma Totally Ignored By Commander and Chief Executive

A spectacle of the nation’s internal conflict and fear that grows with each false narrative of U.S.impotent vengeance. Conversely, beginning with the WTC tragedy 09 11 2001 to the Bin Laden demise of 05 02 2011 U.S. demonstrates obvious inexplicable faults. Solidifying at each event that the U.S. blind conquest for world’s empire is an enigma within an enigma. The self-anointed reverse victim industry fear strategy based on one single select exclusive special interest group that is above all the Natural Laws of the Universe, 800 years written laws of man, and more self-important than all peoples on earth.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers’ Day Proclamation 2011 “Hope For The World”Mothers’ Day Proclamation:

Mothers’ Day Proclamation 2011 “Hope For The World”Mothers’ Day Proclamation: Julia Ward Howe, Boston, 1870

Message to all veterans, and citizaens across the world spectrum suffering under U.S. aggressions. Simple inherent human self dignity expressed in a “Mothers Day Messsge”.

Mother’s Day was originally started after the Civil War, as a protest to the carnage of that war, by women who had lost their sons. Here is the original Mother’s Day Proclamation from 1870, followed by a bit of history (or should I say “herstory”):

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight

Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight

Dead end gang leader and head spokesman Mr. Bernanke strikes again robbing labor, pilfering old lady's purses, and controlling futures, contracts and prices in broad daylight. Hiding behind a Princeton University veneer of accomplishment reciting a choreographed cryptic speech parroting 20th Century inert calculus solving insurmountable 21st Century problems. A global organized crime syndicate hoax, that this current leader of a supreme dead end gang, manufactured over the span of a century. Every scheduled effort to conceal this global banking hoax exponentially increases its final collapse.

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Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail' Mythology' "Bin Laden Knocked Down The Towers"

Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail' Mythology' "Bin Laden Knocked Down The Towers"

May 2, 2011 ... Rodeo Clowns purveyors of ”Bin Laden Knocked Down the Towers” the U.S. “Holy ... Rodeo Clowns Purveyors of 'Holy Grail Mythology' 'Bin Laden ...

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Dismissing Reconciliation World Peace; U.S. Continues War Against Humanity

Dismissing Reconciliation World Peace; U.S. Continues War Against Humanity
By Tommy Tucci:

An incoherent incongruous and illogical speech whereby a contradiction of International Laws is the order of the day.