21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Islamophobic Hyper Hysterical Attack On US Constitution A Spectactular Failure
A threat dynamic hollow siren of billions of years of self anointed immolation and annihiliation. Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything."
21ST CENTURY REVERSE PYRAMID BLOG A Nation That Places Citizenry Secondary to Private Bank Can Never be A Sovereign Nation A Nation That Refuses To Control Issuance of Money and Wealth Creation Is Not Representing 'We the People'
Friday, December 31, 2010
Islamophobic Hyper Hysterical Attack On US Constitution A Spectactular Failure

Islamophobic Hyper Hysterical Attack On US Constitution A Spectactular Failure
Islamophobic hyper hysterical attack on the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution fails again by the assault against an twenty-eighteen-hundred dollar ad in Washington State versus the multi-billions of illegal US citizenry taxes confiscated to protect select exclusive special interest Jewish groups.
Islamophobic hyper hysterical attack on the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution fails again by the assault against an twenty-eighteen-hundred dollar ad in Washington State versus the multi-billions of illegal US citizenry taxes confiscated to protect select exclusive special interest Jewish groups.
Anti-Palestinian ads to counter anti-Israeli advertisments on Seattle Metro Buses. First Amendment US Constitution is revoked automatically as plans to buy its own ad if the "Israeli war crimes" ad appears on buses in Seattle / King County Metro Transit.
Spectacular failure by alerting and alarming the "Beacon and Light to the World" citizenry and the masses of humanity that "Israel commits war crimes" daily. Article by Seattle Times
Seattle / King County Metro Transit Decided To Reject The anti Israel Bus Ads.
King County Metro Transit confirms the complete shadowing insecurity extreme fear and self anointed reverse victim status by relenting to select special interest groups.
The very same self anointed select special interest group and self anointed reverse victims that are permitted to circulate guaranteed rights under "Free Speech" jingoistic banter and Islamophobic hate speech.
Conversely, the same select special interest group that succeeds in invoking "Free Speech" as outlined in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution when defending their particular violations and assault on human rights, reverse hate speech, war theft confiscations against 'We the People,' and crimes against humanity.
Major Distraction Self Implosion
America's unaccountable Czars major daily distraction and self implosion dynamic methodology.
Sympathizing to the whims of a select exclusive special interest group results in the exposure, to the world, the constant assault against the liberty freedom and democracy of inherent rights, to the detriment of 'We the People.'
Simultaneously, an asymmetric methodology of artificial and flawed ideology crashes with the stark reality of diminishing returns to the self anointed reverse victim status. This includes select special interests daily deceptions, distractions, and diversions by their blatant siren attacks against 'We the People.'.
Is this gross failure news? Not really!
The entire world citizenry looks on in complete astonishment and disbelief at American and Israelis committing "War Crimes"daily. No need for 400 thousand pages of cryptic secret documents to be released 'We the People' and global humanity experiences these failures on a daily basis, in real time.
Diminishing Returns Threats To Humanity
American self anointed reverse victim status and eternal conflict with war on humanity. Perpetuating anachronistic military superiority, threats against peace, high-achievements, scholastic merit, magic of compound interest, Nazi Muslim hoaxes, and Noble prize awards accolades parody.
Results in attempting to direct all focus and attention away from bowels of lower Manhattan's parasite criminal operatives confiscating the citizenry of the worlds labor, property, natural resources, and hard assets.
Threat and assaults against the US Constitution and 'We the People' by select exclusive special interest groups and counter-party Czars only result in alarming the masses to the diminished returns, the self imposed manufactured collapse of an impotent illegal bureaucratic apparatus.
US Constitution has no binding power over anything." Posted by Washington Post. Hollow threats, assaults on citizenry US Constitutional inherent rights, and fatigued pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal corruption of select exclusive special interests.
Spectacular failures and screaming sirens that serve to alert and alarm the world that in the last 40 years under the self anointed victim select special interests status dynamic, America has been manufactured from the greatest creditor nation to the greatest debtor nation in recorded history. Consequently, operating a pretext militaristic state of war against global humanity.
Asymmetric Superiority Resulting Self Immolation
Preemptive global destruction by US threats of 10,000 nuclear weapons and the select special interests Zionist 400 nuclear weapons unleashed on the planet earth. A threat dynamic hollow siren of billions of years of self anointed immolation and annihiliation. Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything." The Washington Post a siren for the ultra bluff threat dynamic confirms that the US is a rogue lawless nation on the cusp of absolute madness.
A spectactular failure and ultra bluff of self anointed reverse victim broken America c.2010.
[1] www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[2] www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8GMfjgE58
[3] www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id1.html
[4] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitution
[5] www.themoneyparty.org/main/?p=423#respond
[6] www.fleshandstone.net/policy_trends/2154.html
[7] www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/7938/
[8] 21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[9] www.beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Forec losure.html
[10] www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[11] www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id2.html
[12] www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dH_UFQtHNI
[13] www.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013744314_meeting23m.html
[14] www.mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[15] www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdHE3UPSxxI
[16] www.poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/12/ezra-klein-constitution-has-no-binding.html
America's unaccountable Czars major daily distraction and self implosion dynamic methodology.
Sympathizing to the whims of a select exclusive special interest group results in the exposure, to the world, the constant assault against the liberty freedom and democracy of inherent rights, to the detriment of 'We the People.'
Simultaneously, an asymmetric methodology of artificial and flawed ideology crashes with the stark reality of diminishing returns to the self anointed reverse victim status. This includes select special interests daily deceptions, distractions, and diversions by their blatant siren attacks against 'We the People.'.
Is this gross failure news? Not really!
The entire world citizenry looks on in complete astonishment and disbelief at American and Israelis committing "War Crimes"daily. No need for 400 thousand pages of cryptic secret documents to be released 'We the People' and global humanity experiences these failures on a daily basis, in real time.
Diminishing Returns Threats To Humanity
American self anointed reverse victim status and eternal conflict with war on humanity. Perpetuating anachronistic military superiority, threats against peace, high-achievements, scholastic merit, magic of compound interest, Nazi Muslim hoaxes, and Noble prize awards accolades parody.
Results in attempting to direct all focus and attention away from bowels of lower Manhattan's parasite criminal operatives confiscating the citizenry of the worlds labor, property, natural resources, and hard assets.
Threat and assaults against the US Constitution and 'We the People' by select exclusive special interest groups and counter-party Czars only result in alarming the masses to the diminished returns, the self imposed manufactured collapse of an impotent illegal bureaucratic apparatus.
US Constitution has no binding power over anything." Posted by Washington Post. Hollow threats, assaults on citizenry US Constitutional inherent rights, and fatigued pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal corruption of select exclusive special interests.
Spectacular failures and screaming sirens that serve to alert and alarm the world that in the last 40 years under the self anointed victim select special interests status dynamic, America has been manufactured from the greatest creditor nation to the greatest debtor nation in recorded history. Consequently, operating a pretext militaristic state of war against global humanity.
Asymmetric Superiority Resulting Self Immolation
Preemptive global destruction by US threats of 10,000 nuclear weapons and the select special interests Zionist 400 nuclear weapons unleashed on the planet earth. A threat dynamic hollow siren of billions of years of self anointed immolation and annihiliation. Washington Post reporter statement issued claims the "US Constitution has no binding power over anything." The Washington Post a siren for the ultra bluff threat dynamic confirms that the US is a rogue lawless nation on the cusp of absolute madness.
A spectactular failure and ultra bluff of self anointed reverse victim broken America c.2010.
[1] www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[2] www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8GMfjgE58
[3] www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id1.html
[4] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitution
[5] www.themoneyparty.org/main/?p=423#respond
[6] www.fleshandstone.net/policy_trends/2154.html
[7] www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/7938/
[8] 21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[9] www.beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Forec losure.html
[10] www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[11] www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id2.html
[12] www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dH_UFQtHNI
[13] www.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2013744314_meeting23m.html
[14] www.mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[15] www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdHE3UPSxxI
[16] www.poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/12/ezra-klein-constitution-has-no-binding.html
Saturday, December 18, 2010
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Illegal Occupation War On Humanity Versus Hero Patriots Dissidents Insurgents Freedom and Democracy
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Illegal Occupation War On Humanity Versus Hero Patriots Dissidents Insurgents Freedom and Democracy
Historical events that U.S.citizenry stubbornly refuse to accept and fly into a rage of disconnect from reality of historic factual events.
Historical events that U.S.citizenry stubbornly refuse to accept and fly into a rage of disconnect from reality of historic factual events.
Illegal Occupation War On Humanity Versus Hero Patriots Dissidents Insurgents Freedom and Democracy

Illegal Occupation War On Humanity Versus Hero Patriots Dissidents Insurgents Freedom Liberty and Democracy
Article published Before It's News... c.1910 Waling Wall Street commences illegal occupations war against peace war against humanity for the tyrannical confiscation of global; labor, property, assets, and natural resources. An entire flawed 20th Century of psy ops mantra deceptions, distractions, and stealth disconnect from major historical factual events. Resulting in Knave conditioned fools who live in an 80's mentality driving around in vacuum sealed Mercedes Benz convertibles oblivious to over medicated hired shills, neocon severe mentally unstable superiority-complexes. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi [69] at the Anti-war discussion panel held at Syracuse University on 9.29.07
"Hundreds of senior military officers took the “shilling” from Israel long ago, became “pundits” for neocon blogs or fright mongers for networks." This branding, this call for war is entirely based on fabricated cables “released” Monday by the Sidney Morning Herald. Al-CIAduh Wikileaks has issued a virtual declaration of war against Iran, part of the Mossad’s “war by deception” of which Wikileaks is a proven component." Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today
Suppressed Historical Events
Historical events suppressed for 100 years results in the total conditioning of the citizenry of U.S. with a hyper sensitivity and nationalistic jingoism fierce reaction to any criticism of corrupt criminal and illegal government policy operating above the US Constitution Law. "Everyday the news reports the corruption of U.S. foreign policy, how the United States is killing civilians, incarcerating thousands without trials, participating or allowing torture, spying on diplomats and on and on." Posted by Kevin Zeese.
"US/Zionist Power Configuration key operatives in strategic positions in the government and the activities of local Zionist organizations affiliated with mainstream Jewish organizations and religious orders." Posted by Dr. James Petras. A manufactured culture and constant hysterical reverse fear and buzz hype 'Hate Speech' [39] spin. Self anointed victims, artificial and underachieving superiority-moral-intellectual-merit mythology, and reverse victim industry abuse of artificial hysteria and ideology hype that permeates and holds all American values hostage resulting in a dangerous Stockholm Syndrome. U.S. citizenry victims held hostage and exploited in their own country by psychological Stockholm Syndrome disorder or prisoners harboring deep attachment or sympathy to criminal bureaucratic apparatus and dysfunctional media clowns.
Conversely, "A solid understanding of history has long been the best guide to comprehending the present and anticipating the future. Accordingly, people are most interested in historical questions during times of crisis, when the future seems most uncertain." Posted by Mark Weber. A major suppressed historical episode of revolution from the top down not from the bottom up. Published article Ynet News.com by Sever Plocker: "Some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Historical events that U.S.citizenry stubbornly refuse to accept and self righteously fly into a Stockholm Syndrome rage of disconnect from reality, of historic factual events. Correlating, to America in the first decade of the 21st Century suppressing the historical event of "Wailing Wall Street Band of Quislings" Article by Opinion Maker financing from the top down, not the bottom up revolution of Czarist Imperial Russia.
Suppressed historical factual events omitted from Western Universities. "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution how Western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union" -- by Antony C. Sutton
c.1917 Wailing Wall Street Quisling capitalist pretext agents Trotsky Lenin quote "Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds, let them be thousands, let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritskii let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie -- more blood, as much as possible." Posted by Institute for Historical Review Therefore, "Let's not forget them, my own view is different, I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people, when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things." Article published Ynet News.com by Sever Plocker
American Superiority-Complexes
A US/Zionist Power Configuration severe superiority complex and mentally unstable illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries, including to the blatant detriment of 'We the People,' established at this Nation's founding. The U. S. Constitution, [7] Articles Bill of Rights, International Laws, Geneva Conventions, Military Code of Honor, 800 years of Habeas Corpus [8] , and Nuremberg Tribunals. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
Correlating Top Down Revolution
Accelerating the theft confiscation death and destruction of Czarist Imperial Russia c.1917 transferring top down war against the American population c.2010. Without mercy, without sparing, we will eliminate and seek the complete evisceration of the middle class and American financial systems. Effectuated by c.1917 Wailing Wall Street [25] Quislings and private U.S.banking baron cartels "Fed I G Can't Explain Missing 9 Trillion Dollars" Congressional Testimony parody shows and hoaxes. Accelerating QE1 QE2 thefts and resulting in the total confiscation of the wealth, liberty, spirit, free markets, community, religion and faith of American citizenry at the onset of the second decade of the 21st Century.
Correlating historical events repeating verbatim c.2010 revolution from the top down, not the bottom up proletariat. The conclusion is not unreasonable to assume that the U.S. in it's unhinged attack and torture inflicted on humanity and war against peace commencing c.1917 and accelerated in c.2001 is repeating genocides in Iraq and across the world.
“It is the people of Fallujah’s cherished right to hold to account the International Community that now has both the mandate and moral responsibility to initiate proceedings to prosecute and hold accountable all those perpetrators. "Fallujah, a Disgrace for the USA, an Eternal Curse on Humanity" Posted by Dirk Adriaensens Global Research.
America's declaration of "war on its own citizenry" will stop at nothing to continue the race to the bottom of collapsed disgraced and cursed empires shadowing artificial exploitative patriotisms, hoaxes, pious and sanctimonious democracy and freedom parodies. "There Is A WAR Being Waged Against The Working Families Of America!" Sen Bernie Sanders Vermont.
Preemptive Illegal Occupiers vs Hero Patriots Insurgents Dissidents
Extreme violent self anointed reverse victims illegal neo-con ZPC occupiers of America. Versus Hero patriots insurgents dissidents freedom liberty democracy and global citizenry. Insurgents or dissident is a term used by self anointed reverse victim illegal occupiers to all resistance and the preservation self instinct of humanity, global citizenry, and individuals to protect their life, liberty, children, homes, religion, spirit, community, labors, assets, property, or nations natural resources.
A contradictory incredulous dilemma of dividing categorically hero patriot freedom democracy versus insurgents or dissident symbols of branding attacks by the self anointed reverse victim industry [59].
Consequently, this leads to another duty and dilemma of all heroes patriots insurgents or dissidents of freedom and democracy.
Article published Before It's News... c.1910 Waling Wall Street commences illegal occupations war against peace war against humanity for the tyrannical confiscation of global; labor, property, assets, and natural resources. An entire flawed 20th Century of psy ops mantra deceptions, distractions, and stealth disconnect from major historical factual events. Resulting in Knave conditioned fools who live in an 80's mentality driving around in vacuum sealed Mercedes Benz convertibles oblivious to over medicated hired shills, neocon severe mentally unstable superiority-complexes. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi [69] at the Anti-war discussion panel held at Syracuse University on 9.29.07
"Hundreds of senior military officers took the “shilling” from Israel long ago, became “pundits” for neocon blogs or fright mongers for networks." This branding, this call for war is entirely based on fabricated cables “released” Monday by the Sidney Morning Herald. Al-CIAduh Wikileaks has issued a virtual declaration of war against Iran, part of the Mossad’s “war by deception” of which Wikileaks is a proven component." Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today
Suppressed Historical Events
Historical events suppressed for 100 years results in the total conditioning of the citizenry of U.S. with a hyper sensitivity and nationalistic jingoism fierce reaction to any criticism of corrupt criminal and illegal government policy operating above the US Constitution Law. "Everyday the news reports the corruption of U.S. foreign policy, how the United States is killing civilians, incarcerating thousands without trials, participating or allowing torture, spying on diplomats and on and on." Posted by Kevin Zeese.
"US/Zionist Power Configuration key operatives in strategic positions in the government and the activities of local Zionist organizations affiliated with mainstream Jewish organizations and religious orders." Posted by Dr. James Petras. A manufactured culture and constant hysterical reverse fear and buzz hype 'Hate Speech' [39] spin. Self anointed victims, artificial and underachieving superiority-moral-intellectual-merit mythology, and reverse victim industry abuse of artificial hysteria and ideology hype that permeates and holds all American values hostage resulting in a dangerous Stockholm Syndrome. U.S. citizenry victims held hostage and exploited in their own country by psychological Stockholm Syndrome disorder or prisoners harboring deep attachment or sympathy to criminal bureaucratic apparatus and dysfunctional media clowns.
Conversely, "A solid understanding of history has long been the best guide to comprehending the present and anticipating the future. Accordingly, people are most interested in historical questions during times of crisis, when the future seems most uncertain." Posted by Mark Weber. A major suppressed historical episode of revolution from the top down not from the bottom up. Published article Ynet News.com by Sever Plocker: "Some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Historical events that U.S.citizenry stubbornly refuse to accept and self righteously fly into a Stockholm Syndrome rage of disconnect from reality, of historic factual events. Correlating, to America in the first decade of the 21st Century suppressing the historical event of "Wailing Wall Street Band of Quislings" Article by Opinion Maker financing from the top down, not the bottom up revolution of Czarist Imperial Russia.
Suppressed historical factual events omitted from Western Universities. "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution how Western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union" -- by Antony C. Sutton
c.1917 Wailing Wall Street Quisling capitalist pretext agents Trotsky Lenin quote "Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds, let them be thousands, let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritskii let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie -- more blood, as much as possible." Posted by Institute for Historical Review Therefore, "Let's not forget them, my own view is different, I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people, when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things." Article published Ynet News.com by Sever Plocker
American Superiority-Complexes
A US/Zionist Power Configuration severe superiority complex and mentally unstable illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries, including to the blatant detriment of 'We the People,' established at this Nation's founding. The U. S. Constitution, [7] Articles Bill of Rights, International Laws, Geneva Conventions, Military Code of Honor, 800 years of Habeas Corpus [8] , and Nuremberg Tribunals. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
Correlating Top Down Revolution
Accelerating the theft confiscation death and destruction of Czarist Imperial Russia c.1917 transferring top down war against the American population c.2010. Without mercy, without sparing, we will eliminate and seek the complete evisceration of the middle class and American financial systems. Effectuated by c.1917 Wailing Wall Street [25] Quislings and private U.S.banking baron cartels "Fed I G Can't Explain Missing 9 Trillion Dollars" Congressional Testimony parody shows and hoaxes. Accelerating QE1 QE2 thefts and resulting in the total confiscation of the wealth, liberty, spirit, free markets, community, religion and faith of American citizenry at the onset of the second decade of the 21st Century.
Correlating historical events repeating verbatim c.2010 revolution from the top down, not the bottom up proletariat. The conclusion is not unreasonable to assume that the U.S. in it's unhinged attack and torture inflicted on humanity and war against peace commencing c.1917 and accelerated in c.2001 is repeating genocides in Iraq and across the world.
“It is the people of Fallujah’s cherished right to hold to account the International Community that now has both the mandate and moral responsibility to initiate proceedings to prosecute and hold accountable all those perpetrators. "Fallujah, a Disgrace for the USA, an Eternal Curse on Humanity" Posted by Dirk Adriaensens Global Research.
America's declaration of "war on its own citizenry" will stop at nothing to continue the race to the bottom of collapsed disgraced and cursed empires shadowing artificial exploitative patriotisms, hoaxes, pious and sanctimonious democracy and freedom parodies. "There Is A WAR Being Waged Against The Working Families Of America!" Sen Bernie Sanders Vermont.
Preemptive Illegal Occupiers vs Hero Patriots Insurgents Dissidents
Extreme violent self anointed reverse victims illegal neo-con ZPC occupiers of America. Versus Hero patriots insurgents dissidents freedom liberty democracy and global citizenry. Insurgents or dissident is a term used by self anointed reverse victim illegal occupiers to all resistance and the preservation self instinct of humanity, global citizenry, and individuals to protect their life, liberty, children, homes, religion, spirit, community, labors, assets, property, or nations natural resources.
A contradictory incredulous dilemma of dividing categorically hero patriot freedom democracy versus insurgents or dissident symbols of branding attacks by the self anointed reverse victim industry [59].
Consequently, this leads to another duty and dilemma of all heroes patriots insurgents or dissidents of freedom and democracy.
The daily dilemma of knaves conning and propagandizing fools to snitch quickly on all citizenry or would be dissidents insurgents heroes or patriots passing stomach gas, or underpants foul odor threats, at Walmart Corporation by unaccountable Czar Janet Napolitano Director of Homeland Security.
Nevertheless, crony media corruption publishes reverse 'Hate Speech' and outrageous discrimination and stereotyping of Ponzi including gentiles. Hyper buzz copy of whimpering Madoff con men scam [51]. Artists supreme hanging themselves, from the highest pinnacles of pyramid scams, screaming Ponzi and gentiles forced them to rob and steal in broad daylight. Article published by NY Times. "Theft Scam Illusions" Article by Veterans Today.
Trojan Horse distraction Wikileaks al-CIAduh hysteria and Muslim hoaxes. "This branding, this call for war is entirely based on fabricated cables “released” Monday by the Sidney Morning Herald. Al-CIAduh Wikileaks has issued a virtual declaration of war against Iran, part of the Mossad’s “war by deception” of which Wikileaks is a proven component." Posted by Gordon Duff
Responsibilities Obligations to Question Deep Disparity
According to book author Neil Postman, a "citizen has an obligation to criticize government and other actors in society when the disparity between ideal and reality become too great." In other words, a patriot has the right and moral obligation to question what he is told by the government and the people who represent the government." Author Neil Postman.
"Israeli War Crimes Posters on Buses" Citizenry hero insurgents dissidents liberty freedom democracy rights and obligations [67].
A genuine hero patriot insurgent and dissident questioning the deep disparity of freedom liberty democracy by Israeli's lack of humanity, lack of self dignity propagated by American indefensible contempt hatred and war against all global citizenry Rachael Corrie's Dream.
Quislings vs Dissidents Hero Patriot Insurgents Freedom Liberty Democracy
"No nation can survive treason from within" Marcus Tullius Cicero (January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC) was a Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, political theorist, and Roman constitutionalists. Cicero is widely considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists. Americans have been distracted from pertinent historical factual events such as Cicero's statesmanship. Stubbornly hang on to the artificial 'Beacon and Shining Light on a Hill to the World' psy ops. The decimation and destruction of the proletariat middle class..
An 80's mentality driving around in vacuum sealed Mercedes Benz convertibles oblivious to hired shills, neo-cons spewing reverse 'Hate Speech', lazy intellect [39] academic Zionists, severe mentally unstable superiority-complexes, and Hollywood parroting radical Islam [59] and Nazi [45] hoaxes.
Summary of Incongruous Dilemmas Ambiguity
Simultaneously, all around them are distractions, shills, disinfo agents, agent provocateurs, and "cointelpro 101" Posted by Jared A. Ball Voxunion.. Representing double standard laws of American 21st Century of self anointed reverse victim [59] industry, patriotic propaganda, 100 years of sanctimonious conditioning, "Israel Lobby's absolute ownership of Congress" Posted by Wayne Madsen, crony media clowns, lazy intellect [45] Hollywood parodies, Wailing Wall Street Quislings goons Posted by Opinion Maker , both political party circuses, and the underachieving artificial pious White House.
Absolute exploitative ownership of Congress by AIPAC lobby to the detriment of 'We the People.' "However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." Posted by Wayne Madsen
These are tyrannical exploitative quisling disinfo officials who basically live in the c.1917 Trotskyism world philosophy. Documented self incriminating and self admitted war lord Czars who have commenced war against 'We the People' and global citizenry.
Subsequently, by their daily bellicose actions alone state verbatim [59] that all 310 million population of America is not worth the single breath intake required to sustain life and deserve death destruction and confiscation of labors, assets, property, loss of liberty, freedom, and democracy.
"Without mercy, without sparing, we will eliminate and seek the complete evisceration of the middle class bourgeoisie." c.1917 Wailing Wall Street.
[1] http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/index.html
[2] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=Bolshevik01
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21922
[5] http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/982.html
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/17/technology/17wiretap.html?_r=3&sudsredirect=true
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus_in_the_United_States
[9] http://www.brusselstribunal.org/pdf/NotesOnGenocideInIraq.pdf
[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkQoiaf7Uc&feature=player_embedded
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H9HNEtrvEE&feature=player_embedded
[12] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=FIT20101114&articleId=21911
[13] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november092010/value-assets-tt.php
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Revolution_(1917)
[15] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiXTjqjK9U&playnext=1&list=PLC55BF413174B4F24&index=35
[16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jekinMM1cAo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[17] http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/obama-give-george-hw-bush-presidential-medal-freedom
[18] http://www.policestateplanning.com/conclusion.htm
[19] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/03/tommi-tucci-americans-chances-are-greater-being-killed-or-hit-by-lightning-in-a-bathtub-than-being-hit-or-killed-by-global-terrorists/
[20] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/october202010/thanksgiving-israel-tt.php
[21] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[22] http://www.naturalnews.com/030471_TSA_false_flag_operation.html
[23] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[24] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/10/celebration-legacy-c-2010-thanksgiving-day/
[25] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[26] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/258/877/QE1_QE2_Value_Wealth_Labor_Property_Assets_Theft_Deceptions.html
[27] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[28] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26902.htm
[29] http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Child+Molestation
[30] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[31] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[32] http://www.legitgov.org/
[33] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/10/24/gordon-duff-gadahn-call-to-attack-americans-comes-from-israel/
[34] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[35] http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/10/ho-hum-more-wikileaks-%E2%80%9Cchickenfeed%E2%80%9D/
[36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKkPUJf0nis&feature=related
[37] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4291982770392066533#
[38] http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=13329
[39] http://mondoweiss.net/2010/08/yale-conference-on-anti-semitism-targets-palestinian-identity-self-hating-jews-and-anyone-who-criticizes-israel.html
[40] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14870
[41] http://jnoubiyeh.com/2010/09/zionist-murderers-of-iraq.html
[42] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvSQuqQb5c&feature=related
[43] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/300/193/American_Goes_Undercover_to_Expose_Nazi_War_Criminal.html
[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_Wars
[45] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/steven-spielberg-body-snatcher-a-review-of-the-miniseries-band-of-brothers/
[46] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/12/10/if-we-lose-our-internet-freedoms-because-of-wikileaks-you-should-at-least-know-why/
[47] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22196
[48] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[49] http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/
[50] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22368
[51] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22364
[52] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id13.html
[53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zwcQlWsPU&feature=related
[54] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22330
[55] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygwGnOj-m7E
[56] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trotskyism
[57] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYedTmaHt1A&feature=player_embedded
[58] http://www.voxunion.com/?p=3136
[59] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFQ5_7hx_WE
[60] http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/news/1/13763-james-petras-phd-the-state-and-local-bases-of-zionist-power-in-america.html
[61] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21131
[62] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Postman
[63] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/310/544/Illegal_Occupation_War_On_Humanity_Versus_Hero_Patriots_Dissidents_Insurgents.html
[64] http://engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?264714-Sever-Plocker-Some-of-the-greatest-murderers-of-modern-times-were-Jewish
[65] http://lahaine.org/petras/articulo.php?p=1786&more=1&c=1
[66] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/15/tommy-tucci-us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax-reduction-theft-scam-illusions/
[67] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPa7p65eCQc&feature=player_embedded#1
[68] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dpITDmuZxI&NR=1
[69] http://liberatethis.com/links.html
[70] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSkoW8Pm7Hk
Friday, December 17, 2010
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: US Deficit Austerity Entitlement Tax Reduction Theft Scam Illusions
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: US Deficit Austerity Entitlement Tax Reduction Theft Scam Illusions
Wall Street documented and self admitted failures gross underachievers operating a ruse of ultra sophisticated high speed computers and super nanosecond complex mathematical logarithm computer applications. ROI equation 2+2=0. Zero sum scam
Wall Street documented and self admitted failures gross underachievers operating a ruse of ultra sophisticated high speed computers and super nanosecond complex mathematical logarithm computer applications. ROI equation 2+2=0. Zero sum scam
US Deficit Austerity Entitlement Tax Reduction Theft Scam Illusions

US Deficit Austerity Entitlement Tax Reduction Theft Scam Illusions
The private consortium Fed bank barons 100 Year Celebration Jeykill Island and crony pretext capitalists Wailing Wall Street Quislings [10] criminals have now reached mathematical diminished returns and expose global citizenry to their pyramid and reverse pyramid theft illusions the 'Magic of Compound Interest' scam. Posted by Veterans Today. Schemes shadowed by historically incorrect branding and abuse of the immigrant name Ponzi symbol to distract all indication of controlled rigged market frauds.. "Whistleblower Admits Knowledge to US Systemic Frauds" Posted by Before Its News.
Conflict Criminal Corruption Too Big To Failures
This timely article is not a satire or an allegory. Notwithstanding, the complete U.S. magic of compound interest conditioning and jingoistic marketing of 20th Century flawed and systemic corrupt banking and financial markets dynamic is difficult to digest. Reaction to this criminal dynamic is complete rage total disconnect and disbelief that any subject theme dare attempt to expose the blatant reality and contrast between American enonomic and financial criminal corruption, from the highest pinnacles of achievement and successs, against the historical factual evidence of American documented self anointed reverse victims, by their very own admitted extreme lazy intellect failures.
Compound Magic Interest Imaginary Collateral
Entitlements austerity and compound interest are typical misnomers or deceptions repeated by c.1910 private banking baron cartels. Private bank monopoly's have absolute control and operate virtually unchallenged. Cartels that circumvent the US Constitution unaccountable and above any laws exist primarily for the theft and confiscation of the entire global labors, property, and hard assets. By the absolute power over; interest rates, future taxes, rigged markets, control of fiat worthless paper contracts or promissory notes, ownership value of US Treasury government debt, and 'We the People' collateral.
Michael Hudson article: "The very first course in economics –starting in high school, followed up in college and then refined in graduate school – should explain to students why it is false to believe the advertisement that Wall Street has been trying to sell for the past half century: The deceptive promise that an economy can get rich off the mathematical “magic of compound interest.” The unreality of this promise should be immediately apparent by looking at the math of exponential growth. The “magic of compound interest” refers to the tendency of savings to double and redouble exponentially, with a matching rise in what debtors owe on the other side of the balance sheet. The power to indebt others to oneself can be achieved by free credit creation. However, the resulting mushrooming exponential growth in indebtedness must collapse at the point where its interest and other carrying charges (now augmented by exorbitant late fees, bounced-check fees, credit-card costs and other penalties) absorb the entire economic surplus"
Controlling interest rates enables the theft and confiscation of; prices, contracts of all global commodities, natural resources, illegal drugs, petroleum oil, precious metals, gold, silver, war, invasions, and occupations of other Nations. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
Rigged Controlled Markets
"The Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, using the American people as collateral, demanding nothing in return, other than a bunch of toxic assets in some cases. They only gave this money to a select group of insiders, at a time when very few had any money because all these same insiders and speculators crashed the system. Any fairytale notions that we are living in a nation built on the rule of law and of the global economy being based on free market principles has now been exposed as just that, a fairytale." Posted by David Degraw Amped Status
Park Avenue Parasites Thefts Confiscations
US Treasury officials and counter party's, the corrupt bureaucratic apparatus financial banking baron parasites "Wailing Wall Street Band of Quislings" Posted by Opinion Maker and crony farcical mainstream media $10 figure over medicated shills and clowns on a whim create scams. Crony pretext capitalists promoting the false concept of imaginary government ownership of citizenry labors and wealth by using the false narrative of imaginary gifts or entitlements.. "All wealth is the product of labor" John Locke.
Therefore, the private Fed bank cartels circumventing the US Treasury 'We the People' by control of future taxation, forced inflation, rigged markets and interest rates confiscates wealth and labor over decades. Subsequently, by implementing withholding taxes private bank barons confiscate citizenry labors. Withholding taxes that cannot arbitrarily, at some future date, claim ownership control under the deceptive term 'government entitlement.' Taxes forcibly taken over a lifetime of labor which are mandated by law to be returned to citizenry as a social safety net. Citizenry lifetime of labor and wealth is not a future imaginary or arbitrary gift that is owned by an ambiguous entity or corrupt bureaucratic apparatus.
Social Safety Net Wealth Product Labor
Consequently, entitlement is just one government politics of deflection scam to complete the masses of citizenry delusions. 'We the People' are constantly reminded that the Social Security Medicare funds will be exhausted in future years' Correct, because the confiscation scam is the fundamental root cause of illusions, deceptions, and distractions. American citizenry lifetime ownership accumulation of wealth, labors, assets, and property is a manufactured false narrative correlated to guaranteed return on investment or ROI. The bureaucratic apparatus transfers Social Security ROI labor and wealth into a manufactured bureaucratic theft referred to by the misnomer 'Government Entitlement.'
Grade School arithmetic 2+2=4 Versus Wall Street Goons Zero Sum Scam. A
The private consortium Fed bank barons 100 Year Celebration Jeykill Island and crony pretext capitalists Wailing Wall Street Quislings [10] criminals have now reached mathematical diminished returns and expose global citizenry to their pyramid and reverse pyramid theft illusions the 'Magic of Compound Interest' scam. Posted by Veterans Today. Schemes shadowed by historically incorrect branding and abuse of the immigrant name Ponzi symbol to distract all indication of controlled rigged market frauds.. "Whistleblower Admits Knowledge to US Systemic Frauds" Posted by Before Its News.
Conflict Criminal Corruption Too Big To Failures
This timely article is not a satire or an allegory. Notwithstanding, the complete U.S. magic of compound interest conditioning and jingoistic marketing of 20th Century flawed and systemic corrupt banking and financial markets dynamic is difficult to digest. Reaction to this criminal dynamic is complete rage total disconnect and disbelief that any subject theme dare attempt to expose the blatant reality and contrast between American enonomic and financial criminal corruption, from the highest pinnacles of achievement and successs, against the historical factual evidence of American documented self anointed reverse victims, by their very own admitted extreme lazy intellect failures.
Compound Magic Interest Imaginary Collateral
Entitlements austerity and compound interest are typical misnomers or deceptions repeated by c.1910 private banking baron cartels. Private bank monopoly's have absolute control and operate virtually unchallenged. Cartels that circumvent the US Constitution unaccountable and above any laws exist primarily for the theft and confiscation of the entire global labors, property, and hard assets. By the absolute power over; interest rates, future taxes, rigged markets, control of fiat worthless paper contracts or promissory notes, ownership value of US Treasury government debt, and 'We the People' collateral.
Michael Hudson article: "The very first course in economics –starting in high school, followed up in college and then refined in graduate school – should explain to students why it is false to believe the advertisement that Wall Street has been trying to sell for the past half century: The deceptive promise that an economy can get rich off the mathematical “magic of compound interest.” The unreality of this promise should be immediately apparent by looking at the math of exponential growth. The “magic of compound interest” refers to the tendency of savings to double and redouble exponentially, with a matching rise in what debtors owe on the other side of the balance sheet. The power to indebt others to oneself can be achieved by free credit creation. However, the resulting mushrooming exponential growth in indebtedness must collapse at the point where its interest and other carrying charges (now augmented by exorbitant late fees, bounced-check fees, credit-card costs and other penalties) absorb the entire economic surplus"
Controlling interest rates enables the theft and confiscation of; prices, contracts of all global commodities, natural resources, illegal drugs, petroleum oil, precious metals, gold, silver, war, invasions, and occupations of other Nations. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
Rigged Controlled Markets
"The Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, using the American people as collateral, demanding nothing in return, other than a bunch of toxic assets in some cases. They only gave this money to a select group of insiders, at a time when very few had any money because all these same insiders and speculators crashed the system. Any fairytale notions that we are living in a nation built on the rule of law and of the global economy being based on free market principles has now been exposed as just that, a fairytale." Posted by David Degraw Amped Status
Park Avenue Parasites Thefts Confiscations
US Treasury officials and counter party's, the corrupt bureaucratic apparatus financial banking baron parasites "Wailing Wall Street Band of Quislings" Posted by Opinion Maker and crony farcical mainstream media $10 figure over medicated shills and clowns on a whim create scams. Crony pretext capitalists promoting the false concept of imaginary government ownership of citizenry labors and wealth by using the false narrative of imaginary gifts or entitlements.. "All wealth is the product of labor" John Locke.
Therefore, the private Fed bank cartels circumventing the US Treasury 'We the People' by control of future taxation, forced inflation, rigged markets and interest rates confiscates wealth and labor over decades. Subsequently, by implementing withholding taxes private bank barons confiscate citizenry labors. Withholding taxes that cannot arbitrarily, at some future date, claim ownership control under the deceptive term 'government entitlement.' Taxes forcibly taken over a lifetime of labor which are mandated by law to be returned to citizenry as a social safety net. Citizenry lifetime of labor and wealth is not a future imaginary or arbitrary gift that is owned by an ambiguous entity or corrupt bureaucratic apparatus.
Social Safety Net Wealth Product Labor
Consequently, entitlement is just one government politics of deflection scam to complete the masses of citizenry delusions. 'We the People' are constantly reminded that the Social Security Medicare funds will be exhausted in future years' Correct, because the confiscation scam is the fundamental root cause of illusions, deceptions, and distractions. American citizenry lifetime ownership accumulation of wealth, labors, assets, and property is a manufactured false narrative correlated to guaranteed return on investment or ROI. The bureaucratic apparatus transfers Social Security ROI labor and wealth into a manufactured bureaucratic theft referred to by the misnomer 'Government Entitlement.'
Grade School arithmetic 2+2=4 Versus Wall Street Goons Zero Sum Scam. A
Wall Street documented and self admitted failures gross underachievers operating a ruse of ultra sophisticated high speed computers and super nanosecond complex mathematical logarithm computer applications. ROI equation 2+2=0. Zero sum scam.
Subsequently, entitlements are extreme theft 20th Century Pyramid Scams confiscating labor and property. Simultaneously, the control of rigged markets interest rates and higher future taxes exponentially increases the stealth confiscation of Social Security Medicare Funds over many decades. GoldmanSachs/US Treasury/FedReserve Corporation cartels have not been charged with 'The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act' RICO rather enabled by additional welfare bailout scams to continue accelerating additional theft scams distractions and misnomer terms such as tax deficit reductions, confiscations, austerity, deficit reductions, and entitlements.
Systemic Financial Banking Scams Cannot Be Sustained
Wall Street oligarchs eying Social Security article by Dr Paul Craig Roberts writes "Hank Paulson, the Gold Sachs bankster/U.S. Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new U.S. debt, is still not in jail. He is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives."
The theft of labor and property of 'We the People' $1 trillions of imaginary collateral. Would have had to commence the confiscation of labor and property at $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today... Then it should be no surprise that contentious zombie supreme predatory political and racketeering economic systems that refuse to provide health care, public services or financial opportunity to its own citizenry is resorting to war against peace war against humanity and genocidal militarism using the diversion of reverse methodologies and patriotic parody hysteria.
Unaccountable above the law, in a desperate effort to feed its insatiable appetite for imperial divide conquer world conquest. 'Divide et Imperia' Julius Casear 53BC. "This is a big week for the decline and fall of our society. It’s not like we’ve bet the ranch on the Senate vote on the Obama tax compromise/cave in. But the proposal may be the beginning of the end of Social Security as we were promised it. Obama made a deal for a one year tax holiday on the employee contribution to Social Security". Posted by Michael Collins
All pyramid power structures and impending scams by laws of nature and mathematics cannot sustain itself over time and inevitably collapses. "The Greatest Rippoff of The Century the 401K" Posted by Lawrence Kotlicoff. All pension plans are government tax deferred scams and thefts. Retirement schemes are not tax free, so you have the dual confiscations and thefts of rigged interest rates and market control along with future inflation and taxes increasing over time that results in eating away all your labor and principal down to zero. Thereby creating systemic colossal demise and death warrant for the future by an independent bank cartel. American double standards hypocrisy is calculated, designed, manufactured, to result in great failure by cadres of medicated shills, underachievers, self anointed reverse victims, and Too Big To Fails. This is the reality of 21st Century America decline and fall of empire an imposed tragedy.
Summary Zenith Underachievers
Documented and self admitted 'Too Big To Fail' underachievers testify to their proud arrogant reverse victim lazy intellect before the bought and paid for Congress. Simultaneously, Americans have a delusional sense of incorrect distorted historic factual events and financial shams which they repeat to themselves. Magic of compound interest parody over and over for self assurance to deal with the reality of U.S. financial and empire zero sum scams .
"Signs that the American swineherds are preparing to abandon their own herd by imposing an austerity program on it are displayed in the report of Obama's Deficit Reduction Commission and the insistence of our Republican Congressmen that spending on "entitlements" either be reduced or paid for while spending on wars, foreign aid, and the military be allowed to continue and even increase without any provisions whatsoever for paying for them. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that warfare and foreign aid are necessary economic principals while the American people have fallen into that group of economically irrelevant people that those like Andrew Mellon would have the government liquidate. So the unemployed should be allowed to starve, and the ill should be allowed to perish—both of which principles are perfectly consistent with the "morality" of classical economics." Posted by Prof John Kozy Global research
[1] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8GMfjgE58
[3] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id1.html
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitution
[5] http://www.themoneyparty.org/main/?p=423#respond
[6] http://www.fleshandstone.net/policy_trends/2154.html
[7] http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/7938/
[8] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[9] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Foreclosure.html
[10] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[11] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id2.html
[12] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dH_UFQtHNI
Subsequently, entitlements are extreme theft 20th Century Pyramid Scams confiscating labor and property. Simultaneously, the control of rigged markets interest rates and higher future taxes exponentially increases the stealth confiscation of Social Security Medicare Funds over many decades. GoldmanSachs/US Treasury/FedReserve Corporation cartels have not been charged with 'The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act' RICO rather enabled by additional welfare bailout scams to continue accelerating additional theft scams distractions and misnomer terms such as tax deficit reductions, confiscations, austerity, deficit reductions, and entitlements.
Systemic Financial Banking Scams Cannot Be Sustained
Wall Street oligarchs eying Social Security article by Dr Paul Craig Roberts writes "Hank Paulson, the Gold Sachs bankster/U.S. Treasury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new U.S. debt, is still not in jail. He is writing in the New York Times urging that the mess he caused be fixed by taking away from working Americans the Social Security and Medicare for which they have paid in earmarked taxes all their working lives."
The theft of labor and property of 'We the People' $1 trillions of imaginary collateral. Would have had to commence the confiscation of labor and property at $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today... Then it should be no surprise that contentious zombie supreme predatory political and racketeering economic systems that refuse to provide health care, public services or financial opportunity to its own citizenry is resorting to war against peace war against humanity and genocidal militarism using the diversion of reverse methodologies and patriotic parody hysteria.
Unaccountable above the law, in a desperate effort to feed its insatiable appetite for imperial divide conquer world conquest. 'Divide et Imperia' Julius Casear 53BC. "This is a big week for the decline and fall of our society. It’s not like we’ve bet the ranch on the Senate vote on the Obama tax compromise/cave in. But the proposal may be the beginning of the end of Social Security as we were promised it. Obama made a deal for a one year tax holiday on the employee contribution to Social Security". Posted by Michael Collins
All pyramid power structures and impending scams by laws of nature and mathematics cannot sustain itself over time and inevitably collapses. "The Greatest Rippoff of The Century the 401K" Posted by Lawrence Kotlicoff. All pension plans are government tax deferred scams and thefts. Retirement schemes are not tax free, so you have the dual confiscations and thefts of rigged interest rates and market control along with future inflation and taxes increasing over time that results in eating away all your labor and principal down to zero. Thereby creating systemic colossal demise and death warrant for the future by an independent bank cartel. American double standards hypocrisy is calculated, designed, manufactured, to result in great failure by cadres of medicated shills, underachievers, self anointed reverse victims, and Too Big To Fails. This is the reality of 21st Century America decline and fall of empire an imposed tragedy.
Summary Zenith Underachievers
Documented and self admitted 'Too Big To Fail' underachievers testify to their proud arrogant reverse victim lazy intellect before the bought and paid for Congress. Simultaneously, Americans have a delusional sense of incorrect distorted historic factual events and financial shams which they repeat to themselves. Magic of compound interest parody over and over for self assurance to deal with the reality of U.S. financial and empire zero sum scams .
"Signs that the American swineherds are preparing to abandon their own herd by imposing an austerity program on it are displayed in the report of Obama's Deficit Reduction Commission and the insistence of our Republican Congressmen that spending on "entitlements" either be reduced or paid for while spending on wars, foreign aid, and the military be allowed to continue and even increase without any provisions whatsoever for paying for them. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that warfare and foreign aid are necessary economic principals while the American people have fallen into that group of economically irrelevant people that those like Andrew Mellon would have the government liquidate. So the unemployed should be allowed to starve, and the ill should be allowed to perish—both of which principles are perfectly consistent with the "morality" of classical economics." Posted by Prof John Kozy Global research
[1] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13015
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8GMfjgE58
[3] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id1.html
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitution
[5] http://www.themoneyparty.org/main/?p=423#respond
[6] http://www.fleshandstone.net/policy_trends/2154.html
[7] http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/7938/
[8] http://21stcenturyreversepyramid.blogspot.com/
[9] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/242/019/Whistle_blower_Admits_Knowledge_of_U.S._Systemic_Wall_Street_Financial_Welfare_and_Real_Estate_Equity_Foreclosure.html
[10] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[11] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id2.html
[12] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dH_UFQtHNI
[13] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/15/tommy-tucci-us-deficit-austerity-entitlement-tax-reduction-theft-scam-illusions/
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Epic Military Might Contrary to Right Is Wrong and Impotent
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Epic Military Might Contrary to Right Is Wrong and Impotent
Shadowing through deceptive fear tactics [19] and strategy. Operating the ultimate self anointed reverse victim servile con job [39] the artificial 'parroting of American freedom and democracy pious and sanctimonious parodies of nation and patriotism' Beacon and Shining Light to the World.
Shadowing through deceptive fear tactics [19] and strategy. Operating the ultimate self anointed reverse victim servile con job [39] the artificial 'parroting of American freedom and democracy pious and sanctimonious parodies of nation and patriotism' Beacon and Shining Light to the World.
Epic Military Might Contrary to Right Is Wrong and Impotent

Epic Military Might Contrary to Right Is Wrong and Impotent
The ongoing and continuing saga of projected epic U.S. super power military might and the greatest exporter of violence and death is fatalistic flawed and impotent across the full spectrum of global dominance. Posted by Salem News. Shadowing through deceptive fear tactics [19] and strategy. Operating the ultimate self anointed reverse victim servile con job [39] the artificial 'parroting of American freedom and democracy pious and sanctimonious parodies of nation and patriotism' Beacon and Shining Light to the World. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
"Somehow it did not come across the NPR newscast that it is not Iran but Israel that routinely slaughters civilians in Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank, and that it is not Iran but the US and its NATO mercenaries who slaughter civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Pakistan." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Wikileaks Al-CIAduh Knaves Con Fools
Begins with al-CIAduh wikileaks ultra con deflection to implement cancer scanners style radiation poison control of internet information.
The ongoing and continuing saga of projected epic U.S. super power military might and the greatest exporter of violence and death is fatalistic flawed and impotent across the full spectrum of global dominance. Posted by Salem News. Shadowing through deceptive fear tactics [19] and strategy. Operating the ultimate self anointed reverse victim servile con job [39] the artificial 'parroting of American freedom and democracy pious and sanctimonious parodies of nation and patriotism' Beacon and Shining Light to the World. "For Wall Street’s billionaires, the Pentagon’s warmongers, and Washington’s most shamelessly corrupt, there has been no greater gift than Obama and his presidency." Posted by Larry Chin Global Research
"Somehow it did not come across the NPR newscast that it is not Iran but Israel that routinely slaughters civilians in Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank, and that it is not Iran but the US and its NATO mercenaries who slaughter civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Pakistan." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Wikileaks Al-CIAduh Knaves Con Fools
Begins with al-CIAduh wikileaks ultra con deflection to implement cancer scanners style radiation poison control of internet information.
Further, knaves conning and propagandizing fools to snitch quickly on passing stomach gas at Walmart Corporation by Czar Napolitano. .
Daily ongoing and continued con job, "Wikileaks was started up in Dec. of 2006. Oddly enough, as a supposed “leak” site, a dissident site, it was given a great deal of immediate mainstream attention from the likes of the Washington Post, TIME magazine, and even Cass Sunstein the now infamous Obama administration who wrote a paper on how to “cognitively infiltrate” dissident groups in order to steer them in a direction that is useful to the powers that be." Posted by Scott Creighton
Unaccountable Czars Wimps Cons Mice Men
"When Americans were paying $4 a gallon for gas, how many knew the oil that made the gasoline was “free” to the oil companies? Who split the take on this? Who was paid?" Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today. List of 35 unchecked Presidential appointed demonic Czars operating to the detriment of 'We the People' and above the US Constitution Laws.
Whimpering Madoff con men scam [51] artists supreme are hanging themselves from the pinnacles of pyramid scams screaming Ponzi and gentiles forced them to rob and steal in broad daylight. Posted by NY Times.
Government neo-con ideologues and unaccountable Czars, whimpering mice, corner themselves right into oblivion confiscating world's natural resources labors and wealth. Projecting 19th Century global military might, gunboat diplomacy, illegal occupations, usurpers of free state Sovereignty, wars against peace, destruction of civilization, torture and contempt of International Laws, monopolizing drug banking and oil cartels, war against humanity, and super power omnipotent 'might is right' anachronisms. "Everyday the news reports the corruption of U.S. foreign policy, how the United States is killing civilians, incarcerating thousands without trials, participating or allowing torture, spying on diplomats and on and on." Posted by Kevin Zeese
A systematic threat dynamic to turn humanity into an ashtray with antiquated 10,000 atomic bombs, forced fiat monetary banking system, worthless paper contracts 'magic of compound interest notes, and useless toilet paper government bonds. Hillary Clinton "We will Obliterate Them" promises Iran a 70 million death Holocaust from America..
The1945 Nagasaki Hiroshima 'Might is Right' contradiction is wrong and an impotent mentality deranged dynamic. A flawed dynamic that equates the U.S. into a giant lumbering self anointed reverse victim impotent oaf and stooge paper tiger whimpering into the 21st Century attempting to confiscate the world's labors, assets, property, and natural resources.
Over Medicated Shill Pill Operatives
Extreme lazy unsophisticated strategies and tactics of over medicated on shill pill operatives and cadres of documented and self anointed narcissistic admitted 'Too Big To Fail' clowns, their crony media counterparts, and lazy intellect ivy league Zionist cavalier academia reciting reverse 'Hate Speech.' Posted by Mondoweiss
al-CIAduh wikileaks deceptive strategy by Mr. Assange upstages and eclipses over medicated on shill pills; Wailing Wall Street Quisling [25] goons Posted by Opinion Maker, media circus clowns, lazy intellect ivy league Zionist cavalier academia, Hollywood Nazi Muslim hoaxes and releases "Chickenfeed Information" Posted by [49] Veterans Today Gordon Duff .
Volumes of alleged U.S. Imperial Empire secrets of Genocides, war against peace, war against humanity, strategies that the entire citizenry on the planet knows are being committed in the name of 'We the People' ten years before 09.11.01 false narrative flag attack on American citizenry and declared war against humanity. "Was September 11, 2001 The March to World War lll?" Global Research Posted by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Tactics c.2010 operating wikileaks deception [36] of contradictory attacks on Pakistan and daily bellicose belligerent threats against Iran simultaneously omitting contemptible Israel offenses against humanity and International Laws..Contempt and war against humanity resulting in the repeated psy ops mantra of Zionist Poison repeated whimpering but deadly story line of media distractions Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it " [37].
Ignorance Stupidity Reverse Hate Speech Self Anointed Victims
"The US ten-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several major political forces and informed by a variety of imperial interests. However these interests do not in themselves explain the depth and scope of the sustained, massive and continuing destruction of an entire society and its reduction to a permanent state of war." Posted by Dr. James Petras
Anachronistic arrogant Imperial self anointed victim industry interests; war against peace, war and ultra contempt against humanity, in Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, with daily belligerent threats to North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran.
Conversely, the 'might is right' bellicose arrogance is transferred to; self anointed victim industry Radical Islam, reverse Hate Speech Hollywood Nazi [45] Muslim [48] hoaxes, and ivy league Zionist cavalier [39] academia by lumbering impotent whimpering oafs, manufacturing accelerated self implosion, and total collapse of all life on the planet..
Hollywood Nazi and radical Islam Hoaxes a blatant example. The 9th episode of Band of Brothers, titled “Why We Fight”, represents an unprecedented level of ambition — to claim America’s WWII sacrifices as motivated by the desire to save Jews from Nazi persecution, to make America’s sacrifice in WWII all about the Jews, not about Americans doing their duty in a tragic internecine conflict. Resulting in a total Hollywood perpetuation of lazy intellect mythology irrelevance and farce of American spirit, duty, honor, and country. Critique Band of Brothers. Posted by Occidental Observer
Illegitimate Neo-Cons Czars Operate US Ideology
U.S. neo-con ideologues and unaccountable supreme Czars operating above the law. Resulting today as a usurper of all Sovereign Nations and a perpetual illegal arrogant occupier in 750 military bases throughout the world of death, destruction [40], theft, and confiscations of the worlds labors, assets, and property.
An illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries established at this Nation's founding. The U. S. Constitution, [7] Articles Bill of Rights, International Laws, Geneva Conventions, Military Code of Honor, 800 years of Habeas Corpus [8] , and Nuremberg Tribunals.
Americans stubbornly hang on to the artificial 'Beacon and Shining Light to the World' psy ops mantra while all around them are distractions of American 21st Century of self anointed reverse victim industry, propaganda, 100 years of psy ops conditioning, absolute ownership of Congress, crony media clowns, lazy intellect Hollywood, Wailing Wall Street Quisling goons, both political party circuses, and the underachieving White House.
"However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." Posted by Wayne Madsen
Summary Self Imploding Narcissistic Con Jobs
As the Neo-con Czar ideologues unhinged quest for world domination and conquest of the natural resources, labors, property, assets, life, liberty, death, and destruction continue daily to omit, ignore, and dismiss their imperious ignorant arrogance and barbarism by disconnecting from the very basic fact that planet earth will be poisoned with radiation fallout and rendered uninhabitable for billions of years.
So then promoting death destruction exporting violence and drop dead contempt for all humanity automatically reverses traps corners and self implodes the illegal ideologue demonic impotent perpetrators along with their artificial superiority and drop dead arrogance.
An illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries established at this Nation's founding [53]. Thereby effectuating their very own oblivion and demise by having no possible recourse to sustaining any life forms. Oblivion resulting in the lowest forms of amoeba existing in caves imitating the late al-CIAduh asset Mr. Osama BinLaden.
Daily ongoing and continued con job, "Wikileaks was started up in Dec. of 2006. Oddly enough, as a supposed “leak” site, a dissident site, it was given a great deal of immediate mainstream attention from the likes of the Washington Post, TIME magazine, and even Cass Sunstein the now infamous Obama administration who wrote a paper on how to “cognitively infiltrate” dissident groups in order to steer them in a direction that is useful to the powers that be." Posted by Scott Creighton
Unaccountable Czars Wimps Cons Mice Men
"When Americans were paying $4 a gallon for gas, how many knew the oil that made the gasoline was “free” to the oil companies? Who split the take on this? Who was paid?" Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today. List of 35 unchecked Presidential appointed demonic Czars operating to the detriment of 'We the People' and above the US Constitution Laws.
Whimpering Madoff con men scam [51] artists supreme are hanging themselves from the pinnacles of pyramid scams screaming Ponzi and gentiles forced them to rob and steal in broad daylight. Posted by NY Times.
Government neo-con ideologues and unaccountable Czars, whimpering mice, corner themselves right into oblivion confiscating world's natural resources labors and wealth. Projecting 19th Century global military might, gunboat diplomacy, illegal occupations, usurpers of free state Sovereignty, wars against peace, destruction of civilization, torture and contempt of International Laws, monopolizing drug banking and oil cartels, war against humanity, and super power omnipotent 'might is right' anachronisms. "Everyday the news reports the corruption of U.S. foreign policy, how the United States is killing civilians, incarcerating thousands without trials, participating or allowing torture, spying on diplomats and on and on." Posted by Kevin Zeese
A systematic threat dynamic to turn humanity into an ashtray with antiquated 10,000 atomic bombs, forced fiat monetary banking system, worthless paper contracts 'magic of compound interest notes, and useless toilet paper government bonds. Hillary Clinton "We will Obliterate Them" promises Iran a 70 million death Holocaust from America..
The1945 Nagasaki Hiroshima 'Might is Right' contradiction is wrong and an impotent mentality deranged dynamic. A flawed dynamic that equates the U.S. into a giant lumbering self anointed reverse victim impotent oaf and stooge paper tiger whimpering into the 21st Century attempting to confiscate the world's labors, assets, property, and natural resources.
Over Medicated Shill Pill Operatives
Extreme lazy unsophisticated strategies and tactics of over medicated on shill pill operatives and cadres of documented and self anointed narcissistic admitted 'Too Big To Fail' clowns, their crony media counterparts, and lazy intellect ivy league Zionist cavalier academia reciting reverse 'Hate Speech.' Posted by Mondoweiss
al-CIAduh wikileaks deceptive strategy by Mr. Assange upstages and eclipses over medicated on shill pills; Wailing Wall Street Quisling [25] goons Posted by Opinion Maker, media circus clowns, lazy intellect ivy league Zionist cavalier academia, Hollywood Nazi Muslim hoaxes and releases "Chickenfeed Information" Posted by [49] Veterans Today Gordon Duff .
Volumes of alleged U.S. Imperial Empire secrets of Genocides, war against peace, war against humanity, strategies that the entire citizenry on the planet knows are being committed in the name of 'We the People' ten years before 09.11.01 false narrative flag attack on American citizenry and declared war against humanity. "Was September 11, 2001 The March to World War lll?" Global Research Posted by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Tactics c.2010 operating wikileaks deception [36] of contradictory attacks on Pakistan and daily bellicose belligerent threats against Iran simultaneously omitting contemptible Israel offenses against humanity and International Laws..Contempt and war against humanity resulting in the repeated psy ops mantra of Zionist Poison repeated whimpering but deadly story line of media distractions Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it " [37].
Ignorance Stupidity Reverse Hate Speech Self Anointed Victims
"The US ten-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several major political forces and informed by a variety of imperial interests. However these interests do not in themselves explain the depth and scope of the sustained, massive and continuing destruction of an entire society and its reduction to a permanent state of war." Posted by Dr. James Petras
Anachronistic arrogant Imperial self anointed victim industry interests; war against peace, war and ultra contempt against humanity, in Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, with daily belligerent threats to North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran.
Conversely, the 'might is right' bellicose arrogance is transferred to; self anointed victim industry Radical Islam, reverse Hate Speech Hollywood Nazi [45] Muslim [48] hoaxes, and ivy league Zionist cavalier [39] academia by lumbering impotent whimpering oafs, manufacturing accelerated self implosion, and total collapse of all life on the planet..
Hollywood Nazi and radical Islam Hoaxes a blatant example. The 9th episode of Band of Brothers, titled “Why We Fight”, represents an unprecedented level of ambition — to claim America’s WWII sacrifices as motivated by the desire to save Jews from Nazi persecution, to make America’s sacrifice in WWII all about the Jews, not about Americans doing their duty in a tragic internecine conflict. Resulting in a total Hollywood perpetuation of lazy intellect mythology irrelevance and farce of American spirit, duty, honor, and country. Critique Band of Brothers. Posted by Occidental Observer
Illegitimate Neo-Cons Czars Operate US Ideology
U.S. neo-con ideologues and unaccountable supreme Czars operating above the law. Resulting today as a usurper of all Sovereign Nations and a perpetual illegal arrogant occupier in 750 military bases throughout the world of death, destruction [40], theft, and confiscations of the worlds labors, assets, and property.
An illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries established at this Nation's founding. The U. S. Constitution, [7] Articles Bill of Rights, International Laws, Geneva Conventions, Military Code of Honor, 800 years of Habeas Corpus [8] , and Nuremberg Tribunals.
Americans stubbornly hang on to the artificial 'Beacon and Shining Light to the World' psy ops mantra while all around them are distractions of American 21st Century of self anointed reverse victim industry, propaganda, 100 years of psy ops conditioning, absolute ownership of Congress, crony media clowns, lazy intellect Hollywood, Wailing Wall Street Quisling goons, both political party circuses, and the underachieving White House.
"However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." Posted by Wayne Madsen
Summary Self Imploding Narcissistic Con Jobs
As the Neo-con Czar ideologues unhinged quest for world domination and conquest of the natural resources, labors, property, assets, life, liberty, death, and destruction continue daily to omit, ignore, and dismiss their imperious ignorant arrogance and barbarism by disconnecting from the very basic fact that planet earth will be poisoned with radiation fallout and rendered uninhabitable for billions of years.
So then promoting death destruction exporting violence and drop dead contempt for all humanity automatically reverses traps corners and self implodes the illegal ideologue demonic impotent perpetrators along with their artificial superiority and drop dead arrogance.
An illegitimate body operating outside all legal boundaries established at this Nation's founding [53]. Thereby effectuating their very own oblivion and demise by having no possible recourse to sustaining any life forms. Oblivion resulting in the lowest forms of amoeba existing in caves imitating the late al-CIAduh asset Mr. Osama BinLaden.
[1] http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/index.html
[2] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=Bolshevik01
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21922
[5] http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/982.html
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/17/technology/17wiretap.html?_r=3&sudsredirect=true
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus_in_the_United_States
[9] http://www.brusselstribunal.org/pdf/NotesOnGenocideInIraq.pdf
[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkQoiaf7Uc&feature=player_embedded
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H9HNEtrvEE&feature=player_embedded
[12] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=FIT20101114&articleId=21911
[13] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november092010/value-assets-tt.php
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Revolution_(1917)
[15] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiXTjqjK9U&playnext=1&list=PLC55BF413174B4F24&index=35
[16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jekinMM1cAo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[17] http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/obama-give-george-hw-bush-presidential-medal-freedom
[1] http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/index.html
[2] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=Bolshevik01
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21922
[5] http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/982.html
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/17/technology/17wiretap.html?_r=3&sudsredirect=true
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus_in_the_United_States
[9] http://www.brusselstribunal.org/pdf/NotesOnGenocideInIraq.pdf
[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkQoiaf7Uc&feature=player_embedded
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H9HNEtrvEE&feature=player_embedded
[12] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=FIT20101114&articleId=21911
[13] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november092010/value-assets-tt.php
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Revolution_(1917)
[15] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiXTjqjK9U&playnext=1&list=PLC55BF413174B4F24&index=35
[16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jekinMM1cAo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[17] http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/obama-give-george-hw-bush-presidential-medal-freedom
[18] http://www.policestateplanning.com/conclusion.htm
[19] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/03/tommi-tucci-americans-chances-are-greater-being-killed-or-hit-by-lightning-in-a-bathtub-than-being-hit-or-killed-by-global-terrorists/
[20] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/october202010/thanksgiving-israel-tt.php
[21] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[22] http://www.naturalnews.com/030471_TSA_false_flag_operation.html
[23] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[24] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/10/celebration-legacy-c-2010-thanksgiving-day/
[25] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[26] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/258/877/QE1_QE2_Value_Wealth_Labor_Property_Assets_Theft_Deceptions.html
[27] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[28] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26902.htm
[29] http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Child+Molestation
[30] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[31] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[32] http://www.legitgov.org/
[33] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/10/24/gordon-duff-gadahn-call-to-attack-americans-comes-from-israel/
[34] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[35] http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/10/ho-hum-more-wikileaks-%E2%80%9Cchickenfeed%E2%80%9D/
[36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKkPUJf0nis&feature=related
[37] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4291982770392066533#
[38] http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=13329
[39] http://mondoweiss.net/2010/08/yale-conference-on-anti-semitism-targets-palestinian-identity-self-hating-jews-and-anyone-who-criticizes-israel.html
[40] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14870
[41] http://jnoubiyeh.com/2010/09/zionist-murderers-of-iraq.html
[42] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvSQuqQb5c&feature=related
[43] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/300/193/American_Goes_Undercover_to_Expose_Nazi_War_Criminal.html
[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_Wars
[45] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/steven-spielberg-body-snatcher-a-review-of-the-miniseries-band-of-brothers/
[46] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/12/10/if-we-lose-our-internet-freedoms-because-of-wikileaks-you-should-at-least-know-why/
[47] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22196
[48] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[49] http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/
[50] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22368
[51] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22364
[52] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id13.html
[53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zwcQlWsPU&feature=related
[54] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22330
[19] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/03/tommi-tucci-americans-chances-are-greater-being-killed-or-hit-by-lightning-in-a-bathtub-than-being-hit-or-killed-by-global-terrorists/
[20] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/october202010/thanksgiving-israel-tt.php
[21] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[22] http://www.naturalnews.com/030471_TSA_false_flag_operation.html
[23] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[24] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/10/celebration-legacy-c-2010-thanksgiving-day/
[25] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[26] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/258/877/QE1_QE2_Value_Wealth_Labor_Property_Assets_Theft_Deceptions.html
[27] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[28] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26902.htm
[29] http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Child+Molestation
[30] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[31] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[32] http://www.legitgov.org/
[33] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/10/24/gordon-duff-gadahn-call-to-attack-americans-comes-from-israel/
[34] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[35] http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/10/ho-hum-more-wikileaks-%E2%80%9Cchickenfeed%E2%80%9D/
[36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKkPUJf0nis&feature=related
[37] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4291982770392066533#
[38] http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=13329
[39] http://mondoweiss.net/2010/08/yale-conference-on-anti-semitism-targets-palestinian-identity-self-hating-jews-and-anyone-who-criticizes-israel.html
[40] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14870
[41] http://jnoubiyeh.com/2010/09/zionist-murderers-of-iraq.html
[42] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AvSQuqQb5c&feature=related
[43] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/300/193/American_Goes_Undercover_to_Expose_Nazi_War_Criminal.html
[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_Wars
[45] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/steven-spielberg-body-snatcher-a-review-of-the-miniseries-band-of-brothers/
[46] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/12/10/if-we-lose-our-internet-freedoms-because-of-wikileaks-you-should-at-least-know-why/
[47] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22196
[48] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[49] http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/gordonduff/
[50] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22368
[51] http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22364
[52] http://www.greatcampcustommailbox.com/ak47popcorn2007blog/id13.html
[53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zwcQlWsPU&feature=related
[54] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22330
[55] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/december132010/epic-might-ze.php
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Abused U.S. Citizenry Earn Honorary PhD in Muslim Studies
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Abused U.S. Citizenry Earn Honorary PhD in Muslim Studies
Enabling all U. S. citizenry to remain totally clueless and ignorant of historic events but earning automatic honorary PhD disciplines in Muslim study.
Enabling all U. S. citizenry to remain totally clueless and ignorant of historic events but earning automatic honorary PhD disciplines in Muslim study.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Abused U.S. Citizenry Earn Honorary PhD in Muslim Studies

Abused U.S. Citizenry Earn Honorary PhD in Muslim Studies
Philadelphia, Pa December 2010..........Adam Pearlman al-CIAda over medicated on shill pills extraordinaire in photo above left. "Article Adam Gadahn" Posted by Gordon Duff. Problematic historical education doesn't get any better than this, Mom and Dad! Default to a systematic American 21st Century of self anointed reverse victim industry, propaganda, 100 years of psy ops conditioning, absolute ownership of Congress, crony media clowns, lazy intellect Hollywood, Wailing Wall Street Quisling goons, both political party circuses, and the underachieving White House.
Enabling all U. S. citizenry to remain totally clueless and ignorant of historic events but earning automatic honorary PhD disciplines in Muslim study.
Knowledge of History Ignored Omitted Irrelevant
"A solid understanding of history has long been the best guide to comprehending the present and anticipating the future. Accordingly, people are most interested in historical questions during times of crisis, when the future seems most uncertain." Posted by Mark Weber Institute Historical Review. However, this does not apply to America of the 21st Century. U.S. citizenry repeat problematic party line parroting and pious sanctimonious patriotic parodies of 'America Beacon and Light to the World' versus "Radical Islam" Posted by Islamophobic Clarion Group
Nauseous repeated psy ops mantra of Muslims that will murder all Americans and the artificial study and interpretation of the Koran that quotes "kill Christians." This includes an additional layer of ignorance infused from the total lack of all historical factual information omitted Ignored disconnected and rendered irrelevant. The over medicated on shill pills phony clowns, celebrity false narratives, cavalier lackey academia, and useless university degrees manufacturing a self anointed victim industry, perpetrated onto U. S. citizenry psyche.
Deception, Distraction, Diversion of Historical Facts
"The Israeli Lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties, and the White House. This kind of talk will get people fired by this lobby, as we have seen recently with White House correspondent Helen Thomas [38] and CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." Posted by Wayne Madsen
Suppressed Historical Events by Western Universities
"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution how Western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union" -- Posted by Antony C. Sutton. Wall Street gangbankster goons invest $20 million in gold bullion for Troksky Lenin takeover of Imperial Russia labors asserts, property natural resources, death and destruction. Nonetheless hidden factual events of the greatest killing machine in recorded history are suppressed throughout the West. c.1917 Wailing Wall Street Quisling's killing machine administered and effectuated by the Cheka and the NKVD under the authority of pretext capitalist agents Lenin Troksky
Many Americans stubbornly continue ignoring the fact that Wailing Wall Street Quisling criminal goons have conditioned the masses with rigged market frauds, outright theft and the farce of 'magic of compound interest.' Thereby, shifting focus to other Nations, religions, and groups. Subsequently, resulting in repeating the 1917 Bolshevik confiscation and theft of the labor property assets death and destruction of Americans in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Distractions and Deceptive Strategies Tactics
U.S. Empire invading murdering and illegally occupying millions of defenseless Muslim civilian women and children across the full global spectrum decades before 9.11.01 "Lesley Stahl CBS News c.1996 on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it"? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it ."
Philadelphia, Pa December 2010..........Adam Pearlman al-CIAda over medicated on shill pills extraordinaire in photo above left. "Article Adam Gadahn" Posted by Gordon Duff. Problematic historical education doesn't get any better than this, Mom and Dad! Default to a systematic American 21st Century of self anointed reverse victim industry, propaganda, 100 years of psy ops conditioning, absolute ownership of Congress, crony media clowns, lazy intellect Hollywood, Wailing Wall Street Quisling goons, both political party circuses, and the underachieving White House.
Enabling all U. S. citizenry to remain totally clueless and ignorant of historic events but earning automatic honorary PhD disciplines in Muslim study.
Knowledge of History Ignored Omitted Irrelevant
"A solid understanding of history has long been the best guide to comprehending the present and anticipating the future. Accordingly, people are most interested in historical questions during times of crisis, when the future seems most uncertain." Posted by Mark Weber Institute Historical Review. However, this does not apply to America of the 21st Century. U.S. citizenry repeat problematic party line parroting and pious sanctimonious patriotic parodies of 'America Beacon and Light to the World' versus "Radical Islam" Posted by Islamophobic Clarion Group
Nauseous repeated psy ops mantra of Muslims that will murder all Americans and the artificial study and interpretation of the Koran that quotes "kill Christians." This includes an additional layer of ignorance infused from the total lack of all historical factual information omitted Ignored disconnected and rendered irrelevant. The over medicated on shill pills phony clowns, celebrity false narratives, cavalier lackey academia, and useless university degrees manufacturing a self anointed victim industry, perpetrated onto U. S. citizenry psyche.
Deception, Distraction, Diversion of Historical Facts
"The Israeli Lobby owns the Congress, media, Hollywood, Wall Street, both political parties, and the White House. This kind of talk will get people fired by this lobby, as we have seen recently with White House correspondent Helen Thomas [38] and CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. However, many Americans are growing tired of the arrogance of the Israel Lobby and their bigoted attitudes toward anyone who challenges their influence-peddling and their ridiculous insistence that Israel must be supported because of some ancient fairy tales involving some tribes who wandered the deserts of the Middle East and saw and heard non-existent things because of sun stroke, drinking bad water, and smoking local hallucinogenic plants." Posted by Wayne Madsen
Suppressed Historical Events by Western Universities
"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution how Western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union" -- Posted by Antony C. Sutton. Wall Street gangbankster goons invest $20 million in gold bullion for Troksky Lenin takeover of Imperial Russia labors asserts, property natural resources, death and destruction. Nonetheless hidden factual events of the greatest killing machine in recorded history are suppressed throughout the West. c.1917 Wailing Wall Street Quisling's killing machine administered and effectuated by the Cheka and the NKVD under the authority of pretext capitalist agents Lenin Troksky
Many Americans stubbornly continue ignoring the fact that Wailing Wall Street Quisling criminal goons have conditioned the masses with rigged market frauds, outright theft and the farce of 'magic of compound interest.' Thereby, shifting focus to other Nations, religions, and groups. Subsequently, resulting in repeating the 1917 Bolshevik confiscation and theft of the labor property assets death and destruction of Americans in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Distractions and Deceptive Strategies Tactics
U.S. Empire invading murdering and illegally occupying millions of defenseless Muslim civilian women and children across the full global spectrum decades before 9.11.01 "Lesley Stahl CBS News c.1996 on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it"? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it ."
al-CIAduh wikileaks deceptive strategy by Mr. Assange upstages and eclipses over medicated on shill pills circus clowns and releases "Chickenfeed Information" Posted by Gordon Duff . Volumes of alleged U.S. Imperial Empire secrets of Genocides, war against peace, war against humanity, that the entire citizenry on the planet knows are being committed in the name of 'We the People.' Tactics c.2010 operating wikileaks deception [36] of attack on Pakistan and Iran same repeated tired story of media distraction "We think the price is worth it"[37].
U.S. citizenry disconnected from and continue to ignore all indications of broken down American failures and daily confiscation of their labor property assets while pursuing systemic U.S. reverse victim industry PhD Muslim disciplines. Resulting in the inclusion of first decade of the 21st Century systematic Czarist oppression of freedom of the press, religion, assembly, association, protection of private property, repeal of 4th Amendment US Constitution installation of Cancer scanning machines, and free markets QE1 QE2.Posted by Before Its News. List of 35 unchecked Presidential appointed demonic Czars operating to the detriment of 'We the People' and above the US Constitution Laws.
U.S. Soviet Communism
Communism absolute ownership by state control or elimination of the middle class in behalf of the .o1% oligarchy. The uninhibited trajectory of criminality dynamic by supreme Czar goons accelerates across the full spectrum of world dominance by a hollow dysfunctional merit less cadre of Too Big To Failures and an underachiever grim regime. The conclusion is not unreasonable to assume that the U.S. in it's unhinged attack and abuse on humanity, repeal of US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights, Geneva Conventions, Military Code of Honor, International Laws, 800 years of Habeas Corpus, crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and it's declaration of "war on its own citizenry" Sen Bernie Sanders VT. Consequently, through distraction and deceptions the U.S. will stop at nothing to continue the race to the bottom of Empires.
Satire of Distracted Fools
There exists no challenge, dispute, or argument by any individual entity or Nation that America's citizenry are unsophisticated distracted Fools conned by Knaves. Automatic honorary PhD's in Muslim disciplines expressing ignorance of the highest order by ignoring the complete deception of America Beacon and Shining Light to the World. Posted by Mask of Zion. Simultaneously, fools being the most abused attacked and irradiated population in the global community.
Accepting the distraction and ironic self anointed reverse victim industry deception exacerbates the false narrative of outrageous discrimination and stereotyping of religions, indigenous dark Peoples, and Nations.
Conversely, focusing directed attention to special interest groups at lower Manhattan's Wailing Wall Street Quislings, City of London, lazy intellect Hollywood omitting 10.5 million WWll American Forces duty, honor, country Posted by Occidental Observer, underachieving Washington D. C. and mainstream media $10 figure crony clown celebrities. There you will find supreme crime scene scams and perpetrators of past Centuries of documented corruption. The tarnished and ultra dim Beacon and Shining Light to the World the most efficient killing machine, death, destruction. theft, and confiscation of world citizenry labors, property, and assets in recorded history. Only then will you have earned an Honorary PhD in Historical Factual Event Disciplines.
Authors Sources:
[1] http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books/bolshevik_revolution/index.html
[2] http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=Bolshevik01
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21922
[5] http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/982.html
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/17/technology/17wiretap.html?_r=3&sudsredirect=true
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habeas_corpus_in_the_United_States
[9] http://www.brusselstribunal.org/pdf/NotesOnGenocideInIraq.pdf
[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkQoiaf7Uc&feature=player_embedded
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H9HNEtrvEE&feature=player_embedded
[12] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=FIT20101114&articleId=21911
[13] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november092010/value-assets-tt.php
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Revolution_%281917)
[15] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiXTjqjK9U&playnext=1&list=PLC55BF413174B4F24&index=35
[16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jekinMM1cAo&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[17] http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/11/obama-give-george-hw-bush-presidential-medal-freedom
[18] http://www.policestateplanning.com/conclusion.htm
[19] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/03/tommi-tucci-americans-chances-are-greater-being-killed-or-hit-by-lightning-in-a-bathtub-than-being-hit-or-killed-by-global-terrorists/
[20] http://www.salem-news.com/articles/october202010/thanksgiving-israel-tt.php
[21] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[22] http://www.naturalnews.com/030471_TSA_false_flag_operation.html
[23] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[24] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/10/celebration-legacy-c-2010-thanksgiving-day/
[25] http://www.opinion-maker.org/2010/09/wailing-wall-street-a-band-of-quislings/
[26] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/258/877/QE1_QE2_Value_Wealth_Labor_Property_Assets_Theft_Deceptions.html
[27] http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/21/obama-administration-cites-the-intentional-lapse-of-security-which-allowed-the-underwear-bomber-to-board-a-plane-as-justification-for-allowing-the-tsa-to-grab-your-childs-junk/
[28] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26902.htm
[29] http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Child+Molestation
[30] http://mycatbirdseat.com/2010/12/wayne-madsen-the-israeli-lobby-owns-the-congress-hollywood-and-the-whitehouse/
[31] http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html
[32] http://www.legitgov.org/
[33] http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/10/24/gordon-duff-gadahn-call-to-attack-americans-comes-from-israel/
[34] http://www.radicalislam.org/
[35] http://dissidentvoice.org/2010/10/ho-hum-more-wikileaks-%E2%80%9Cchickenfeed%E2%80%9D/
[36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKkPUJf0nis&feature=related
[37] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4291982770392066533#
[38] http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=13329
Thursday, December 2, 2010
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Theft of Bread Daily Worst Circuses In World History
21st Century Reverse Pyramid: Theft of Bread Daily Worst Circuses In World History
The worst circuses and theft of bread daily by fatigued ogres and oafs pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal and corruption of Empire
The worst circuses and theft of bread daily by fatigued ogres and oafs pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal and corruption of Empire
Theft of Bread Daily Worst Circuses In World History

Theft of Bread Daily and the Worst Circuses In World History
Fools Conned by Knaves
Philadelphia, PA December 2010..........The Roman Empire dispensed bread and circuses to its citizenry to distract them from the criminality that had taken over Rome c.46BC. Circuses that were extravagant productions to divert citizenry from storming the gates of the corrupt Roman Senate.
America c.2010 confiscates it's citizenry bread daily and perpetuates phony and artificial circuses to the masses who have no clue as to where to storm let alone where the gates are located. Hint Washington, DC.
"When Americans were paying $4 a gallon for gas, how many knew the oil that made the gasoline was “free” to the oil companies? Who spit the take on this? Who was paid?" Posted by Gordon Duff How much was stolen through Basra? Hint Washington, DC theft and confiscation of citizenry bread daily [10].
Blatant example of the worst circuses in history including Wikileaks CIA front, artificial patriotic parody bureaucratic apparatus, and corrupt Hollywood media crony's. Big phony circus event the presentation propaganda of a single Jew repeating 'reverse victim industry hate speech' versus 10.5 million WWll American forces of patriotic, humanity, dignity, spirit, family, religion, country, and community ignored and omitted.
Resulting in a total Hollywood perpetuation of lazy intellect mythology and farce of American spirit, duty, honor, and country. Critique Band of Brothers. Posted by Occidental Observer
Fools Conned by Knaves
Philadelphia, PA December 2010..........The Roman Empire dispensed bread and circuses to its citizenry to distract them from the criminality that had taken over Rome c.46BC. Circuses that were extravagant productions to divert citizenry from storming the gates of the corrupt Roman Senate.
America c.2010 confiscates it's citizenry bread daily and perpetuates phony and artificial circuses to the masses who have no clue as to where to storm let alone where the gates are located. Hint Washington, DC.
"When Americans were paying $4 a gallon for gas, how many knew the oil that made the gasoline was “free” to the oil companies? Who spit the take on this? Who was paid?" Posted by Gordon Duff How much was stolen through Basra? Hint Washington, DC theft and confiscation of citizenry bread daily [10].
Blatant example of the worst circuses in history including Wikileaks CIA front, artificial patriotic parody bureaucratic apparatus, and corrupt Hollywood media crony's. Big phony circus event the presentation propaganda of a single Jew repeating 'reverse victim industry hate speech' versus 10.5 million WWll American forces of patriotic, humanity, dignity, spirit, family, religion, country, and community ignored and omitted.
Resulting in a total Hollywood perpetuation of lazy intellect mythology and farce of American spirit, duty, honor, and country. Critique Band of Brothers. Posted by Occidental Observer
The 9th episode of Band of Brothers, titled “Why We Fight”, represents an unprecedented level of ambition — to claim America’s WWII sacrifices as motivated by the desire to save Jews from Nazi persecution, to make America’s sacrifice in WWII all about the Jews, not about Americans doing their duty in a tragic internecine conflict.
"It is reasonable to conclude that this is the direction film is moving when a Jewish producer can tell his White Gentile audience that their fathers fought and died not in defense of their nation but for his own ethnic interests, knowing that he is safe from effective reproach." Posted by Occidental Observer
Lost Humanity, Dignity, and Spirit
"A man’s humanity should become paramount, and that only the powers of darkness opposed to human rationality resisted this development." Jakob Friedrich Fries (1775-1843) So then it should be no surprise that the lame circus Wikileaks CIA front, low intellect Hollywood and their cavalier academic counterparts is perpetuating and towing the illegal war and occupations party line propaganda in behalf of broken down and unhinged American ideology dynamic, criminal gangbanksters, Wailing Wall Street Quislings, and colluding media corrupt crony's and goons.
"The material leaked from the US government to WikiLeaks shows that the US government is an extremely disreputable gang of gangsters." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. c.2010 America lacks all humanity, self dignity, spirit, law, religion, and community shadowed by a nation of criminal torturers who ignore all International Laws and declared "war against its very own citizenry." youtube by Sen Bernie Sanders VT
"There was one reason for the invasion of Iraq with all the lies, all the killing, all the corruption. Israel wanted Iraq destroyed. Will Wikileaks ever get to something real?" Posted by Gordon Duff
Summary Theft Confiscation of Bread Daily Worst Circuses in World History
The conclusion is not unreasonable to assume that the U.S. in it's unhinged attack on humanity and it's declaration of "war on its own citizenry" Sen. Bernie Sanders VT will stop at nothing to continue the race to the bottom of Empires.
The worst circuses and theft of bread daily by fatigued ogres and oafs pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal and corruption [10] of Empire by Wailing Wall Street Quislings [6] [10], Wikileaks Zionist Poison [5] [9], FBI Police State Military [7], Illegal War and Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Korea, Yemen [8].
[1] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/jakob-friedrich-fries-and-the-intellectual-origins-of-anti-judaism-in-europe/
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOshw4kIGR4&feature=player_embedded
[3] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22202
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22213
[5] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=15318
[6] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/182/760/Wailing_Wall...Street_A_Band_of_Quislings.html
[7] http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20Editorials/2010/November/29%20o/Czars%20USA%20Illusion%20of%20Democracy%20Grim%20Dry%20Run%20for%20Military%20Police%20State%20By%20Tommy%20Tucci.htm
[8] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22196
[9] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/steven-spielberg-body-snatcher-a-review-of-the-miniseries-band-of-brothers/
"It is reasonable to conclude that this is the direction film is moving when a Jewish producer can tell his White Gentile audience that their fathers fought and died not in defense of their nation but for his own ethnic interests, knowing that he is safe from effective reproach." Posted by Occidental Observer
Lost Humanity, Dignity, and Spirit
"A man’s humanity should become paramount, and that only the powers of darkness opposed to human rationality resisted this development." Jakob Friedrich Fries (1775-1843) So then it should be no surprise that the lame circus Wikileaks CIA front, low intellect Hollywood and their cavalier academic counterparts is perpetuating and towing the illegal war and occupations party line propaganda in behalf of broken down and unhinged American ideology dynamic, criminal gangbanksters, Wailing Wall Street Quislings, and colluding media corrupt crony's and goons.
"The material leaked from the US government to WikiLeaks shows that the US government is an extremely disreputable gang of gangsters." Posted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. c.2010 America lacks all humanity, self dignity, spirit, law, religion, and community shadowed by a nation of criminal torturers who ignore all International Laws and declared "war against its very own citizenry." youtube by Sen Bernie Sanders VT
"There was one reason for the invasion of Iraq with all the lies, all the killing, all the corruption. Israel wanted Iraq destroyed. Will Wikileaks ever get to something real?" Posted by Gordon Duff
Summary Theft Confiscation of Bread Daily Worst Circuses in World History
The conclusion is not unreasonable to assume that the U.S. in it's unhinged attack on humanity and it's declaration of "war on its own citizenry" Sen. Bernie Sanders VT will stop at nothing to continue the race to the bottom of Empires.
The worst circuses and theft of bread daily by fatigued ogres and oafs pathetic deceptions to cover up and shadow the criminal and corruption [10] of Empire by Wailing Wall Street Quislings [6] [10], Wikileaks Zionist Poison [5] [9], FBI Police State Military [7], Illegal War and Occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Korea, Yemen [8].
[1] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/jakob-friedrich-fries-and-the-intellectual-origins-of-anti-judaism-in-europe/
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOshw4kIGR4&feature=player_embedded
[3] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22202
[4] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22213
[5] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=15318
[6] http://beforeitsnews.com/story/182/760/Wailing_Wall...Street_A_Band_of_Quislings.html
[7] http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20Editorials/2010/November/29%20o/Czars%20USA%20Illusion%20of%20Democracy%20Grim%20Dry%20Run%20for%20Military%20Police%20State%20By%20Tommy%20Tucci.htm
[8] http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22196
[9] http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/11/steven-spielberg-body-snatcher-a-review-of-the-miniseries-band-of-brothers/
[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcLWDGb0RqA&feature=player_embedded
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